L~ W. D. tlurnsy -------- SE votes; Gso. s. Thomee ------ 33 vatee; Ja mss Seller -------- E votes; James Crotty ------- 2 votes; J. 9. Thomeaoa --------- 1 vote; L. N. Coifee ----- 1 vote; John Reee -------- 1 vote. It io therefore ordered and proolaimed by ms, in aVV of£ioiel ups oity ea County Judge o£ Kerr County, Tezae, diet the question of a Commission Fo1Gm of Government for said Lown oY Center Point hee oarried ae shown by the Returns and Conat of ee id eleotioa end it io ao ordered. Lee Aelleo• h ;~{.. County Judge. Kerr Co., Tezae. THH STATR OF T$ZAB, County of .Kerr. ) April 7, 1913. Oa this the 7th day of April, 1913, the Commissioaer'e Court of Kern County, Tezae, being oonvened in a regular eeeaion at the envrt house of said oounty, in Kerrville, Tezae, all tho members of said oourt being present, to wit: Lae Asllaoe, County Judge. Arthur Beal, Commissioner Prs. No. one. John Bees, Commissioner pre. Ho. two. Hugh Wiadenield, Commissioner Yre. Ho. three. J. Y. Webb, Commissioner Pre. No. four and passed the Following order, to wit: On this day acme on to be heRrd and ooneidered the petltlon oP L. A. $ohrelaor `` and over fifty other persona, who are resident property taz payers and gnadi;sad voters of Commieaioner'e Preoinot Ho. one of Kerr County, Tszas, being s politcoal subdivision of Bald oounty sad deaoribed by metes and bonnda as follows: Beglnning at a point in Kerr and Gillespie County line where it interaeate the .d. line of Snr. Ho. 1, B. s. & H. Sorip Ho. 1b86. Thenoe South to its S. W. ooraer. Thenoe W. to the N. W. aornor of Survey fto. 1, L. •. Patillo Certif. No. 1847 Thenoe South to the 8. W. Cor. Yo. E, same scrip. Thenoe 8. W. to 9. ogrner of Svr. No. 1888, A. Ward. Thsnaa 8. 8. its H. ooraer oP Sur. Ho. 1E5, F. Martinea. Thenoe S. W. with line of No. lEb to the W. oor. of No. 1E4, H. llartinea on baat3coP Guadalupe River. Theme down and soroee the elver tro the lower end $. ooraer of Sur. Ho. 139, H. B. 6lartin. Thenoe 5. W. with line of Ho. 189 to the H. ooraer of Sur. No. 676, M. M. Burleson. Thenoe S. $. to r N. nor. No. 113{, 0. C. 5. D. to R. G. H. G. By. Co. Thena+ 8. W. to cor. in Sur. Ho, 1608, D. 0. Y. Garale. Thenoe W. to S. W. oor. of Sur. Ho. 1b09. Thenoe S. to ooraer in Sur. Ho. 1blE. Thenoe W. to H. W. oor. Ho. 4, $. p. Haulkner in the Eaet line OP Ho. 1 Kendall ~ Co. 8ohool lead. Thenoe H. to H. E. oor. same. Thonae Waet to H. W. oox. came. Thenoe S. to N. E. oor. Ho. 3, Kendall Co. Sohool land. .Thenoe W, to H. W. oor. same. Thenoe ~' due S. to 8err & Bnndera County line. Thenoe $. sad S. S. with said County line to a ~' point on Sur. No. 1, A. B. & M. about b00 vre. W. Prom its $. line. Thenoe in a straight North easterly oonrae to the $. oornar of Survey Ho, 63, W. T. Crook and N. nor. of fto. ~ 6E, W. T. Crook on 8. Dank of the rivor. Thenoe down and soroee said rivor to the S. corner of 5nr. $o. 71, W. T. Crook. Theno• H. W. with line oP eald Ho. 71 in due aouras to a point pa Sur. Ho. 14E3 almost due west of the S. t7. oornar oP Survey Ho. 1 A. B. & $. i ~, Certif. No. 809. Thenoe N. W• to S. 1Y. nor. Sur. Ho. 8, B. H. I. & lt. Co. Thenoe dun North to a point itt 8. line of 5nr. Ho. 1, B. 5. fie H. Certif. No. 1/996. Thenoe Kaet to 3. a. oor. Bur. Ho. 3, B. 9. & B. Thonae H. to the Kerr & Gillespie County line. Thenoe P W. with Bald Cquaty line to the plane of beBinaing, to be orssted into s road diatriot of ' ierr County. Tezss, and that bonds be issued by said Road Diatriatr of Kors County, Tez6a, in the sum of H9rty Thog6and Agllere, bearing 1ntaR~at at the refs oP fibs per oeatnm par i 26 annum and maturing forty yearn Prom the date oP the iaauanoe oP said bonds and redeemable at the option oP said Road Diet riot oP 8err County, Tessa, at any time after tan years Prom the date thereof, Por the purpose oP constructing, maintaining and operating meaadamiaed, graveled or paved road and turnpikes or in aid thereof. And it appearing to the Court that as13 petition ie signe8 by more than fifty oP the resident property tea pgving voters of the above and foregoing deeoribed territory oP Karr County, Tezae, and that the amount oP the bonds to be issued will not eaoeed one- fonrth oP the seas eaed valuation oP the real property situated in said above described territory oP Kerr County, Taxes. It is therefore considered BAd~ordered by the court, that the above and foregoing deeoribed ~sr}+d tipsy oP Kerr County, Tessa, be and the same is hereby created a Road Dlstrio t9 be known and designated ea Road District No. one;,of Kerr County, Tessa. And it ie further ordered by the Court that an eleotion ba hemd in the said above desar'6bed Road District No. one oP Kerr County, Tezae, on the 12thday oP May, A. D. 1913, which is not lees than thirty days Prom the data of thin order, to determine whether otL not bonds of said Road District No. one oP Kerr County, Teaaa, shall be Saeuad in the amount oP Forty Thousanl Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of five par oantum per annum and maturing forty yearn Prom the date thereof and redeemable at the option oP said Road District No. one of Kerr County, Tezae, at any time after tan years Prom their date, and whether a tea shall