37 ?$H STATE OF TEEA9, Oeanty of %err ~ ~ ~9 Ta the Honereble Commiaeionar s' Court of Geld Oountyt we, the Hader elgned ottioero, holding en slsotloa on the 17 day of Hey 1918 is Co>®oa 8ohool D1eEriob Be. 6 of said County, upon the qusetloY of Seeaing ~ 1200 of sohool hones boade Por ea id distrlot running 20 ysere end bearing 6 per osa4 interest, end levying. e boa on ell tezabls propsrty in said dietrdo4 eutfioieat to pay the our rent Saterset oa ea id boade aafl provide a sinking Pnad enftioientr tro pay the prinoipel es peturity, hereby oertity thab at said eleobiea Fhere:ws;e oast 81 veto, of whioh anmbsr thers were oeett For the Bonds ........................... 19 votse. Against the Hoade ..~ .....................• 3 vobse, 1fe for iby for the Beads 16 votes. we herewith snalepe pall lieb sad telly sheet oP said sleotioa. 8lgned this the 17 day of Iley 1918 j. Y ]feyhngh Froidiag GYPSmeer. Joe Byee Judge. J. H. Dots.. Jaage. R B Haut Clerk. W. T. Baldwin Clerk. ,~ ~6 BS IT RHYN+YBL`Ji&D, Thet oa thle the 31st day of 74~y Dame on to be ooaeiflered the e otion o! the Commiuloaer e' Coact of 6111eep 1e Ooaaty in di Delving the Nolt Crok line 8ehool Distrdeb lying along end on both eider of the Couaty line bstween %err end Oilleepie Countries sad after dns ooneidera tri0n efl eiifl mt tter the Court is ell things approve the said di seolntrion of said Die tr lot as an advantage to ell parties oonoeraod. ~$~ The assessments oY the following named persona were-ordered raised by the Board oP Equeliastion, vis: A. M. Lamb. W. C. Wharton. H. Hell Stook Company. E. E. Dietert. Sonthweetern Telephone Company. First State Bank oP %errville. 5. A. & A. P. Ry. Company. Jno. Surber. The Eatthta oP J. Yee Gosa. A. Emma. P. ~7,. Dominguee. It ie ordered by the Board of Equslieation that the aeaeesment of H. B. Clapp be reduced Prom ~ p00.00 to ~ 600.00. the Torsgoiag minutsa Prom page 36 to 37 iaolusiva were road and approved in open 4ourt this 31st day of 1(ey A.D. 1913. /~///~~~ ~~~,o,f Attest ~//{,{~ C Dun y'i5~ ~~~"'~'~ ie. Y, azae. j le