3 t~ ~r~z THS 9T9TS OF TESA9 ) County of Berr ) By Proolametioa of the Governor oP.the 9tete Poa en elaotion to be held 3etnrday Jnly 18th Por the purpose of voting Por or againeb amea3ing the Conetitntion oP the State of Tsaee, in Artiole b, Ssotion 9, drtiole 16 aiding Seotioa 68, Jrtiole 3, Seobiona 48 eafl b6 ae appears from said Pr oola motion. How therefore it ie ordered by the County Judge that said elaotion be held on ea id date at the 3esigaatad plsoee oP voting in the same voting Preoinots a• wane established and deeignetad by the Commieeionors Oourt at its regular 8ebraary Term and further theX the Presiding Judges and ofPioere of said &lsotion shall be and they are healpy'to hold eeifl elaotion, same ea were appointed the regalar Fabrnary Term oP the Commieeionor'e Court to serve as suoh ab regular 'eleotione for two year thereafter. This ~YSy 81st 1818 Lee Aalleoe .7~'g 3 On this 3ey oeme on to be ooneidere3 the returns of an alaotlon hold on the 17 dry of tday, 1813, in Common Sohool Distrlot No, b of this oounty upon the question oP issuing ~ 1800.00 oP eohoolhouee bonds far ea id distriot, running 20 years, and bearing five pas neat Interest, and levying a taz on ell t!1[able property of said 3lstriot enffiolent to pay the ourrant interest oa said boa3e end provide a sinking fund ~tdfioient to pay the prinaipel et mstarity, and it appearing that said elaotion was in all raspeats legally held end that ea id returns wars duly eafl legally me de and that there wer• oea~ et said elsation twenty-two votes, oP whloh number there ware ae~b: !or the Bonds 18 i+otes. ~galnat the Bond• 3 votes. Ind it appearing to the wonrt from said returns that a majority ai the gnsllYied property fez paying voters of said distriot, voting et ea id elaotion, voted in fever of issuing ea i3 bonds an3 for saifl tax, the oourt does hereby 3eolare the said fez to have oarriod in ee13 distriot end the proposition Por the isaneno• of said bonds to have been adopted, and.bbst this oourt Sa euthorias3 to isaus said bonds and to levy and have eesess- ed and pollee*sd said taz. the foregoing lflinutee from pege~ E6 bo Sg, inolueiva, were reed end approved is open Court this the 31st doy oP May, •. D. 1913. Attest: ~ eY ,P i~ ~/c~ punt ge, erz y, ezee.