66 point; Thence in a goneral iSOrth East direatlon with the meanderinga oP the Falls Branch Roes as..now traveled to the line oŁ Gillespie and Kerr Counties. Said road to have a uniform width of twenty feet, as set forth in said Petition, coming on the be heard, and the same being publicly read, and it being proven to the satisfaction of the Court that the twenty days' notice required by law has been given, by advortisement of the intended application posted up at the Court Rouse door, and two other public planes in the vicinity Of the route of the proposed new road. It is therefore ordered by the Court that J. M. Howell, Victor Dee, John Sahumaoher, Joe Byas and P. A. Crenshaw, five Freeholders of said County, be and they are hereby appointed a Jury, a mafority of whom may, after taking the oath prescribed by law, proceed to lay out said road and assess the damages. They shall give notice in writing to each land owner whose land will be crossed or touched by said road, of the time when and place where they will meet to assess damages, which notice shall be delivered to such owner at least five (5) days before the day of meeting. Said road shall bo laid out and surveyod to the greatest advantage of the public, so that the same can be traced with certainty. The field notes of said survey and des- cription of the road, together with the amount of damages claimed, and tho amount allowed by them to each land owner, s'nall be imoluded in the report of the Jury,and if adopted shall be recorded in the min~xtes of the County Commissioner's Court. It ie further ordered that A. D. Starkey, County Surveyor, shall assist said Jury in surveying and laying out said road. And that said Jury make a report in this aquae at the neat regular meeting of this Court. ~ l3.~ Kerr County. ) Paupers. It was ordered by the Court that the following named persons be allowed 4.00 each for the next three months: Mrs. John Story, $ 4.00. Sdra. D. Rains, $ 4.00. rvira. J. :1. Dowda, $ 4.00. Mrs. Gilman, $ 4.00. Mies Gilman, $ 4.00. idra. Ada Joy, $ 4.00 Mrs. E. M. Norton, $ 4.00. John Coulter, $ 4.00, to be paid as heretofore ordered by the Court. ~ i3 3 ------------------------------------------ Kerr County. ) Transfer to Ad Valorem Fund. November 12, 1913. The sum of ~ 62.40 is hereby ordered transferred from Hoad and Rridge Fund to the Ad Valorem Fund. ~ t3 `} ---------------------------------------- Kerr County. ) Transfer to Road and Bridge Fund. November 12, 1913. The sum oP $ 1000.00 is hereby ordered transferred from the Ad Valorem Fund to the Hoad and Bridge Fund. # /3 ~ ----------------------------------- Commisaionera' Court. ) ovember 12, 1913. Kerr County. ) Apportionment of Hoad Lhxnde. Apportionment made of the Road Funds as Follows: Commissioners' Precinct Ilo. 1- $ 1014.00. Commissioners' Precinct No. 2- 494.00. Commissioners' Pracinat tan. S- 338.00 , Commlasionera! Preginat ~o. 4- 7b4.00 ~