72 /- - ~ v Ernst Schellhase, George Nledenfeld, Richard Dietert, Gustav Ehlers, Hubert ~ v V V Spenrath, and Rudolph Herbst; and H. J.. Heinen and Z. I7uernberger he allowed ~ 4.00 each for returning the results of said election to the County Judge and County Clark,as direc by lax. ~ ('t'S ----°------------------------------------- In Commissions re' Court. ) Kerr County. ) Decomber 17, 1913. The Clerk is ordered to pay the following Aho weroselected by the Court as a Jury Viex to lay out a third class road up Nall Branch each the sum of ~ 2.00, for their _ Y ~ ~ ~, services; P. A. Crenshaw, J. „I. Hoxell, Joe Byas, V. B. Les, and John Schumacher. And the v said C. A. Rodgers bo allowed the sum of ~ 2.50 _`or serving road notices to land owners in hia official capacity as Doputy Sheriff, and said P. A. Crenshaw be allowed the sum of 1.00 for a trip to Kerrville on behalf of said road. ~ I,~~ ---------------------------- In Commissioners' Court, ) Kerr County. ) Decomber 17, 1413. The Clerk is ordered to pay 50 ~ bounty for oach cat scalp and v~ 2.00 bounty for each xolf scalp on all affidavits on file in this Court. ~1'f~ In County Commisaionera' Court. Deoember 17th, 1413. Special Term. Be it remembered, that on this day Dame on to be conaldered the returns oY an election held on the 6th day of Deoember, 1913, in Justice's Precinct No. 2 of this County neon the question of whether or not pool halls shall be prohibited in said Just- ice's Precinct No. 2, and it appearing that said election was in all reapeata legally •~ held, and that said returns were duly and legally made, and that there were asst at said election 86 votes, of which number there ware oast: Bor the Prohibition oP Pool Halls 5b votes. Against the Prohibition of Pool Halls 31 votes. And it appearing to the Court from said returns that a ma~arity of the qualified voters of said Precinct voting at said election voted for the Prohibition oP Pool Halls, the Court does hereby declare the proposition in said Justice's Preainat No. 2 to have carried for the Prohibition of Pool Halls. And it is ordered by the Court that hereafter the operation ox maintenance of Pool Halle shall be pro~jibited in saifl Justice's Pre- oinet No. 2 in said Kerr County. ~i p ounty Judgs, 8err County, Teals. i~ D -------------------------'---------- In Commissioners' Court, ) ~ Kerr County, Teals. ) December 17, 1913. The Clerk 1a ordered to draw a voucher Yor the ohm oY twoiYty dollars pay- able to John Raes sa reimbursement Yor money advanced to pauper Adams.