On this the 13th day oY Nov. 1912 camp on to be copildered the petition pi Ohael Schreiner and eight other e, for the appointment of a sheep inepeotor Yor this, sold Kerr County, and after oarafRl inveatlgation, it is ordered that sold petltion be oarried ovor until the neat speaiel Corm of this Court. j The State oY Texa e, i 7 Oounty of Barr, ~ In Commiesiaaere' Oonrt, Kerr County, Tezaa, November, Term, 1912 On this the 13th day of Nov. 1912, oame,on to be aonaidered the annual statement of Ohea. Sohraiaer, Banker, Hepoeitory Yor the Kerrville 2ndependent Sohool Distriot, it ie ordered by the Court that aurae be deferred until some future term oY this Oourt, The State oY Texas, County of Kerr. ~ In Commieaionera' Court, November Term, 1912. On thla the 13th day of November, 1912, acme on to be ooaeidered the agseement between this Oanrt and J.L.Niohola 1n regard the amount of de~gea allowed for a neighbor- hood road running eoroae said Niohola' land, and heretofore ea id Niohola hoe been allowed the sum of x{50.00, and acoording to Bald agreement, he 1s entitled to a fuzthar eua of ,~b0. it ie therefore ordere8 that the olerk of Chia Oourt do 1esRa vouoher for the ea id sum of X80.00 to ea id. Niohola 1n full for all and any anoh de magae es ha may be entitled to for the ooaatruation of said road. G Tho State of Tax&s, / County oY Kerr. ~ In Commisalonera' Court. Novomber Term, 1912, It ie ordenid by the Oonrt that the anarterly Kaporte oY A,H.ffioore, Olerk; r.. H. Turner, J.P. Preo. No. 1, end Je a. Or dtty, J.P. Preo. No. 2, be and the same are hereby ep- provad, 0 The Sts to oY Taxa s, ~Q I County oY Kerr, ( In Comnlseionera' Court, Novamb:r Term, 1912. On this day Dame up Yor ooneideration, the opening of a neighborhood road eoroae Ilba land of Tom Wellborn for the ueo di John $aea et.el. and the aeld Tom Wellborn and hie wif having appeared 1n open Court agroed that ea id road might be made eoroae their avid lead far the oonvenienoa of ea id parties, provided good, proper and oonvenlent gates should ba greoted, but Karr County to be at ho eapenee 1n the matter, And it is understood that the said Tom Wellborn and wlfe and the other parties intoreated herein, shall agree upon the exeot plane for ea id road and the place where said gates shall be ereoted, sad file aamo in this Court, when the direotion or field notoa of said road shall be entered of record, The State oY Texas, ~~ Oounty aY 8err. ~ In Oommlasionera' Oourt, November Tarm, 1912. It ie ordered by the Oourt that the Clark of this Oourt and the Oonnty Tr eaeuror of ggld Oouaty, be and they are hereby authorized to trgnafar the enm of $b00.00 from the Oounty Advalornm Pond to the Road k Bridge Bund. The State of Tezae, Iz OoMUty of %err, ~ Ia Commlaelonere' Court, Novomber Term, 1912. It 1a ordered by the Oourt that the sum of ~Sl,ba ba traePerred by the County Olerk and the Trsaeurer.Yrom the Advalorum Puae to the Ja11 +~ppeir 3M1~ad. The State oY Tezga, ~~ I Oouaty of Karr, ~ Ia Commdaaionera~ court, Hogembar Term, 191E. ,,