is The following oYfioera' reports were sae mined end approved~- E. H. ?'arnsr, Juetias of the Peaoe, Preainot No. 1; J. R. Lea wll, County ead Dietri~t Clerk. J. T. Moore, Tea aollsotor. ~(~ 8orr County Levying oY tezee Levying oY teaea postponed until nezt regular term oY this Court. Bert County Fixing es lery of effio ere. It is •rdered by the Court that the ae lery oY County ofYiosr e,Yor th.. neat two years, be ea Y~llowe, per ennvm;- Oeunty Judge, $ 600.00,- County Jndgs ae Snpt: _of ~:3oheole, $ 300.00; Sheriff, $ 400.00,- Jail guard, $ 400.OOy Dietriot Clerk, $ 27b.00,- County Clerk, $ 400.00, inolnding the ke~piag of the Yineaoe ledger ~~.8nd ~$ 100.00 Yer keeping iadioea. County Tree rarer, $} pea oent oommies ions ea reoei pta and 2~ per oent oommieeion i oa di ebnrasmeate oY ell oonnty Ynnds. Se id se lariee to be pe id quarterly, ead said pr scent I~ order to begin February 1, 1913, and peat ae lar iea be paid ee heretofore ordered. "14~ --------°'°'-------------'-"-----"-----'--°--' %srr County Transfer of $ 60.00 . It ie er dared by the Court that the County Treasurer transfer $ b0,00 Yr om the road end bridge Yund to the ed ve lorem fund. N ' ~Iv° 8err County Linoleum Yor the Clerk a ofYios The Court inetrnoted the Clork to have linoleum laid in the oifios dspartmesb oY the Clerk's offioe. ~ ~ o °--'-----'_--------'-------------------- Ia Commissioners' Court Bert County, Fe:~ruary Term, 1913. It ie order od by the Court that the Yield sofas prepared Dy 6. L. 9terkey, aur- veyer, to the four oommiaeioaere' preoinots oY %srr County be ead they are hereby pollpte~ , end th• Clerk ie iastrnoted to reoord ea me in the minutes oY this Court. i FIELD $OT89 TO C02BAZSSIOBERB' PRsCIHOTS. , Preoinat He. 1. Beginning at a point in %srr and Gillse pl• Oeunty line where it interesots the N, line eY 9ur. 120. 1 B. S. 8 P. Sordp IDo. 1686, Theao• south to Its 9. N. ooraer, Theao• - ~ Nest to the 8. N, ooraer of Survey $~. 1 L. ~, Petill• Csrtii. Ho. 1847, Thsaoe Seath to tha S. N. oermerBO. 2', spa torlp. Theao+ S. N. to 3._oorner oY Sur. Ne. 1582, •. Nord.. i Thsaee S, $. LO i• aosaa; a; Sat. H!. 12b !. liargiape.(Theaos S. N, with line tiY.S4:~126 to the #, osr. of Ia. 18C P. 1(artiaes oa honk of Guedslupe Rive Theao• down end eorese t#! i rives to tYe lower end &, oerne; of,~as. 8e. 139 R. B. ltertla. Thsaae 9, N. with lid H~, 189~:te the II. aern~r of 9ns. Ya. 676 Y. Y. Burleson. ~y~ M •Y. tlk ..aR.~ ~ .. . .. iM.~ti i..~l a tf'..:: a. #. ~... 2.1 .. a.n ~.. .i. .4'.." ..ra.e.. ... Mi rZ.:,+rv. r+Pr{.,r '..