a.20.57.txt Selection of the Grand Jury for Fall term District court 1857. To wit: Names selected 1 Josehp Shultz 2 W.M. Burney 3 C.C. Quinlan 4 Thomas Miller 5 J.C. Nowlin 6 W. Moore 7 T.w. Schladoer 8 G. Steves 9 W. Mills 10 John Shults Names selected 11 F. Steves 12 F.M. Hase 13 G.W. Jackson 14 Adam Voigt 15 R.H. Burney 16 Rich Mead 17 Wm. Frieduck (sp) 18 Daniel Arnold 19 Cadmus Willborn (sp) 20 Andrew Lills (sp) (original maintained in bound book, Volume A, page 21) Page 1