~o W. to 3. W, oor. eams ear. Thenoe North to 9. S, oor. No. 1619, T. W. N. 6.~ Thenoe Wegt to S. W, oor. same our. Thenoe North to S. E. oor. eur. No. 1617 9. Williamson; Thsno• West to N. S, oor. No. 1833, G. C. & S. F,; Thenoe South to 9. &. oor. same our. Thenoe Wsat to 3. W, oor, came ear. Thenoe 9Dnth bor. in North line of the S. L. 3nblett Prs- smption; Thenoe Eoet to R. E, oor. same ear. Thenoe South to 9. S. oor. IDo. 1666, Thenoe S. S. to N. W, oor. No. 808, Hy. Lang; 'Thenoe South to S. W. oor. same enr. Thecae Seat to 9. E, oor. same enr. on Benk of Soath fork Guadalupe River; 'Phenoe np the river to S. W, oor. No. 1960, D. A. Anflareon; 'Chsnoe Ea et oor. of some enr. Thenoe South oor. of eams anr. Thenoe Saet to N. W. oor. No. 1E81 T. T. Ry Phenoe South to the 9. W. oor. No. 1889 T. T. 8y. Thence Eeat to 9. S. oor. same our. Thenoe South to the pdaoe of beginnings 8or the pnr pose of providing funds to be expended in payment of Eoo 071nte legally oontraoted in ooaatruoting sad •Qn}piling a publio free sohool building oi.. oon- arst• materiel and parohaaing 4 •ite therefor. 9e id beads shall be numbered ooneeontively from 1 to 4 inolnaive; shall be of the 3anomination of $ 300,00 eaoh, ag,gregating $ 1800.00. They shall be dated Jnly 10, 1913, end shall beoolAe dna and payable 80 years attar date. They shall bear interest at the rote of 676 per annum payable annually on April 10th of seah year. Principal and interest shell be payable upon prseentation and anrrsndar of ~mtide or proper aonpone in lawful money oY the IInited States at the office of the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tezae, in Kerrville, Tszes. The eai3 bonds shall be aignefl by the County Judge, aonntereigaed by the County Clark and regietero3 by the County Taeeenrer, an3 the seal of the Commieeionera' Court ahsll be impreeas3 upon each of them, The fee-eimil• eignabnrs of the County Judge end County Clark may be lithographed, engraved or printed on the eonpona. it is further orflered by the court that to pay interact oa ea id bonds end oreet• • eiaklag fnad:eai;ioiaat to flieoherge them et maturity, a fez of and at the rato of 86 Dents on each $ 100.00 of the assessed valnetlon of all property aeb~eot to tazetion in said common sohool District No. 6 of this county shell be annually levied, aeaeaeed and oollsotsd upon said property until eai3 bonds with interest ere paid, end Bald taz is here nmw.dsvied:fex.tpe year .1913. aF gb The State of Tezea County of Ksrr ~ June 81ab 1913. On this the 81st day of Jane, 1918, the County Co~ieaioa-: era' Court of Ksrr Oonnt>, Tezae, being convened in Special Session, all the members of acid Court being preaent~, to wit: Lee Walieos County Judge, Arthur Real Commissioner Preainot No., Oge, John Rsee Commleeioner Prsoinot No. Two. Hugo Wiaflenfeld Commissioner Prsoinot No. Three. J. D[. Webb Commissioner Prsoinot No. Bonr. sad passed the following order, to wit: TQELS, at sa elootion hold for the purpose, on the 18th day of 1My, •. D. 19],5,, • two thirds se~orlty of the rnident property bsz payers Mho ar• lnelifisd voters ,.,~C Rost D~,atrlab So. One ei,Kerr Cennby, Tezea, voting at Weid eieotloa, Meted in favor OR the prepee3~doa bo isaab bonds end Lary a tai da paywut th.retor. bye vot• of Sot ~~ r for •A4 60 against the proposition. 1. Therefore, De it ordered by the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Teza~, that the Road Ronde of Road Di otriot 80. Ope of %err Coanty, Tezea, to bs oalle¢ "ROa6 Bonds of Road Distriot Do. Ons of Berr COnnty, Tezaa,^ be iesned an the faith sad oredl~0 of said Road Distriot No. Oae of Kerr County, Tezes, Hadar and by virtns o3 en lot of the first oe lled Sae aion of the Thirty 81st Dsgiela tore, approved ipr 11 Bth, 1909, for the pnppou of ooaetrnoting sad msdntai~gxtg meoedamdsed, gravelled or paved roads sad turn- pikes, ez !s -a dd thereof, $. Said Bonds shell be numb Brad oonaeantivoly from one to Mighty, iaolueivs, shell be of the denomination of rive" Ruadred',(.~ 800.00); Doller^ ea oh, aggregating lOrty thouaaa6 (; 40000,00) Dollars. 8. They shell b• dated September 10th, ~. D. 1918, ea3 eha 11 Deoome due end payeb.le forty years from their Sete, bat may ba rsdeemsbls at the plaesnrs of said Roed Dletriot 80. Ona of Karr County, Tszac, at any time sitar ten years from Lhair date, 4. That' shall beer interact et the rats of five yes oentnm per annum, pe yeble oa Lhe 10th day of ipril of sash year. 6. Prinolpal end interest shell ba payable neon pr aeentetlon and aurrander of Hoc, Or proper C~pohs in lawful money of tho IIaited Ste tee of imsriae, at the ofiioe of Ohre. Sohroiner, Hanker, %arrvills, Tezae, or the Chsmloel National Hank of Sew York . City, N. Y. ab the option of the holder. 6. The asi3 Honda shell be signed by the County Judge, oonatereigne6 by the County Clerk end regiatere3 by the County Tr ea anrer of %arr County, razes, end the seal of the Commissioners' Court of said County shell ba impressed upon eeoh 0f them.. 9. The fns-sim11• signs tors of the County Judge and County Clark may De litho- grsphed on the aonpona attaohed to said bonds. _~ 8. It is itu'thsr ordered by the Commie eionars' Court that to pay tae interest on said bonds sad greats a sinking inn3 auffSOient to redeem them eL maturity, a tez of seventeen Dents on eeoh one hnndrefl dollars valnatlon of te:ebls property is said Road Distriot No. Ono of Kerr County, Tezes, shall be enanally levied on sa19 property sad annually •eseseed an3 oollaotad, or eo mooh thereof ae may he nsoeseary, until ea 13 bonds, wibh interest thereon, have been tally pa 1d, said taz i• here Haw Uvied for the oarpent year and so maoh thereof ea my be nsaeeaery for eeoh euooeeding year wh11e said bonds are outstanding, an3 the same sha11 be assessed and oollaote6 for the current year, and eo smOp tharsoi ea may ba neoeeeary annually 4hareaYter end applied to the pnrpoea named. 9. It le also ordereS that Oha a. 9ohr einsr be enthorised t0 take ea3 nave charge of esid bonds pending thadr inveetiga bion by the ittorney Oenerel, and upon their r~' •pprbnl shall have enthorlty to negotiate their sale and raoeive for the County the pr oaeeds thereof. ~ g9 --------- Kerr County. Taz levy for 1918. On thls the Elet $ey of June, 1918, a fall boar3 being present end participat- ing the Court prooaedad to levy County bsz70 for year 1918. It 1a ordered by the Court that the following County tazae be ievie3 upon ell bazabla property eitneted in Karr County on the let day of January 1. D. 1918, vie: •dvalorem taz, of 18 Dents on ea oh ~ 100.00 valuation. Roed AAd Br~,tge a~ a lb n e ^ ~ • w . a