County bonds April 10, 1913. =f1 ~z It is ordered by the CsurL that r^.raeet PYelYter bs paid ~ 2.00, ba lanes dna him oa aoelps prodnoed at the may Term eY thls Court, A. D. 1912, and the Clerk ie to issue wencher oavering said amount. o ----------------'-----'--'------------'-------^° $~.5 ~z %err County, managers and Presiding OYYioere nor various Preoinote. manegare end Presiding OYfioera far the various sl eotioa Preoinote wore appointed es shown oY reo Ord in the dleatioa mimates, valnme He. 1, et pa gee 28 to 26, iaolnaive, rsoord oP Eleotioa ofYioere Por %err~COnnty, Tsaes, to whloh is referred to and made q part oY these minutes. ~~~'~ ROAD OVER3ET.Ti3. Road over seers appointed by agoh oommiea ioter to nerve r. term of two years is eaoh oY the Cemmiaaioner`.s Prealnot rsapeotively. ~~_ S APPORTIONm6NT OF ROAD ABD BRIDOB FIIND. Apportionment oY the road sad brldRe fund wee me de and ordered by the Court ae follows; Pr solnot No. 1, X1950.00; Pr soiaot No. 2, ~ 960.00; Pr soinot No. 3, ~ 6b0.00; Preolnot No. 4, ~ 14b0.00. It is ordered by the Court that the lnterest eacnmulating Par the neat two years Prom the general Ynnfl payable by the County depositary be pleoed to the oredit of the road and bridge fund; 9ohool fund inter oat to the awe ilable eohool fund: ~?6 ~ It ie ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue vonoher Por S 1400.00 to ba pe ld out eP the Ad valorem Pend to Drano 9ohott ee per hie oontra of to repelr Lhe ~e il. Tree anrsr'e amiuel statement of aohoole' Ynnd Por %errville Independent Sohool Diatriot heving been ezemined end approved ie ordered noted on the minutes. s The petition of Frits Holekamp and thirty others to Olean out and put in travell- ing oonditian the third oleee road leading Yrom 3toneleigh Renoh to the Kerrville and Oea er Peiat Reed at 311ver Creek, ooming en to be heard, it is the opialoa oP the Court that ea id road should bs opened and put in condition ea prayed Yor in the petition. It 1e therefore ordered that said road be opened sad put in travelling oonditien ae prayefl far in said peEltUn. ,- T$B STATS OF TBSA9 ) La-Commiaeloaers' 6ourti Kerr'Connty, Oannty ei xerr ) Teaaa, February Tsrp~ 1913. ' It Se hereby agrael and oo#treot~d by sad betty•ea •. B. 'A1111emeon, County Treasurer oY %err Qen~ty, Tezas, qn L1)a one pert sad the CamisNgaere' Court of Kerr ~` Oounty, Tpzae, en the"sther,,.~ps#;;that Sy vlew of the proapaottad' bead isanaa in sprioap. prsoinots in K '~ aFr'COnptyt;T*jys, for the parpsse of building sad aaintsining pnbldo reds t)N aid {. 8, 1Pilli~a)asei 4o}traoLq aa4,1~ tAat 1S eei,G bead iseae_or i,~sagl should 5 ". ~( ~p C:2.... .. .. .., ~.. .. '. ~ ~ a. _iC( .J 1x4N _,~ ~, s... J /°dY "rf, t.. ....