3~ t ID,Yettere oP the petition of Henry Spenreth ) In Commiesionera' Court, May Term, 1913. 7) On this 14th day of Me y, 1913, oams oa to ba heard and oonaidared th• petition oY Henry 9psnrath, rasidlag within Preodaot No. 8 of %arr County, Tezae, preying for en order, or permission, to mp~fl a di tdh along the County road on hie premises to oarry storm water into a dry oreek„for the purpose oY pro tooting hie field ea3 premises from over-ilowing, sad it appesring to th• ea ti efa otion oY the Court that said dit oh prayed Yor is neoeseary to oe rry off the storm water, ae prayed for in said petition, sad said Henry 9penreth ie grante3 permlaslon to make ea 13 dithh es preyed Yor is hie petition oa ails, at hie own ezpenae and with a aoffid Seat cape olty to aerry oway with psr£eot safety ea id water into se id dry oreek, and to keep sold ditbh in good repalr et hie own ezpsnse. ~ J1 J. T. Moore, Colleotor. ) I Ia Commieaioner e' Court, May Term, 1813. It ie ordered by the Court that the enm of ~ 3.68 from Sohool Dietriot Ho. 21 add ~ 12.48 Yrom Sahool Dietriot $o. Ya. 12, b• traneferrs3 from the eooount of ~ T. Moore, Tez Colleotor, the same being ezosee pleaed Lo hie eredit, of the total e~ounb assessed in said Sohool Dietriots hereinbafore mentioned, and that ea ms be transferred to Dletriat Sohool No. E, in order to baleao• ell eooounte of said oolleotor. ~ ~3 -----------y----------- $srr County. ) Pauper aid. Ib ie ordered by the Court that the following named parties be allowed ~ 4.00 sa oh, for months of Nay, Jnne, end Daly, nisi Mre. D. Reins, Mrs, Jno. Story, Mrs. J. N. Dowda, Mrs. Gilmea, Mies 6dl.man, Mrs. Ada Joy, end Mrs. &. M. Norton. ~' 4 Commiseioaor Irthnr Reel 1e iaetruatad by the Court to buy some of othing for pauper, Jpbl Colter sad make othor allows noes that he may Seem neoeseary dnring th• quarter. ~ 7.~ It ie ordered by the Court that 4lm. Nimitz and Edward 3ohmidt ba allowed S 6.00 se oh, end 8. H. Smith, 3. H. Huntington, J.~Braeutigam, ,. ,M: Lamb, J;.-A..-9sith,l 9a2itiW B.~B.Danton_ be allowed .~ .2.00"ea oh .for holding ap eciel elo otion for tho..isaveaoa of.Roed.~Hpade.end.ahe.'lsvying ot.a. tax 1n payment thereof~on the 12th day oY May, A. D.U. t~ 96 Board of Equalization. ) In Commieeloners' Oonrt. May Term, 1813. Court met ae a Board of Egnel3ze tioa end the •seeeeor presented the in- ventories of property rendered to him for the year 1918, end upon oareYnl ezamination of ee id inveatordse, It Ss orderaa by the Court that the following propu ty owners be notified that thle Conrt~deeires to relee their e9aessmente for the year 1915 end to appear on the3let day of May, 1813, end show oanee Vliy same should not be raised, via; 2. d. W. Dletert 8dt~rd Distort y c