', The Ste to oY Taxsa, ~ County oY %err. 1 In Commiaeionere' Court, Regular Hovember Term, 191 E, On this the 11th doy of Hovember, 191E, thor was begun sad hol- den a regular term of the County Commisaloaere' Oourt is end Yor ea ld County end State, •t the Court House thereof in %errville, Teaes. The Yollowing bnaineae was Lranaeotad end ordered spread on the nlnntea oY this Court, OYPloere Present: Lee We lleoe, County Judge; F.A.Karger, Com'r Preo. Ho, 1; Joha Aeee, Com'r, Preo. Ho.E; H.WiedenYeld, Com'r, Pr ea. Ho. 3; J. J. Renton, Oom'r, Preo. Ho. 4; J. T. MOOre, Sheriff and '- A.:i.Moore, County Clark. The State oP Tease, 2 County oP Kerr. 1 Oa this the 11th day oY Hovember, 1912, oame on to be tabulated the retnrna oY the general election held on the 5th day oY Hovember, 1912, and ePter oame were oanvaeeed and exa mined ,the total vote oY each and every candidate, with their plurelit; or ma ,j or ity, wen entnrnd in the( book of reoorda Por auoh purpoaea, made and provided, whin; ie to be Pound of record in Vol. 1, Record oP Sleotion Returns, Prom pa gee 106 to 115, both ~""~ inoluaivo, which is hereby made a part of this record end minutes, The State oY Taxa s, County of Rerr, 1 CoLmisaionere' ^.ourt. ".lovemb ar, 12th, 1912. 3 In the mutter oP the Petition of !?. H.Wharton and seven nth^*s in roga rd to the building oP slulv~rt under the Center _oint andPurtle Jreek roan, on the ~ plane oY Hugh idene; ~, It is odd ared by the Court that same be allowed upon the YollowinQ ape- I = olYicationa; Said culv.:rt is to ba Your Peot wldo and twenty Feet long; ~9111e to be not leF than elght inohea in diemotar; the Flooding to be 4 X 6; to be built without axpanae to the County. The State oY Texaa, ~ C ~ ounty oY Kerr. 1 In Commiealonere' Court, Tiovomber Term, 1912 !~ 1 Hovember 12th, 1912. In the met tar oY the petition oY F.C.HOlekamp end eavan others, to he ve parmiaaiw `s to build n telephone line on the right-oY-way oY the Cypress CreBCC road, it is ordered by the Oourt that ea id pa rtiea be and are haroby given the Yranohiae end privilege to build ' ea id telephone line on ea ld right-oY-way. The 9ta to of Teaa s ~t , ~"+ ~ County oY Kerr. 1 In Commieaidnere' Canrt, Hovember Term, 1912. ~. ~iP Hovember lEth, 1912, 11 In the matter oY the petltioa oY Angnat Bietart and Yiva othore,to ha vo parmlaa;, to build a telephone line on the right-oY-way of the public hdghway,vis: Beginning at tl~,'i} H,s.Cor. of the land owned by A1berL Herbst; Thence 9, with open road between the lends a#'~, said Herbst and Ad, Bartel to gate road lackwm Deginnlag at the H.W. Cor, oY the land owm@ ; bq Henry 9penrath; Thence with eeld gate road to the partition line between Korr and Kendq. Conntlea. It being Por tho oonveaiaaoe of the public and not a menace to the publlo trs WF1 along-said roafle, it ie ordered by the Court bhetaeme be granted, and it ie eo ordered. The 3ta to of Texp a, QoPAty of Kerr. ~ ~tt ,~pmm~wsipnvre' t}ourt, Hovember Term 1812. °~ hT+,le~seww.+~wi•~a I u i a1~A~ ~ Vru ~ ~ w !'~ 1 ~ ~~ ~F G On this the 13th day of Nov. 1912 pomp on to be corididered the petition oP Ohael 9ohreiner and eight others, for the appointment oP a sheep inapeotor Por this, Bald Kerr Qounty, and after oarafnl inveatigatlon, it is ordered that ea id petition be parried over until the nett apaolel term of this Oonrt. The State of Texas, H y ( Ia Commiealonere' Court, Kerr County, Tezsa, November, Term, 1912 ""~ Oonnt of Karr, On thin the 13th day oP Nov. 1912, name on to be aonaidered the annual statement oP Ohaa, 9ohrainer, Banker, Depository for the %errville Independent Sohool Dietr iot, 1t ie ordered by the Oourt that aurae be deferred until some Putura term of thin Oourt, The State oY Texas, Oounty oP Kerr. ( In Oommieaionera' Court, November Term, 1912. On thla the 13th day oP November, 1912, oame on to bo oonaidered the agaeement between this Oonrt end J.L.Niohols in regard the amount of damages allowed for a neighbor- hood road running aprons saki Niohola' lsnd, and heretofore Bald Niahole has been allowed the sum of X50.00, and aooording to Bald agreement, ha ie entitled to a Yurthar sus oP °$b0. it is therefore ordere8 that the olerk of this Oourt do issue voucher Por the ea id sour of X60.00 to ea1d.Nlahola in Pull Por all and any auoh damages es ha may be entitled to for • the oonetruotion of ea id road. The 9ta to of Texas, County of Karr. ( In Commissioners' Court. November Term, 1912, It is ordeaid by the Oonrt that the 9uartarly Yaporte of A.H.MOOre, Olerk; .H. Turner, d.P. Pr en. No. 1, and Je s. Or dtty, J.P. Prep. No. 2, ba and the same are hereby ap- proved. The Stets of Taxae, IQI Oounty of Kerr, ( In Commissioners' Court, Novamb~^r Term, 1912, On this day oame up Por ooneidaration, the apaning oP a noighborhood road eorose tka land oP Tom wallbarn Por the use $i John ~aee at.a1. and the ea id Tom wellborn and hie wiP having appeared 1n open Court agroed that acid road might be made eorose their said lend Par the oottvenienoa of eeid parties, provided good, proper and oonvanient gates should be areoted, but Karr Oounty to be at no ezpenae in the matter, And it ie understood that the said Tom wellborn and w1Pa and the other parties interested herein, shall agree upon the exeot plane Por said road and tho place where sold gates shall ba areoted, end Pile aamo in this Covrt, when the direction or Pield notoe oP said road shall ba entered oP reoord, The State oP Tezsa, ~~ Oounty oP Karr. - In Oammieaionera' Oourt, November Term, 1912, It 1a ordered by the Oonrt that the Clerk oP this Oourt and the Oonnty Treaeuror oP agid Oonaty, be end they era hereby authorizad to trgnefar the sum of ~b00.00 from the Oounty Advalornm Pond to the Road k Bridge H'unfl. The 3tata of Tezsa, 11 Uosnty of %err, ( In Commlealonere' Oonrt, November Term, 1912. It 1a ordered by the Oourt that the sum oP y31.6a be traeYerred by the County Olark sad the Trsaeurer.Yrom the kdvalornm Pune to the Jeil ~ppalr i'uud, The State oP Tezsa, ~~ Oounty oP Karr, ( In Commlgaioaera~ Qourt, ltovember Term, 1912. ,.~~