1.8 oarry then in enoh event the eaifl A. B, will.iamson egree• thrt he will not ohargs any Commission whatever fsr reoeiving end disbursing funds derived from said bond issue er issues end in view of the prsmieee th• Commissioners' Court agrees to make no reduotion for two years in the ea id A. B. Williameon'e oommleaiona ae eam~ now stands. ~~~ G~.~~ -Count dge, er oun y. ou reapprer, smm sa oaer~~rso. ~•. o se oner s o~` ~3seionerj rso /'•.~ ~~ sa oner r y~!.IO PAUPER AID. %srr County Pauper Aid The fallswing persona were allowed ~ 4.00 per month, eaoh, Por the neat three morthe. Mrs. Gilman, Misa oilmea, 2Are. Ada Joy, Mrs. E. M. Norton, John 9w2ta', Nrs. J. 14. Story, Mrs. J. ;.i. Dpwde and Mrs. D. Rains. X141 Ia Csmmisaioaer s' Jonrt %err County, February Term, 1918. It is ordered by the Court that Charles Sohreiner b• paid ~ 3.76 as water rent Dt rir• hydrant en Mountain Strsst Por tho anathe of Ssptsmbsr, October and November. Said Amount being hsrstofor• paeso~, by this Court. It ie farther ordered that the County continue to pay Por said fire hydrant lndsfinitely. ~rf ~" In Cemmiasionere' Court 8srr Cennty February Term, 1913. It ie or dared by the Court that Levi J. Surber, oonsteble in end Par PrApdnot No. E b• paid the anm oP ~ 13.30 for guarding l9. L, Eszsll, daring his illness, and for aummoning two witneeee• to app oar before Commissisne;e' Court. ~ 3 ------------------------------------------------- 9 In Commieeionere' Court %err Oounty February Term, 1913. Judas Lee '.Oclleo• 1s inetruoted to negiotats and oontraot with James Ssllorq t• oollsot delinquent fazes, and make any arreagemsnte he deems neosaeery in osl- }e9t3ag ea id dslingnenoies in tease Por %srr County. ~~ Is},Commissiansre' Oenrt 8srr Oennty Febraery Tsrm, 1913. it ie ordered by the Court that Gastavo Laeder bs paid the sum oY g 1Q,0 ~• difiersnoo,betweon prioe of materiel peed in building Yeao• far %err County, end,tho~°- prioe et'-seterlal that ehenld have b~Gen npe4. Iat Aommiseioners' 4enrt ~,Fx- 4eyntl Febraery Term, 1913. _: .~sl~