3b W. C. Whartoh W. W. Dioll H. Ho11 Stoak Company E. E. Dietart J. Lee Goes Estate Southwestern Telephone Company •. Emma J. F. Surber THE STATE 0r' Tis`7CA3 , ) County of Kerr. ) Prow on this th• 16th day of ~^ey creme on to be oonaidered the proposition of Judge H. ~t. Horsey and maok Burney to sell Kerr County enough land eoross their re- apeotive trante for %err County to eats 611ah sad make a fir at sleet pablia road oa along end eoross same. End after duly considering aedd proposition to aoll said lends et ~ 200.00 foe ea oh amounts 1t Se oonalderadLyq:the Court that avid propositions are fe1! and inst. It is therefore oraered by the Court that said propositions and sash of them be and th• same ere jiereby eoaepted end the Olsrk ie hereby euthorizsd and instruotod to issue warrant to the said H. M. Burney and BOeok Burney for the sam of y 800.00 eeoh when oeoh of them shall hav made good and auffioiant warranty deed for the reepeotiw;:parta owned by sash. The foregoing Minutes from page 31 open Court this the 16th day of Mey, 1913. Att at: i y er err ouaty, eze ~ ~g THE STATE OF TEbA3 I County oY %err ) Fir et State Denk of %arrvills. P. J. Dominguee Western Union Telegraph Company San Antonio & arenaae Paea Railway Co. 6uadalupa Valley Bank of Center Point. George W. Lamb H. B. Clapp in Commissioners' Court. rdey Term. 1913. to 36 inalnaive, wore read and eppra$ed in ~mun~. err oua y, Teaea. BE IT RED9BMBSRED, That on the 31st day of ?day, 1913, there was begun and holden a epeaiel term oY the Commleaionera' Court is and for $err ,County, Taaae, at the Oourt House tharsoP is %srrville. OBYICERB YRE98DiT: Le• Talleoe, Oounty dodge. •rthur Reel, Oommieeioner Praoinot Ro. 1. John Reea Commiteioner Preoiaot No. 2. Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner Preoinotr No. 3. J. 1Q. Webb, Oommleeioner Praoinot Hb. C. J'. T. Moors, Sheriff, sad J. R. Laevell, Clark. The Ceart having been regularly open the fallowing prooeeainga wer• had sad ordsrep apreifl oa the Yiaatas of the Caart: