4~3 The fozegoing minntae Prom pages 46 to 4B, inolueive, were ree3 an3 approved in open Court this the 2nd day oP Augnat, 1813. Atte ~ y udge, Kars County, Teals. or . # 4B -----------------------°---~---~--------- , THL 3TATP OF TEEAB, ) County of Kerr. ) BE IT RS3EE3fB&RBD, That on the 11th day of Augaet, 1913, there was begun and holden a regular term o4 the Commiseioner'e Court is and for Kerr County, Tessa, at the Court Roues 'Dbereof in Kerrville. OFFICSR9 PR&S1RNT: Lee Welleos, Arthur Real, John Rees, Hugo Wiedanield, J. M. Webb, County Judge. Commieeionar Preolnot No. Ons. Commissioner Preolnot No. Two. Commissioner Preolnot Ho. Three. Commissioner Preolnot No. Four. J, T, Moore, 9harlif, sad J. R, Lsavell, County Clerk. The Court having been regularly oponod the following prooeedinge were had end ordera3 spread on tho EQinutea oP the Court: 9Q '---'-'--'--'°--'--'---"- Karr tloanty, Tazae. ) Ia Commiesioner'e Oonrt, ) Angaet 11, 1818. This Say Dams on to be bard the written application oY 9. D. Ki110ngh from Canter Point, Tease, tendering hie reelgnation as Justice of the Paaoe and &zofiioio Notary Pnblio is and for Preolnot ~o. E, Kerr County. Tezse. Ind the Court having read an3 oonai3ere3 said epplioation, hereby accepts hie rasignetlon ae said Juetioe of the Paaoe an3 &soffioio Notary Pnblio, 1n and for Preolnot No. E, Ksrr County, Tease. 7r too In Commisaioner'e Oourt, 8orr County, Tease. ) Angnat 11, 1818. ). On this day Dame on to be heard the appbioatioa of ;:Jeilos.:mnobtg., to ba appointed to fill the vaoattoy ea Jnetioe of the Paaoe and $z offlaio Notary Pablio in and for Jnetlos PrsoinoL No, E, Dsaber Point, Kerr County, Tezse, and it appearing to the Court that Jemos Crotty is wall gnaliiisfl and a suitable men for wnoh vacancy end having prodnoo3 in open Court good and lawful gonds,~ae Jnetiae of the Poeoa end e• ~a officio Notary Pnblio, which were szamined ant epyan~od, by the Court. It ie therefore ordered by the Court that -James Crotty b• and ho ie hereby appolnted to fill anoh~vaopnoy ae JAetio• of the Peao• an3 $s officio Notary Pnblio in an3 for Preolnot No. E, Center Point, Kerr CtRnty, Tease. Vial Ln Commleelonsr's Court, ) Parr County, Tam e. ) August Term, 1918. Ths 01erY is ordered to leeno two vanohsre t4 W, 0• Petoreon, Taz Assessor, ae pert payment of hie aelaFy, iA the ~nm of ~ 400.00, on Oonaty Treasurer, ono vonohor 49 for i 300.OO,to be drawn on Aa Valorem iuyfl end tho other vonoher Por = 100.00 to be I~ ,~ drawn on Roa3 ea3 Bridge Fund, '~ # ~ 0 z -- -------------------------- In Oommdaeioner'e Court, ) ingast Term, 1913. Bert County, Tazea. ) 1t`1e~ordersQ by~~tlsr•Gonx't'~thst County~~OpmLieioner Arthur Real be enth- orized to berrow,at s1z psrloaat'aborest per ennnma Hum ot~money~aat.to saoeed = 3000.00, to~be ezpen ded.la building publio Yoafle in Roefl Dietriot Bo, Oae, EerS ~COUnty. Sa 1fl amount that he may borrow s$e 11 ba refunded oat of the proase de to be Jeri ve3 Prom the Bale of bonds to bs ieaved on the faith and ore3lt of ea id Roed Dietriot Ro. One, Por ae13 pnrpoae of Pub lio Road Building. Ia oe ee eaifl bonds should not be iaeusd and ap- proved than ea13 en me eo borrowed shall bo refunded out of the Road and Bridge funds apportioned to ea.d Dietrl of IDo. One. # l 0 3 ----------------------- The state of Teze e, ) Oounty of Serr. ) On this the lE day of Aug, A. D. 1913, it being made to appear to the Court that heretofore, to-wit:- On the E4th. 3ey of Hersh, A, D. 1898, 1!. A. Barnett, ae County Judge sad Agent of Barr County for the sale of her Sohool Lanfla, is eelfl oepeoity, made, eaeontad end deliver e3 to W. C. Penn a deed, oonvsying to him (A. C. Para 819 eoree of lead, oP the Barr County .Sohool Dead in Brown County, Teza a, baing 9nb- divieloa Ro. E8, oontainiag lE0 eoree of lend; sub-3lvie ion Bo. 44, ooateining 119 eoree of land; an3 BO eoree, being s traot out oS the Beet ea3 of anb+division Boa.• 2E sad E3; a oar titisd oopy of ae iS dead under Beal oP the County Clerk oP Brown County, Tease, hav- ing been exhibited to the Court „and whloh ae i3 flees eppeera to be of reoord in Brown Oonnty, Twee, Deed Rsoorda in Book b0 on pages 496 end 496: And 1t further appearing to the Court that in oonaileretion oP ea id ooaveyeno• the ea id W. 0. P'sna paid into the County Treeanry Yor the beaetdt of the proDU' fund. the seen of ~ $48.16 and in addition thereto szeonted end dsllver ed hie oar fain ti-a promissory notes, ea oh for the sum of ~ 194,b8, with eiz par neat interest thereon Yrom data until pa 13, eaifl notes of even Bete with se13 deed ( Hersh 84th. 1898 )and ins and payable ea Yollows{- Ho. 1, Heroh E4th. 1889; Bo, E Maroh 24th, 1900{ Ro. 8, Hersh 24th. 1901; Ro. 4 Heroh 24th. 190E; sad Ro, 6 IMroh 24th. 1905, ea id notes payable to the County i Treasurer of %aa County, Tezes, for the benefit of tho Sohool Band of ea id Cannty; and to aeoure to Barr County the paylneat of said aotea a Vendor's Lisa weo retained in eaifl dead; an3 that ea id notes with the eooraed interest thereon have been paid to the tr ea sure: of.%err Oounty end ware deolara3 to Helve been paid an3 the ldaa eeour ing their payment to bs Ynlly relay ae3 an3 anti iPle3 by Jnline Real, County Judge of Barr County, Tasa e, by q due eafl proper roloeee 3s tai Her oh 18th. A. D. 1903, a oar titisd otpy of whioh said re- lease has bean ezhiblto3 to the Court, an3 whioh appears to be of reoord in Brown County, Teza e, in Volume 66 on pa gee 4E9 sad 430 oY the reoorde. oY dse3e oY ea13 County; And it appearing to the Court that the prise rooeive3 by Barr County wee et the time of said Bale, a pr foe Pa ir.end rsa wnable, end that eaifl Barr County hee rediivefl, used an3 ~aderetan3ingly had the benefit oY the money paid in oonsideretion of ead3 len3 oon- veye3 as reaitad herein; how thopatore, it ie hereby or4era3 end flsoread by the gommdesionere Oburt of eaifl Bert Oowaty, 4n regular session ee90mhled, that the dead an4 !~,