2 serve ae a proper notice of said election and the County Judge is diractsd to cause said aotioe to be published in a newspaper in said Road District No. one oY Kerr County, Tsass, for four eueoees ivo weeks aezt preaed ing said election and cause s notice thereof to be posted at three publio plsosa in said Road District Ido. one of said County and one notice at the Court home door thereof; for three weeks prior to the date of said election. 7137 ---------------------------°------------________ In CommleslonereC Court, ) Kerr County ) April 7, 1913. This day came on to be heard the written application of Jae. Crotty from Center Point, Tease, tendering hie resignation ae Justice of the Peace and Ezoffieio Hots: Public in and for Precinct No. E, Kerr County, Tezae. And the Court having read and con- sidered said application, hereby accepts hie resignation ae said Jnst ice oP the Peace and Ez officio Notary Yublio, in and for Preoinot No. 2, Kerr County, Tezae. In Commieeionere' Court, ) Kerz County. ) April 7, 1913. On this day came on to be heard the appliohtlon of S. D. $illough, to be appointed to fill the vacancy as Justlae of the Yeaoe and Ez offioio Stot ~.ry Public 1a and for Just ins Precinct No. E, CentsT Yoint, Kerr County, Tezae, and it appearing to the Court that Bald S. D. Killough is well qualified and s suitable man for auah vacancy and having produced in open Court good and lawihl Bonds, ae Justice of the Yeaoe and ae Ea officio No t;:ry Public, which were examined, and approved, by the Court. Zt 1s therefore ordered by the Court that 9. D. K111ough be and he Se hereby appointed to fill ouch vao- @A®y 4/ Juatdoe of the Peace sad Ea offioio Notary Yublio in and for Preoinot No. E, Centi Point, Kerr County, Tezae. Sy In Commiaeionere' Court, ) Kerr County, ) April 7, 191.3. whereas it has Dome to the knowledge of the Commisaionera' Court that much # `o_ decaying and ofYenelve scavenger matter de being dumped near some of the publio roads leading out of the City of Kerrville by parbiea unknown to the Court and that said ofYen- eive matter has become and is a publio nulaenoe. It is therefore asao Yaedbpy ~hhe Court that the City Couac it of said City be se apeotfully invited to ooeppeaaee with tihie Court in an effort to reldeve the travelling public oY said nuisance. The Clark is reque atad. to •. spread this its eslut ion upon the pinutes of the Court sad to Yurniah the Secretary of the CSty s copy hereof. ~J~~~~ ' ~MtiIN/ ~~ y ____________ w~ , ' ~~~ JOUNTY JUDOE'S ORDFdi G Th• State of Tszae ) County aY Kerr ~) whereas, on the 12th day of April, 1913, a petition wee pr ea anted to me for en slection in Common School Diatrlct No, b of bhis County on the ga•atian of issuing ion[ to ,provide funds to b• eapended in payment of accounts legally aoatraoted Sn constructing end •gaipping a Pablic Fra• School Building of o aiorete estsxlel, and paroheeing a site ~',