f Te7ce a, whi oh esbraoe^ the City of 8errvills, is '!tx~ia6i~--pepQ3e~6#oa-oi•~.fi»6ioa'~+-Meo,inoO~TO,.ir-iaYwaa~•Coaotgr Tesas•; __..~.. _'-- oY -tae•-6Sbg-YRF.eslw6id~.ii The fates popnlation of Jnetlos's preadnot Bo, 8, in 8srr County, • Terea, ie ~. Ths total popnlation of Jnetioe'e $r eoinat 80. 3, in 8srr Count y, 55 - 59- r. ~lL1& 1648 T.xee, is e6e The tgtal popnlation of Jnsbioe's Prsoinat Ho. {, is 8srr County, Tezae, Se 1960 It is ordered further, that s oopy of the above end foregoing order be made bg the Clerk of this Court, an3 same be seat to the Comptroller of Pnblio ~ooounts of the 3taLe of Terea. In Commiaslonere' Court, ) 3oalp Bonntg. $srr County, Tezaa. ~ ) Ho bounty allowed on soslpe et this berm of Commlesionera' Court, beoause the 8tate'e apportionment bee not bean made. ~~12 In Commiesienera' Oonrb, - ~ngnst 18, 1918. 8srr Cannty, Tezes. ) It wee ordered by fhs Court that the ` 780,19, whioh was are3lted by error to trU td valorem Fund, bg Oeunty Treasurer, when same should love been oredito3 to the Jury; Fund-, be, end the same is hereby or4erefl to remaln~in the ed valorem. ~ II 3 -----------------------------^- In Commissioners' Court, ) 8srr Comty, .Tsraa, ) On this the 13th day of Angast, A. D. 1913, at a regaler session of the Commieaion er a' Court of 8srr Conabp, Teza s, creme oa to be ooneidared the matter of aner- antdae in favor of 8srr County, and against Odlleapla, 8imbls, Hendera, Heal and 8dwards Conntiea, deol ar efl on the E¢d day of •ngtut, 1. D. 1913, for flu purpose of prevsat~ag the drivlag end the paeesge of stook out of said oonntiea into 8srr County iafeote3 with oherboa, and ff appearing 40 tbo Court that ea i3 order of the County Heslth Oifioer and bhe Commi eai oasrs' Court of ea1A 1Jennty, made upon said date Se inn degnebe for the pro- trsotrioa pf +itrook lone tad in Serr Oounty infsota3 with oherbon or oth ar oontre gloae or ia- feotions diseases; . end it further appearing to the OgwE'f,thetr eharbon or eo8e othor infeotious and 5 €i ~ oentagioua 3lsaaee ie prevalent among the stook in Kerr County an3 the ea id disease ie ' fatal and sztremely dangeFOna to men eafl to 3omeetio onimals, end that avid disease, what- ever,eame may be, is easily and rsedlly transmissible and that there 19 imminent danger, that eeme will aprsa3 throgghout the eatlrs aonnty unless animals aiflloted therewith er• kept isglate3 by the owner or party 1n poeeeeeion thereof, It is theraibre order e3 by a nnanimoae vote of the Court that a supplemental gnar- aatfrns to the one deoJ.ers3 on the 2nd day of the monbh, be and the ea me 1a hereby doolare3 throughout the entire County of Karr in respeot OE said 3lesose of oharboa and all Other 3angerons and iaieotione 3laeaeee. Ana that the owner or party in poases6lon thereof of any aalmsl or snimals suffering from any 3engeroua or infeobiona disease or any animal or animals bhat has been ezposes to any dang'erone or inieotious 3lseaee, or ie Hadar ane- pinion of same, shell immediately ieolebe said animal or animals ea3 keep the same in an anoloaure away from any and ell other animals not so afilioted or ezposed. Ana Dr. E. &. Palmer, the health otfiosr of thls County is directed to at ona• to dsolere said ¢uarentine, against the azposura end in favor of the isolation ot~eei3 iaiaoted, eaposed or aua- pioiona animals, and with the eseistanoe of the Sheriff of 8err County, Teaes, end hie dapatiae, you take 1mme33ate steps to imme3lataly sntoroa and constantly maintain said anpplemental quarantine until snoh tins ae the same shell be ensppn3sd or removed, Kerrville, Teaes, August 13th, 1913, To ell whom it May Qo>f0ern:- By supplemental order of the Commissioners' Oonrt of Karr County, '~eaea, duly entered on the 13th day of Angnst 1913, I hereby dsolere an immediate quarantine in Kerr County, against ell owners or parties having in their poeeeeeion, stook iaisated with oharbon or any other inieotione or oontegioas disease, or that has bean ezposed to it, 9r eaepiolone3 or ender anapioion ei ohabon or any oti~er iateotiona or oontaglona 31e- ease, for the purpose of preventing euoh eaimala from being tnraed out from enoloenres, which 1e hereby end by the order of saki Court prohiblted, end ell such animals shall bs the oemar or the party in poeeeeeion thereof be laolated and kept in en enolosurs tree cram otlgsr •teok, and J, T. 14oore, the Sher iii oY 8err County, Taaes, is hereby author- iced and Qireote3 is parson ea3 through hie 3epntie• to lmmadietsly inangarate and enfora• sad oonetently me intein ee id quarantine amd to immediately ea3 ooaate ntlp prevent each steak from being turned out from enalosuras an3 shall require snoh stook to be kept in isolation until they shell entirely recover or die from said disease or diseeeas, or until eneh time that eei3 gnerantina may by the propea~anthority removed os saepended. 8raeet S. Palma County health ofiioer for 8err County. Teaes. Bar County. Taenater of ~ 1600.00, The Tr eaenr a wee order to transfer ~ 3b00.00 from the ad valorem fund to the road end bridge fund. 4# 11 ~ 8err County. Apportionment of >j 1b00.00. ~ppmrtionmsat of the ~ 1600.00 ordered transferred from •3 valorem tend to the roe3 a sad bridge toad, was apportioned ar fyalowei - .,~ .~ ..~ ~ , ,~~