~z Kerrville, To~ae, Feb. 10, 1913. Hon. Commiesionore' Court of Korr County, Tezae. Gontlemsn: Th• ;iret state Bank of Kerrvillo, if solooted County dopoeitory Bor tho enaniag two years' form, off ere to pay on the fends of 8err County dspoaitod with it, intoraat at the rat• of five per coat and ono-tenth of ono porcro~bt por annum (6 1:/10), interest to b• oomputod upon the daily balanaee end oreditsd end poyablo ae preaoribed by law. !-e eooompany this bid with a aortifioate ar Cashier's oheok for ~ 100 p t• Hon. io• lfalleoo, County Judge, in oomplianoe with this requirement of law. Very reepeotinlly First stets Benk of Kerrville, Hy T. F. X. Dietert President. Th• petition of Jo• spenreth and aeventesn others, regarding an agreement between Hugo Wlodenfeld and Henry spenreth to dam off the real wc:tsr flow one third oleea road on the north aide of Henry spenrath'e land, oama on to be hoard and same was aontinne by th• Court for further investigation. ~S -~(~~, A. H. AII,LIAfisOH, COiJHTY THE+.siTRFDt. On this 11th day of February, A. D. 1913, oame on to be hoard th• gnarter7,y report of A. B. Xilliamaon, County Troeanrsr-:af Korr County, Tezae, for tpo quarter ending January 31, A. D. 1813, an8 th• same having been oarefally ozeminsd ie approved and order of raoord. JURY FUND. let CZAS9 Halanoe To amount roaeivedduring Cunrter Hy amount paid out during Qaerter, Hzhlbit "1" By 2~ por coat Commiaeion en Amount roooivod Hy 8} por osnt Commission of ,-mount paid out Amount t• Balano• Halanoa ROAD AHD $RIDOE FUND. 2d 07.ASS. Bolano• To amount roooived during ^uartor To amount transferred from others Fantle By Amount paid out during Qaerter, Bzhibit "B" Hg 2} por oent Commisoion on lmonnt reoeivod Hy 2} per sent Cemmiseion of Amount paid out Amount to Haleao• Halano• ~ 948.49 106.17 ~ .426.04 2.62 10.6b 644.36 1483.66 1083.66 644.3b ~ 1308.89 1296.60 600.00 ~ 932.48 32.41 23.a1 E117.18 31Q6.39 310b.39 2117.18 13 ! I GEHERAL COIIHTY FU~iD. Sd CLA33. 8alaioe { 8981.80 ~ 7e lmonnt roooivsd daring Qnertsr 16b3.7E I _ Bylmount paid ear daring Qnerter, B:hibit "0" } 1663.86 By lmonnt tranaterred to other Sande b48.61 A By .B} per neat Oommiaeion en !mount reoeivod 38.84 By Pr} pe! oeat Oommieeioa of /mevnt paid eut 33.84 ~ r lmonnt t• Baleno• 634E.47 8616.6E 8b16.bE f Bolano• 834E.47 ~ C.. H. k dki8 FUBD. f Belano• ~ b14.08 To lmonnt reoeivod daring Qdertes E14. E9 By E} per oont Commiseian ea lmonnt reoeived 6.36 lmonnt t• Baleno• 7E6.87 78L$E 781.3E Beleao• 726.87 i ~ C. H.~H~pa it Fnad. I Balenos ~ 142.08 f To lmonnt reoeivod daring Qneztsr il.E6 Hy E} por neat Oemmiaeion ea lmonnt reoeivod .E8 Amenat t• Helenoe 1b3.Ob ' I 163.33 165.33 Baleno• 163.Ob ' BPBCIAL FIIBD. Baleno• ~ 413. E0 ~' To lmonnt rsaelvsd daring Quarter 71.64 ! 8)lmonnt paid out daring Qnerter, 1ssybblt "H" 17.64 By E} per Bent Commleelon oa Amount reoeivod 1.78 ~~, By E} per oent Commleeion on .4monnt paid out .43 I lmonnt t• Balenos 464.88 f 484.64 484.64 Belano• 464.88 J/IL RHPAIR F4BiD. 8elano• 48.61 Te lmonnt reoeivod daring Qnerter ~ 86.44 Te /fount tranelerred Sr om other tnnda 46.b1 I ~ i `- .By !leant paid onL daring Qaertsr, rahibit "F" 17.54 t Sy &~ per oent Gmmieeion ea lmonnt reoeived E.16 i !, Sy 8} per oent Ceamieeiea en lmonnt paid ant .43 i lmonnt 6o Boleao• 68.31 i 18E.96 13E.8b j ~ Be leno• 66.81 t v; 14 DRBT9 DD'R TO AHD FROM THE COIIATY. Balano• last Report Amount debts due aino• le et Report Amount debts awing einoe le et Eepert Balano• ]t16k4.23 14206.80 A. B. Williamson County Treasurer Kerz Q~nnty, Tezea. OI-HED HY KffiiR COIIHTY CCURT HOU9R REPAIR One City of 8errvill• Hond ~ b00.00 THE STATE OF TEYA9 I County of Kerr 1 Befor• ms, the undersigned authority, p}reoaally appeared the members of the Oemmlesioners' Court of said County, whose names ar• below subeorlbed, who, upon thelr eatl~,q,, do clay; That th• requirements e3 drt. 867, Chapter 1, Title KZ7, of the revised statutes of Tezee, amended by the regular session of the twenty-fifth Legielatnr• have is all things been oomplied with, and that the oaeh r,nd other aessat mentioned in the quarter- ly report mad• end tilefl is this Court by A. B. !~illiemeon, County Treasurer of eaifl County far the quarter eading the 31 day •f Jea., 1918, end held by him ter se id County, hav bass tally inspected sad oounted by ue at this term of Oeurt; and that the amount of money end •there sees tea in the heads of said Treasurer are ee ~ollow~:-- Caeh in the hands of the County Depositary ~ 1Ob14.23 Other Asaests Oae 91ty of Kerrville 3ead ~ b00.00 Tetel # 11014.23 Le• Walleo• County Judge, Korr oounty, Tezas. Arthur Reel Com'r. Prooiaot He. 1. ~- John Roes Com'r. Preoinot ~s. E. H. Wisdeafeld Cem'r. Es'eolnot Ho. 3. J. Y. Webb Com'r. Preainot Hs. 4 Bwera to sad anbaoribed before me this the llt~f day •t Febrwsry, 1913. i 10274.98 3931.8E ~ 3692.b7 14206.80 1Ob14.23 Zn Cemmiesionere' Cenrt Feby. Term, 1913. J. R. Leavell County Olerk, Kerr County, Tezes. THE STATE OF TEEAS, 1 Ia Commissioners Cenrt, Kerr County County oY Kerr ) February Term, 1913. On thle the 11 day of February, A. D. 1913, It appearing t• the Court that A. YoFarlend, aotlag ee the Agent of Kerr Cennty, and Hades and in compliaaoe with dns orders of the OemIDiaeiener• Cenrt et said Kerr County, herstoiore, to wit;-- One the 26th. days et April, A. D. 1891, ezeouted and delivered is T.'&. Smith, ISd T. 9mit~ and flee, W. 8a1tA,1~' d•ed eY ooATeyanera, aenvsylar to them the aeid T. 8. Smith, &d T. Smith and Gee. :~ ~ -.