€3 THE 3TAT OF TERA3 1 COVSITY OF KsRR. 1 '7herea.e, on the 16th day of Dea., 1912 a petition was presante to me for an election in the town of Center Point of this County requesting that an eleotio be ordered to determine whether said town shall adapt the Commission form of government, and also for the election of a Mayor and two commissioners for said town, said petition bearing the requlsite number of signatures ~f the voters of said town, and being in every respect in conformity with law. Now, therefore, I, Lee 'Aellace, in my oopaolty as County Judge of ..°arr Oovnty, Texas, do hereby order that on election be hold on the 25th day of Sanuary,1913, at the Guodalupe Vel- lay Bank in said to~sn of Center Paint, which said town is bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning eta point on the South bank of the Guedelupa River 100 vs Heat from the Nort west oor.of Sur. No. 47 in the name of, and surveyed for J.S.Hewitt, Assignee of the Bnffalo Bayou, Brasos & Colorado Ry.CO., Thanae 9onth 1729 va to point in the South line of a sub- division of said No, 47, now owned by John Rees; Thence Ha at 192 vs. to the S.H.oor. sadd Rees lend at 252 vs cor. of land row ownefl by R.Lang; Thence @7. 76 8. 206 va. to oor, of Oenter Point, Cemetery Grounds; Thence Pd. 7i; E, with 3onth line of said Grounds at 469 ve to Caster of road at lino of sur. 1do. 47 and Sio. 48, J,'7.Lann; Thenpe H. at 6~ va a point in fence line 62~ va South of 3.7r.oor. of land owned by Pir Posey, Thence on Sast a 216 vs. to Pdr. Murdoak's line at a point 62~ vs south of his N.7. cor. at 39b vs to H. line of Mr. Piurdoakla land at 699} the cast line of D.Moor~'a land end ',7eat line of Gabe Moose's end "49 land, at 998} va the line of svr. No. 48, J."!.Lann, '4.L.Hailsy, this being the vast line of Gabe' Moose's land; Thence North with said line 1722 va to the South bank of the Guada- lupe River; Thia being the point nor. surveys Nos. 48 end 49; Thence East 342 va crossing the river to the ~aet line oY sur. No. 38, J.Qoodbread, and ^aat lino of Sur. No.37, ~~ Besalio ?dangin; Thence North with said line 2~2 ve croaeing the railway to the i1. '. oor, of ass the Depot Grounds of the San Lntonio & Aranaes He~iwsy Co., Thenaa with the North line of A sold Gro~inda North 65 ?l. 238 va corner; Thence N, 7}w 187 vs. corner. Thence S. 86 Q7. 187 i ve. to the N.'7.Cor. of said Depot grounds; Thenaa with the N. line of said Railway right of "!ay S. 87 R. 1700 va to the line of sur. No. 40, Geo. Grain and Sur. No. 41, Ches.Messer; , '~ Thonoe South with said line croaeing the railroad, passing between the property owned by i i J.T.Moore 515 va, the North bank of the river; Thence down the North bank of the river to a point opposite the beginning point; Thanae South across the river to the 4~~I pleoo of beginning; I! IIi Said aledtion to determine whether a me~ority of the legally quolified voters of said to desire that said town adopt the Commission Form of government, and tho election of a mayor ~~i and two oommissionera for said town. W.D.Burney and James Sellers are hereby oppointed Judgae of said election, R.D.Burney Pre- siding Judge, sad M.O.Britt and J.M.Bruff ors hereby appointed Clerks of said elootion. Tho Presiding Judge of said election shall within two days, after said election hca bee held make returns thereof to the County Judge of Kerr County, Texas, as is required by law The ballots for ea id election shell have printed thereon the following; " For CO',ii'.7>SION" "AGAI;'GT CO;di.tI3SI0N". All persons who era levelly qualified voters of this state and of this county, end who resides within the limits of said town, shall be entitled to vote at said election. County Judge, 8err Co., Texas. The above end foregoing Order regarding ea Hlaotioa in the Loam 0; Oentor +'oint, npoa the gReetioa of a Commieelonarl~,torm o~ 4overnmea0 and the eleotioq oS a Kayos k two =9 ire, ie hereby upon this dote eat aside for the reason the notioee of said i~leotioa tail :o oontain a de eoription by metes and bounds oY said town of Center $olat. This eeo. 30th, 1912. Lee ^,ia lls ce Co. Judge Barr County,Texae. ~~ /' ~"" Ohs State of Teaea ~ 7ounty of Karr. ˘ Whersea, oa the 31st day of Deoember, 1912, a petition wee pre- sented to me for eleotioa in tho town of Center Point of this County requesting that en also Lion be ordered Lo determine whether ea id town shell adop6 the 0ommleeioa O'osm of gowernmea sad also for the eleotioa of a Ye yor and two oommi eeianere for said town, said patio oa bear ing the requisite number of eigaetnrae of the voters of sold town, end being in every res- peot Sa ednformity with law. $Ow, therefore, 3,, Lee Aallaoe, ih my,oepeony as Ooanty Judge qi Karr County,Tazaa, do hereby order that an eleotioa be held on the 16th day of lsbrnery, 1913, et the Guadalupe Valley Bank in said town oY Qenter point, whioh said town ie bounded ea follows, to-wit: Beginning et a point on the Month bank of the Guadalupe Adves 100 va. 1~aet from the BortlyAee oor. of ear, Bo. 47 in the name of sad earveyed for J.S.Hewltt, Assignee of the Baflelo Bey- ou Brawoe b Colorado Ry. Co. Thence South 1829 ve to point 1n South line of a subdivision o! ea id Bo. 47 now owned by Joha Aea s, Theno• as st 198 vs to Lhe 5.~. oor, said Pees land st Eb2 va, oor. of lead now owned by A. Lang; Thence A. 76 ~. 206 ve. to oor, of oeeter lfoint eemetery 6rounde; Thence ~. 7E}t with 9onth ling of said 6ronnde et 4b9 vs to,Ceater of roof et line of ear. Bo, 47 and $o. 48, J.^l,Lena; Theaoe ~. at 6} vs. a point in feae• line 6E} ve, South of 3,A. oor, of lead awned by ~f. foeq; Thence on }eat at Elb} ve. to Yme. par- dook's line at a point 6E} ve. loath of hie B.A. oor. at 896 ve to i. line of l4i'. DMrdook'e land et 699 Yie .ea et 11na oY D. 8o ore'^ land ap6 Aeet line of (labs =oor s'e land; at 998} ve. the line oY our. $o. 40 J,w.Lann and 49 A.L.$aiUy, this being the ~e st line of Gabe Hoore'e lend; 7henoe Borth with eeid line 172E ve to the Month bank oY the Gnedalnpa River; 7hie 6eiag the ~oiat oor. surveys $os. 48 and 49; Theaoe ae et 342 vs. Oros sing the river to the }eat line of Sur. $o. 38, J, 6oodbrsad, end Aeet line of fur. $o. 47, Haeelio llengin Theaoe Borth with eeid line E9Z y@,.oroseing the Aailny to the y.H. oor, of the Depot 6rean~ of the Sea Antonio b drpnaea Pese Aeilaey Co., Thence with the Bgrth line of ea id Groande forth 6b A. 238} ve. to corner; Thence B. 7} M. 187 vs. oaeme;; lheno• S. 86 ~. 187 ve to the $.!7.oor. of ea id Depot &rounda; Thence with the Y, line of sed4 Railway right of way ~. 87 A. 1700 ve to the line of eorvey $o. 40, 6a o. Cain end survey $o. 61, 9hae. Yesaer; lhanoe Soath with ea id line o;osaiag the reillrald,, passing between the property owned by d. w.MOOre and bl6 vs, the forth bank of the river; Thenoa down the Borth bank of the river to a point opposite beginning point; Thence South across the river to the pia oe oY beginning. 9e id eleotioa to determine whether a mayor ity of the legally gnaliiiad eaters oY the ea 18 town desire that Bald town adopt the Commiaeida_POrm oY eovernmant, and the elastics of e mayor and two oomeiesioner^ for said towh. A.D,Bnrney and Je e. Sellers are hereby appointed Jnflgee of eeid >flaot ion W.D.Burney being ap- pointed Pre aiding jadge; end 1[.O,~itt and J.M.Brnff ere hereby appointed Clerks of ea id Ahe presiding Judge of eeid eleotioa shall within two days after eeid eleotioa hen been ld tusks returns thsreoi to the County Judge of fear County, Te;,l~, ee ie required by few. a be110t for geld alention shall have prlnteQ.tb.er~OII th• fOlluwi~ng. i ,.~ ~ ..