46 Ths State of Tezae, ) ~ R County of Kerr. ) Nhareae on the 26th day of July, 1913, a petition wen oresent- ed tro me for an election in the town oY Center Point of thls County on the question of determining whether or not the lnoopporetion of said town shall be abolished. And said petition bearing the requisite number of gnalitied voters of the said town of Canter Point, end being in every reapeot in oonformity with law; Now, therefore, I, Lee 7fellane, in m7 oapcoity ea County Jndga of Kerr County, Texa e, 3o hereby order that an eleotion be held on the 11th day of August, 1918, etr the Gna3elupe Vellsy Hank in Bald town of Centez Point of this County ea desoribod by metes end bounds in Book d, pegs 10, ffiinntee of the Commisaionars' Court, Kerr County, Tesas, tro 3etermine whether or not a me~ority of tho legally qualified voyere of said town 3esire to abolish the inaorporetion of said town of Center Point. Jemaa Sellsra is hereby eppoihted 1'reaiding Officer for said eleotion and ha shell asleot two Jndgea an3 two Clerks to assist him in holding the same, and ha shell within ten 3a ye after said election has been held make 3na return thereof tc the ComIDEasionere' Court of this County ae required by law for ho131ng a general eleotion. Tha Dellote for eei3 election shell have written or prlnte3 thereon the folloae: "Corporation" "No Corporation All parsons who are legally qualified voters of this 9tata and of this County and who have been reel3ante of eaii town for aia months neat preoeding as16 eleotion shall be entitle3 to vote at eaii eleotion. Date3 this 29th 3ey of July, 1913. ~t9~ T86 3TATE OF TSEA3, ) County of Kerr. ) o-L~ n~~ge , err~~asa e. HS IT R KD, Thet on the Sad 3ey.oi 4ugµat, 1913, Lhare wen began and holdon a epeoiel term of the Commietionsr'a Canrt in an3 for Ssrr County, Tazaa, at the Court House thereof in Ksrrville. OH'PIC~9 PR$9&NT: Les walleoe, County Judge. Arbhur Real, Commissioner Prsoinot No. 1. Hugo wisdenfeld, Commissioner Preoinat No. 3. J. T. Yoors,9harift, and J. R. Lsevell, County Clark. The eoart tlesing been regularly openel the following proose6laga were cad ea3 orlere3 spread on the Minutes of the Court: Oa this the tad day of August, m913, the Commie elonere' Court of $srr County, Tazae, met is oelled ssaeloa !or tho purpose of oonaldering the matter of 3lreoting the declgratioA oY a quarantine in favor of Kerr County and ageinet Qilleepde, Kimbls, 3eu::era, Real, anal H,Swerde Qountiee tos the pnrpo9e of prevsnting the drieiag sad peaeega from said .'~~ 4ouatist) pt pillaPie. KlmDle, HisAdera, Real and Rdaards into