be levied upon the property of said Road District No. one oP Kerr County „Tessa, enb~eot to tsastion, Yor the purpose oP paying the interest on said bonds and to provide a sinking Yund Por the redemption of said bonds at maturity. Notion of said election shall be given by publication fa s new,pppger published in said Road District No. onaof said Kerr County, Tease, Por Pour auooesaive weeks before the date of said eleotion and in addition thereto notioes oP said eleotion shall bs posted up at three publla planes in said Road Dist riat No. one of Kerr County, Tazea, and of which said notioes shall be posted at the Court House door of Kerr County, Texas, Yor three weaka prior to the date of said edeation. St is further ordered by the Court that Bald election shall be held at the fol- lowing places in said Road District No. one oY the County aforesaid, to wit: At the Court Rouen in Kerrville, iesea, the usual voting plans of election Precinct No. Dne, and at the Turtle Creek school house, the usual voting place of election Precinct No. 7 and being yhe only voting precinotb within the boundaries of said Road District No. Ana oP said County; and YJm. Nimitz i+e hereby appointed manager of said eleotion..et the Kerrville voting tins $pa $dward Schmidt is hereby appointed manager Of said election at the Turtle Creek voting boz.' ~8add eleotion shall be held Hader the provisions of the General Laws of Tessa, and the returns oP said eleotion shall Ds made sa now provided for making returns oP eleotiona Por the purpose of determining whether county bonds shall bo issued. Al~psraons dho are property taz-payers sad who are gpAaitied •lettewe reaifling . within said Road District No. one oY-Kerr County Tezae, shell be allowed to vote at said elsation and all voters desiring to support the propAettiAnrto issue bonds shall have written qr printed on their ballets the words !$or the Sasnsaoe oP bonds and the levying ~.9,P a ta: in payment thereof", and all O~oalrooppoeed to the proposition to issue bonds aha hevo wrietsn or printed on-their ballots the words "-gsia~t the iasusnoe on bonds and the la9yirlg of s tea ~ payment SII~nftor.^ l dopy of th~.a 9rder signed by tL~e County Jndge.of the County aforesaid shall ~w` - ..,...,-,,.,~ ._...._..~_.... _._._.~.__~_.~ -_n_.~. ,,~..~.~ Z - - ~ ee rve ea s proper unties of said eleotloa and the County Judge is direatsd to cause said t aotioe to be published in a newspaper in said Boad Diatriot No. one oP Kerr County, Tease, Por Pour esscoees ive weeks next preaed ing said election and cause a aotioe thareoY to be posted at three pub lio plsoea in said Boad District Ito. one oP said County and one antics at Uha Court house door thereof; Por three weeks prior to the date of said election. zf~~ In Commiesioyeret Court, ) Kerr County ) April 7, 1913. This day name on to be heard the wrltten application o£ Jas. Crotty £rom Center Point, Tease, tendering hie resignation ea Jnatioe o£ the Peace and Esc Pfic io Note: Yublio in and Por Prea inat No. E, Kerr County, Tezae. And the Court h:,ving read and oon- aidered ea id appllasf ion, hereby accepts hie resignation ea said Jnst ice oY the Peace and Ez officio Notary Yublia, in and Yor Preoinot No. 2, Kerr County, ~Lesas. In Commisaionere' Court, ) Kerr County. ) April 7, 1913. On this day came on to be heard the application of S. D. $illough, to be appointed to fill the vacancy as Justine oP the Yeace sad Es oft'inio Notary Public in and Por Juat ins Preoinot No. E, Centel Point, Kerr County, Teass, and it appearing to the Court that Bald S. D. K111ough is well qualified and a suitable man for ouch vaoenoy and hav iag produced in open Court goofl and lawful Bonds, sa Justice oY the Pease and as Ea officio Notary Public, wh ioh were examined; and approved, by the Court. It 1s therefore ordered by the Court tkat 9. D. Killough be and ha ie hereby eppolnted to Pill such vao- @#&,y e•0 Juetioe of the Pesos and Ea oYfia io Notary 1'ublio in and £or Preoinot No. 2, Cent Po1nL, Kerr County, Teass. +~ Sq ---------------------------^-------------------- In Commiaeionere' Court. ) Kerr County, ) April 7, 1913. 1Phereas it has come to the knowledge oP the Commioeionera' Court that much ~~ deoaying and oPfenelve scavenger matter is being dumped near some of the puDlio roads leading out of the City oP JCerrville by parties unknown to the Court sad that said off~n- sive matter has become and is a public nuisance. It is theraPose assn Yvedupy„tke Court that the City Council oP said City be ae speotPully invited to ooagpeeate with this Court is an effort to relieve the travelling public of said nuisance. The Clork is requested to spread Chia Yepslutioa upon the ginutea oP the Court and to Yurnish the Secretary oP the City s copy hereof. ~.anA/ ~' ~"`t JouNTY JUDCE's oBDn7i ~ G~~~~, The Ste to oY Tease ) County oP Kerr `) whsrees, on the 12th day oY April, 1913, a peti tlon was presented to me Yor ea election is Common School Di strict No, b oY thin County on the gn •etion oP is suing }ond to provide Panda to b• eapsnded in pe yment of eacounte le ge lly oontreoted in constructing end •gnipping 4 Pnblia Pre9 3ohool B~ilding o° oonorQt• material, eafl parohaeing a site ,