18 oarry thou in auoh event the said A. B. WSh iemeon agrsee th~~t he will not oharge any Commission whatever far reoelving end diabnreing funds derived from said bond ieen• or iteuea end in view of the premieee the Commiasionere' Court agrees to make no raduotign for two years in the ea id A. B. Williameon'a oommdeaione ae came now atande. • av• +• ~'~ PAUPER AID. %err County Pauper Aid Thw follewlag per eons were allowed $ 4.00 per month, ea eh, for the neat three months. rdre. Gilman, ]dlas 611men, Bdra. Ada Joy, Yrs. E. Bd. Hertoa, John 4a3tsr, Yrs. J. W. Story, Bar a. J. ,'.i. Dowde end Yrs. D. Rains. HI ------------------------------------------------- Ia Commleaionere' Jourt %err County, February Tsrm, 1818. It is or dared by tho Coiu't that Charles Sohreiaer b• paid $ 3.76 ae water rent Oi fire hydran4 on Yonntaln $trest, for the 7llonthe of 9optombor, October and Diovember. Said Amount being heretofore peseo~, by this Court. It ie further ordered that the County oontinae to pay for said fire hydrenq indefinitely. In Commiaeionera' Court %err County February Term, 1813. It ie ordered by the Court that Lovi J. Surber, oonetable in and for Pr~pdnot Eo. E be paid the cum of $ 13.30 for gnarling TT. L. Eazell, daring his illness, ' and for onmmoning two witneeaeo to appear before Commioaisnora' Court. ~ y ~ ------------------------------------------------- Ia Commiaelonera' Court Rerr Oonnty February Term, 1913. Judge Lee 7clleo• 1s inetruoted to negiotate end oontraot with James Sellerq to oollsot delinquent tezse, and make any arrangements he deems nsoeseery in ool- }Rpting avid delingnenoiee in taaee far %err County. Iq Romelaoionsre' Oonst %err County February Tsrm, 1913. It 1e ordered by the Court that Gnatavo Leader be paid the anm of $ 10,A es difioreno• between prioe of materiel used in building fono• Per %err County, aad,tHe "~~ prioe ef`soateriel that ehonli have b,~-en nge4. ,/~S -- --w-. y.-.. wn-..Tw--- ~ ----- ----------..-.. Ia :Commiuioaose' Qenrf farm: 91~atj F~broury Term, 1818.