14 .. DRHT9 DD8 TO ARD FROM THE COIIIITY, Helano• last Report ~ 10274.98 Amount debts du• aino• last Report 3931.82 Amount dsbte owing sines last Eopgrt ~ 3692,b7 14206.80 10614.23 Belano• ]DFik4.23 14206.80 A. B. Williameott County Treasurer %orr Q~nnty, Tozea. OWNRD BY %8!?R COA&TY CODRT HOIISH REPAIR Ono City of Berrvill• Bond $ 600.00 THE 9TAT& OF TR3A3 1 County of %orr ) In Cemmieaionere' Court Foby. Torm, 1913. Beior• me, the undersigned authority, p~reonally appeared the members of the Oommieeionors' Oourt of eaifl County, whose names ar• below aubeoribod, who, upon Choir oatliq,,. do Day; That th• regniremsata sY Art. 867, Chapter 1, Titls %ZV, of th• revised statutes of Tezae, amended by the regular session oP the twenty-filth Legielatnr• have in ell things been oomplied with, and that the oeah and other asesat montlonsd in th• onarter- ly report mad• end iilofl in this Court by A. B. !71113ameon, County Treasurer eP eaifl County for th• gnerter ending the 31 day of Jan., 1913, end held by him Per acid County, hav boon Pally inspected end oounted by ue at this term ai Court; end that the amount of money and ethora e~~e~ in the bends oP said Treasurer are ea fellows;-- Caeh in the hands of the County Depoeltory ~ lOb14.23 Other Assssta Ono 61ty oP %srrville 3ond # b00.00 Total ~ 11014. L3 Loo Aelleo• County Judge, %orr Oounty, T•zas. Arthur Roel Com'r. Prooinot Bo. 1. John Roeq Com'r. Prooinot ~s. 2. H. Wlodon;old Com'r. Prooinot Ho. 3. J. 7[. aobb Com'r. Prooinot Se. 4 Swera to sad enbeoribod bolero ms this the ll~ day oP Febsaary, 1913. J. R. Loavoll Cannty Olsrk, %orr Oovnty, Tssae. THS STATE OF TELi3, ) Ia Commlesioasre Cenrt, %orr County County of Korr ) Fobrnery Torm, 1913. Oa this the 11 day of Fobraery, A. D. 1913, It eppoaring t• the Comb theb •. ][oFarload, agtlag ae the Agent of Boss County, aafl Hader sad in oomplianoe with dns orders aY the Oommloeionore Oenrt of said 8srr County, herstotors, to wit;-- Ono the 2bth. dale ei April, A. D. 1591, ozooutod end delivered is T: E. Smith, Ed T. Smith and floe. W, 9sl,bh } d}sd oY oglgvayanob, eoavoyin? to them the aedd,T. 8. Smith, &d T. Smith and Oeo. 15 W. Smith,oae hundred eiaty eoree of lenfl, more or lose, is Hrowa County, Tszee, same being known ea parts eY anb-divisions Boe. 31 end 32 of Kerr uu^sunty Sohoel Lends, ant oP original Surveys Bee. 274, 276 sad 276, a oertiYied oopy oY whioh said Original Dsed, under seal of the Clerk of the County 8snrt oY Brown County, Tsxae, hee:beea eahibited to~the Court end whioh appears t• be oP reoord in said Brown County Deed Rsoorde, is Vel. 80, pa gee 428, 429 and 430; that ea ld T. E. Smith, Ed T. Smith and Geo. W. Smith eaeonted ee pert payment Yor Bald land their ~oiat promissory note far ~ 804.00 with 109b interest per annum Yrom flats until paid, lnt sr saL pa yebls annually 1n adissaoe; that said note wee paid and deole red flisoherged end the lien raise eed by Berr County, eotiag by its Agent, A. MoFarla ad, by a release dated D9aroh 21eL., 1683, a oertified oopy oY whioh ea id $eleg,a• has been sa- hibited to the gaurt end whioh appears to b• oY reoord in 8rewn County, Texas, in Vel. 3b page 386 et esq., end whereas the ~anrt is oY •pinion that Kerr Cennty has rsoeived the money due to her Prem this ea ld ea le~; end whereas the evidenoe beior• this Court ie suoh ae Se reasons ble end oozvinoing, there being enYYioiont evidenoe to let the Cenrt believe that Kerr Cennty has reoeivod the proper amount of money Yrom said T. E. Smith, Ed. T. Smith and Gs o. W. Smith, to dieohargs their ob liga tlan to Kerr County, sad that %err County hoe need and rsoeived the Pall beaeYit oY the moneys paid in aetiafeotioa ei said obligatie of said T. E. Smith, Ed T. Smith end Geo. w. Bmith; It is therefere ordered and deored by the Oommiesionere Ceurt eY %err County, Tezse, that the deed sad releoe• hereinbefer• msatianed b• 1a ell things re tlYied and pondirmed on bobs lY oY said Kerr County, Tezee, and De taken ae the biA~[ing sot end Deed oY said %err County, Tszee, eotiag by sad through its Cemmiesionere Court. ~~ T$B STATE OF TEEA9, ) Iz Cemmiseionsr Court, Kerr County, ~ County eY %err. ) February Tarm, 1913. Oa this the ll~dey of February, d. D. 1813, It appearing to the Ceurt that A. 11oPerlend, eotiag ae the Agent eY %err County, sad ender end in oomplianos with due erdar~ oY the Cemmiseionera Canrt of se id %err County, heretotors, to-nit:- Oa the 2bth. day of Ootober, A. D. 1884, assented sad delivered to C. A. Egger a dead ei oanveyeaoe, conveying to him, the ea id C. •. Egger, three hundred twenty eoree eY land, more or leas, in Brown County, Toass, same being known ae anb divisions Bee. 62 and 63 of Bers Cannty I~~~ Sohool lands, ant ei surveys Bos. 292, 293 sad 274, a oertifUd oopy oY whioh ea id original i ' deed, Hader seal oY the Clerk of the County Court of esewa County, Tezse bee bees ezhibited' to the Cenrt and whioh appears to b• aY roerd in said Brawn Cennty, Tezse, in Vol. 32, pages 37b, 376, end 397,that ee Sd C. d. Egger easouted ee part payment Yor said lead hie promissory note Yar = 608.00 with 10~r Sntareet par annum Prom date until pe id, interest payable annually in edvanee; t11et said Hots w^e deolered dlsoharged and paid end the lkea rel ee sad by %err County eotiag by its Agsat, A. HoFarland, bye raise e• detefl ;leroh LAet., j 1888, a oertified oopy of whioh said release hoe been ezhibited t• the Court and whioh '; appear to be eY reoord is drown County, Tease, in Vol. 86, page 387 st seq., sad whereas the Cenrt ie oP opinion that %err Ceunty hen rsoeived the money due to her Yrom Lhie said - sale, end whereas the evidenoe befer• this said Gnrt is snob ae ie reasonable e,yd oonvino- ing, there being eniYioisnt evidenoe to let the Court believe that %err County hoe rsoeived the preper amount of money Yrom ea id C. A. Egger to diaaharge hie said eb liga tion to %err Coa~yty.;. ~pnd that %srx Conxtty hoe need aRd reoeivod the Ynil beaeYit of the moneys paid in i ' satisfeotien •f said ebligetion oY said C. A. $gger; It is therefor ordered and deoreed by the Oemmia eionere Oonrt et, Kerr Cenpty, Texas, that the deed sad release her slab efere ' msihensd b• in ail things rstlYied sa4 oon.firmed on bahalP of ca id Kerr Cannty. Tezse_ ens