~? - - - - __ -- ' Commissioners' Court. ) November 12, 1813. '~ ~3 ~ Kerr County ) Transfer from Preeinot No. 1 to Preai net No. 4. Arthur Real, Commissioner d'f Precinct IIO 1, $err County, this day transferred 1C4.00 Prom the Road Fund apportloned to Preoinot No. 1, to Commissioners' Road Sand of i Preoinet I7o. 4, %err County, Tozae. , ~ i3~ ------------------------------------- Commlasionere' Court. ) November 12, 1913. Kerr County. ) Salary of County Assessor. The Clerk o£ this Court ie authorized to pay A. G. Peterson, County Tea Assessor, the sum of ~ E49.68,the balance of salary or oommissions yet due him, and to dram vouchers on the respective funds ae follows: 18.72 out of C. H. Repair Fund. 18.72 out oP Speeiel Fund. 18.72 out of Jail Repair Fuad. 18.72 out of Jury Fund. 56.17 out oP C. H. & J. Fund. 118.47 out o3 R. Z6 B. Fund. ~k13 8 ------------------------------------ Commiasionora' Court. ) Tlovemb er 11, 1913. Kerr County. ) Officers' Quarterly neports. The Quarterly Reports oP the following oi'fio era were examined and approved: J. R. Leavell, County and Distrlot Clerk. E. H. Turner, Justice of the Peace, Preoinot No. 1. Jas. Crotty, Justice of the Peace, Preoinot No. E. ~ X35 The State of Tease, ) County of Kerr. ) On this the 10th day of November, 1913, came on to be heard the petition in writing of J. E.Palmer and P1fty others, being qualified voters of Justice' Preoinot No. 2, Kerr County, praying Por an elacti on in Jnetlce Preoinot No. 2 of said County to determine whether or not pool halls sh˘11 be prohibited in said Justice Preoinot No. 2, and said petition being signed by a number of the qualified voters of said Preoinct No. 2 equal to twenty per pent of the qualified voters of said Precinct No. 2, and the same boing in every respect in conformity with law. It is therefore ordered by the Court that an election be held on the 6th day of December, 1913, at the Guadalupe Valley Bank in said Justiaa'e Preeinot Pao. 2, $err County, to determine whether or not pool belle shall be prohibited in said Juatioe Preoinot No. 2, Kerr County. Sleal Caldwell is hereby appointed presiding officer for said e]e etion and James Sellers, Gso. Menke,and Ceo. Thomas, era hereby appointed Judges £or said election, and he, the presiding of f3c~r, shall within ten days ˘Pter said election has been held make due return thereof to this court as required by law for holding a general election. The ballots for said election shall have v+ritten or printed at the top thereof in plain letters "Cffdcial Ballot" atyd shall have written or printed thereon the words Foz 'AAe prohipltioa of pool halls. Against tho prohibition oY pool belle. S' .. ~ ... ... .,,,. .,.~. . ..