57 To Commiaelonera' Preoinot 110. 1- ~ 686.00. , To Commloadonora' Praoinat No. E- EB5.00. To Commissioners' Preainot DIO. 3- 195.00. To Commissioners' Praoinob Bo. 4- 486.00. a afll 6 --------------------------------------- In Commieei on ere' Corr t, ) Angnst 13, 1913, %err County, Taze e. ) Commissioner Arthur Heal, 02 Yraainot Bo. 1, hen this dap tranefarred irom.hia apportionment of Hoa3 and bridge Ynhd, the eam oY i 60.00, to 4he road enrol bridge £und ap portlonsd to d. M. Webb, Commi ee ionar of Preodnat Ho. 4, of %err County. s~ 11'f '--°------°--------- -- ------------ In Commissioners' Court, ) August 13, 1913. %err County, Teas e. ) CouIIty dodge Lae Walleoa ie lnetrnoted to Snvastdgete the oonddtian' of the 9onore Bqw 3ohoof Bonds, and if found desirable to inetraot the Treasarar of Barr County Sohool Bands to puraheee one thonean3 dollars worth oY said Bonze when the old bonds, now owned by said 9ahool TandB, have bean paid oif. ~ r )~ --------------------------------------- In Oommisaionore' Court, ) %err Conaty. 1 4uguat 13, 1913. Falls Branoh Road Petition oama on to be oonaidered and was thrown out and dismissed Yrom £hrthar anti on by the Court The foregoing mi.nutea £rom page 48 to 67, in~lnedve, ware read and ap- proved 1n open Court this the 13th day of August, 1913. A Atteat• o y er ar~~y, arse. T$E STATE OF TEXAS, County oY Kerr. 1 BS IT REM~SMBERED, That on the 13th day of 3eptamber, 1913, there was begun and holden a Bpedial Tarm of the Commissioners' Court in and Por Kerr County, Tgaea, at the Cpnrt Honsa thereof in Kerrville. 0££ioare present: Lea Walleoe, County Judge. Arthur Roal, Commissioner Preoinot Ho. Oue. John Rase, ~ Oommiasioner Preoinot IIo. Two. Hugo Wieden£eld, Co®ieeionar Preaindt Ro, Three. J. T. Yoore,_SharlPf, and J. H. 1'.eavall, C1erY. The Court having been regularly opened the following prooaeddngs were had and ordered spread on the Ninutea o; thq Cgart: