6:.-~ held on the 13th day of December, A. D. 1913, to determine 'ahethor or not bonds of Road District Ile. agree of Kerr County, Texas, should be issued Lo the amount o£ two thousand dollars, bearin:- interest at the rate of five per septum per annum, pnyable twenty years from date, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating macadamized, gravelled or paved roads and turnpikes ar in aid thereof, and mhether or not a tax shall be annually levied, assessed and collected in said Road District Ito. Throe of Kerr County, Texas, sufficient to pay the current interest on said beads and to provide tl~~e required sink- ine ilrnd to redeem them at maturity, _.nd it appoarinl; that said election was in all re- specte lawfully held, and said returns duly and levts.llj made, and t',at tiia re were cast at said election fifty tma votes oP •:~'ri eh number forty three were cast Tor the is_uance of s~=id bonds and the levying of !. tax in u:_y:nont tine reior and nine votes mere cast against the iesuar,ce of avid bonds and the le vyi q of n tux in pnynent fire refer. It is therefore ordered and decl::~red thet the proposition to is:,ue said bontla and levy :aid tax c.as carried and sustai~.c rl. by :. two thirds ma;ority vote o£ the qu ali £icd property ta:; payers voting at said el. action, and that the Commissioners' Court of said County is :rutrtorized to issue said bonds and to levy and h:.eve assessed and colleated said tax anmxally. '~ ~4'7" Wa the Jury o£ Vi otv appointed by the Coinmiseioners' Court to lay out the 'c'alls Branch public road, beg to sub!niC the £~lloring report: Begi m~~i ng at a post being the South corner oP J. ;S. Webbs Field. Said Host is situated in the N. E. line of Kerrville r1 Jurc tion road near the School house and 11 1/2 feet N. {R. from the agreed upon line between Survey I7o. 412 J. D. Oroesb eck and Sur. No. 411 B. B. B.w C. Ry. Co. o~,rned by J. M. ':7ebb and :.crs Washburn respectively. Therca running with a 20 foot stip on the right o£ J. LI. Webbs i'ence 400 vs. to the corner of said '.'lebb field at 480 vs. the foot of hill, thus fur being ubout parallel wi t'r. said above mentioned survey line, being about 1/3 acre out of ;r(rs Washburna land and 1/3 acre out ~£ J. ~. Webbs land. Thence on across ::Ira Washhurn's land N. 82 3/4 E. 60 va. Thence N. 48 1/4 E. 117 vs. Thence SS. 10 E. 105 vs. to Dr.Fowlera line a gate at 190 ve. a corner Thence 1J. 23 1/2 E. 80 ve. Thence 21. 52 1/2 E. 20 vs. Thence Il. 87 E. 35 vs. Thence 1I. 46 3/4 E 166 ve. Thence S]. 16 E. 100 vs, to Mrs Erse Smith's land line. Thence N. 31 {R. 84 vs. Thence N. 36 1/2 W. 217 ve, Thence N. 17 ??. 116 vs. Thence N. 13 W. 37b va. Thence N. 67 E. 136 vs. Thence N 14 E. 181 va. t0 line of W. P. Bailey's land. Thence Id. 28 E. 187 vs. to line of Slewt Sli chols land Thence N. 48 E. 116 ve. Thence IJ. 28 1/2 E. 145 va. Thence N. 3 1/2 E. 30 vs. Thence N. 31 E. 64 va. Thence IS. 1 E. 134 vs. Thence N. 22 1/2 E. 64 vs. Thence TJ. 9 E. 204 ve. Thence N. 36 1/2 W. 200 to line o£ Kerr & Gillespie Counties. We reoommend thet the Court allow rdrs. 7fashburn (y 50.00) damages for the land over which the road passes so Par as she is conr.erned, and for the removal oP the field Penoe to the 3. E. aide of the road ae laid out by us along her field, the road supervisor Ss authorized to have same moved at expense of I the County. She demanded no damages but re ihsed to accept the road as laid out or to allow the road worked. All the other parties owning land over wiri ch the road passes as laid out by ua we ro notified to be present and to put in their claim for damages. None oP them demanded any thing. ReapeotPully submitted. P. A. Crenshaw Filed 12/17/13 J M Howell J. R. Leavell County Clark Joe Byas Karr Co. Tease. v B Lea John 3ohumaoher 70 In the bSattar of the Petition of W. C. Smith, and others for a publin road in the County of Kerr State of Texas. To P. R. Bailey „ et e1. Take notice, that the undersigned Jury, appointed by the Commiseionere' Court of Kerr County, Texas, to ley out, survey, and assess damages resulting Prom the establish- ment of a $ublio Boad, as petitioned for by W. C. Smith, and others, beginning at the White School House on the N. E. aide of Junction & Kerrville Road, in a general direotion with the meanderinga of the Fella Brenah Road as nox travolled and rusuning to the line oY 6111eepie and Kerr Counties, ws, x111 on the 12th day of Deoember, 1813., in discharge of our said duty, meet upon the folloxing premises, to whioh you have some oleim or title, to wit: at the White Sohool House, in Karr County, Texas, and then and there proceed to sasses any damages to whioh you may be entitled on account of the laying out oY esid Public Road, and you are hereby requested and required to produoa ell evidences xhich you may desire to offer in relation to such damages, anfl do and perform such other acts as may ba necessary and lawflil in the premises. • In xitnees whereof, wa have hereunto eat out panda, this ...... day of November A. D. 1913. P A Crenshaw ) J R Sahumaoher. ) A. L. Starkey Jurors. Joe Byas ) County Surveyor. P 8 Lee ) SRERIFF/3 RETURN. Coma to hand on the 28 day of Nov 1813, and served by C A Rodgers on P R Bailey at 2 O'alook P yi at pia home on Fall Branch; on J L Fowler at 7:30 O'clock A L1 at Ingram Texas; .on Newt Niahola at 18:30 O'clock P. Y, at pia home on Falls Branch; on J.D[. Webb at Ingram, Texas, at 4:30 O'clock P. M. on Yrs. Harriet Smith at 18 O'clock M. at par home on Falls Branch; anfl on Nre. R. E. Weahburn at 11 O'alook A. H. at her home on Johnson's Creek, all served on the 88th day of November, 1913. J. T. 5[o ore Sheriff $err County, By C. A. Rodgers Deputy. Texas. In Commiseionere' Court, ) Kerr County. ) Deoember 17, 1913. On this the 17th day of Deoember, 1913, at a epeaiel term of the Commise- ioaera' Court in and for $err County, Tszsa, came on to be heard and considered the report of the Jury of Vievq,appointed at the November Term of this Court to lay out, mark, and assess damages for a third class road leading Yrom s point on the N. E. side of the Kerr- ville and Jngetion road at a point oppo ei to the N. 8. end of the White School House; Thonoe N. E. about 500 yards to end of lane with J. Y. Webt~'s wire fence, constituting the N. W. line of said road to esid point; Thence in a general N. E. direotion with the meanderinga 03 Falls Branch road ea now travelled to tho line of 6111eepie and $err:Counties. Said road to have a uniform width of twenty feet, esid report of said Jury View having been returned and filed hsrein and heretofore upon this date and after a careful examination i of Bald report ie aoneidered by the Court that the eam din all things approved anfl eooapted by this Court. It ie therefore ordered, ad~ndged and decreed by this Court that said report be • ~ approved and that said road be in all things be declared a publin road of the third class, with a unlfazm w14tb of twenty feet and the Bald road ie to be and run sa fellows: 71 ' Bsglnning at a poet being the South aornsr of T. M. Rsbbe Yielfl, said poet ie situated in the North Eaet line of 8e rrville and Junction road near the school house, and 11 1/2 Yeet N. R. from the agraod upon line between Sur. No. 412, J. D. Groeabsok and Sur• No. 411, B. B. B. & C. R. R. Co. owned by J.M. Rabb and Mre. Reahbtrrn,reapeotively. Thence running with a twenty foot strip on the right of J. M. RaTloblg Yence 400 vrs. to the corner oY said Rebb's field at 480 vrs. the Yoot aY hill, thus Yor being about parallel with said above mentionmd survey line, being about 113 sore out of Mrs. Washbiirn's land and about 1/3 acre out oY J. M. Rebb'e land. Thence on sorosa Mre. Raehburn's land $. 82 3/4 E. 60 vrs. Thence N. 48 1/4 E. 117 vrs. Thence N. 10 E. 105 vrs. to Dr. Fowler'e line & gate at 190 are. a nor. Thence N. 23 1/2 E. 80 vrs. Thenoo N. 52 1/2 E. 20 vrs. Thence N. 87 E. 35 vrs. Thenoo N. 46 3/4 E. 166 vrs. Thenoo N. 16 E. 100 vrs. to Mrs. Free 3mith'e land line, Thenoo N. 31 R. 84 vrs. Thence 2d. 36 1/2 R. 217 vrs. Thanoe R. 17 R. 116 vrs. Theme N. 13 W. 375 vrs. Thsnas N. 67 E. 136 vrs. Thenos N. 14 E. 181 vrs. to line of P. R. Bailey's land, Theaae N. 28 E. 1B7 vrs. to line oY Newt Niahol's laud, Thenoo N. 48 E. 116 vrs. Thenos N. 28 112 E. 146 vrs. Thanoe N. 3 1/2 E. 30 vrs. Thanoe N. 31 E. 64 vrs. Thenaa N. 1 E. 134 vrs. Thence N. 22 1/2 E. 154 vrs. Thence N. 9 H. E04 vrs. Thanoe N. 36 1/2 R. 200 vrs. to line of Kerr and Gillespie Counties. It is Purther ordered, adjudged and deares8 by the Court that said road be opened and put In a condition for the convenience of the travelling public at the earliest possible date. And Mrs. R. E. Washburn be allowed the sum oY Fifty Dollars as damages Yor the land uasd cad occupied for the eatabliehment of said road and that said Fifty Dollars be paid out of the Road and Brldge Fund oY Kerr County, and thst the same be left to the credit oY Mre. R. E. Washburn with and in the hands of the County Treasurer of Kerr County, Tezas, to be paid to the said Mra. R. E. Washburn by said Treasurer o£ said County whon the said Mrs. R. H. Washburn shall accept same in full payment of damages in- aident to the a6tablishment of said road. It is further ordered and adjudged by the Court that the road enpervi nor is authorized to move the said n4ra. R. E. Rsah6nrn'e Yield Yenos at the sxpenae oY the County. #Iw3 In Commisaione ra' Court, ) Kerr County. } December 17, 1913. The Clerk is ordered to pay the Yollowing election oYYicars the-sum oY 2.00 each fur services rendered in holding a special election in Precinct No. 2, Canter ~ Point, Kerr County; Tezas, on Docomber 6, 1913; viz: T. A. MoBryde, George VE. Thomas, Virgil Storms, E. 0. Hartshorne, and the acid dames Sellers be allowed tho sum oY ~ 4.00 for returning the results of said. election to the County Tudge and the County Clerk, as di rooted by law. In Commissioners' Court, ) ' Kerr County. ) December 17, 1913. The Clark is ordered to pay the following election oYficers the sum oY ~ 2.00 each Yor cervices rondo red in holding a special election in Precinct No. 3, Kerr County, Tezs.s, on December 13, 1913, viz: