-79 4aorge Holekamp. ) Ia Commissioners' Court. lebroary Term, 1914. Oa this 16th dsyoY February, 1914, oame~'pn tp be oonaiflered tho matter p! o ~ /S9 x„A payment oY tease Yor the year'1818 by 6eorgs Holekamp sad s4tor hearing the matter it is ~[ the optdloa.oY•the Court that the rehbbnrssmeat of the sum oY ~ 9.16 should bs made~Yos County gazes, Yor said°year~.1818. It ie therefore ordered paid. 8err Coup„ty. ) Road Lpportionment. #' ~ 6 o dpportionad ae Yollowe: Commissioners' Preeinot Ro. 1- Commisaloners' Preoinat No. E- Commieeionere' Praoiuot No. B- Oommissioaers' Preoinot Bo. 4- 8eb ruary 17, 1914. ~ 1960.00. $ 960.00. j 660.00. ~ 1450.00. z ~. •,g ~. ~~) ~ %err Oounty. ) Payment eY lntereet on Honfle. February 17, 1914,, ~~ Treasurer ordered to pay all interest due pn Honde dpril 10th, 1914. )L 1 Serr County. } Redemption of Sande. 9oltrnary,l7, 1914. Treasurer ordered to pay oPY two C, H. 4 J. Bonfle and one C. R. Repair Bow. -~ ~(e 3 8err County. ) OfYioers' Reports. 8ebruary 17, 1914. The following oYYioere' reports examined and approved: J. T. pioore, Sheriff. J. R. I,eavell, Clark. ID. R+ Tamar, J. oY B. Preeinot Bo. 1. ' Rd Smith, J. oY P. P;aoinct Ra. 4. ` d. H. ~illiamspa, County Treasurer. .a ,R ) ~ 4 %err Oounty. ) Pbone in SherlfP's oYY1oe. Febraem+y 17, 1914. p. H. Comparette'a propoaltlon to plane telephone in sherifi'e offino ,~ Yor 60 Dente per moath,or ':4.00 par annum, aooepted by the Court and phone ordered pl £') in Sheriff's oifioe. ... ~ )~ S $err Oaunty. ) dppointiag Road tivereeer. February 17, 1914. It ie ordered by the Court that 11. C. Smith be appointed to serve until the Yir116 regalar meetingoY the Court of the year 1915, or until thegppolntment oY hie suooeeaor,'~~ ea overseer, oY',H'elle Branoh road is Road Preoinat Ho. 4, whioh Se boundefl ea Yo11oRa: s<-.: Beginning at a poet being the South Darner ,p!' J. M. Febbs YSe1d..Sa'~d goat is aitnat4d ~.`..';. the H. 8. line oY ~errvilld 8. Junotion road near the Sohoal houas and 11 1/2 feet B.. If. ~' s e rr ~~~ .; , from the agreed upon lino pptween Burvey Bo. 412 J. D. Orpeebeak and Sur. Ho. 411 B. H, 6" ~? 8o C. ~+. Co. owned by J, M.Nebb and 1[re. leahbnrn reapootively. Thence zunaing with a ~~ ~ ~ $0 Yeot strip on the right oYJ• 11,. gobbs ferloe 400 ve. tq the Darner oY paid nebhCtial+X~.~:,. at 4aC ^sp, the food o! h111,~ thus i•f'or boii~..e~oat ,ralle~„~'Rith a81$ abovm~maatip d+ ~U ' line, being about 1/3 care out of Mrs Washburns land and 1/3 sore out of J. M. Febbe land Thence on across Sirs Wsahburn's land N. 82 3f4 E• b0 vs. Thenoe N. 48 1/4 E. 117 ve. Thenoe N. 10 E. 106 va. to Dr. Fowlers line & gate at 190 va. a oorner. Thenoe N. 23 lf2 E. BO va. Thenoe N. 62 1~2 E. 20 va. Thence N. 87 E. 36 ve. Thenoe N. 46 3/4 E. 166 va. Thenaa N. 16 E. 100 ve. to Mrs Free 3mlth`s land line. Thenoe N. 31 w. 84 vs. Thenoe N. 36 1/2 w. E17 vs. Thenoe N. 17 R. 116 bc. Thence N. 13 If. 376 ve. Thenoe: N. 67 E. 136 vs. Thenoe N. 14 E. 181 vs. to line of A. P. Bailey's Sand. Thenoe N. EB E. 187 ve. to line of Newb Niohols land Thenoe N. 48 E. 116 vs. Thence N. 28 1/E E. 145 vs. Thenoe N. 3 1/2 E. 30 •a. Thenoe R. 31 E. 64 ve. Thenoe N. 1 E. 134 vs. Thenoo N. 22 1/2 E. b4 vs. Thenoe N. 9 E. 204 vs. Thenoe N. 36 lj2 w. E00 to line of Kerr & Gillespie Counties. ~~' IGG 8err County. ) Appointing Road Overseer. February 17, 1914. Zt ie ordered by the Court that J. F. Niohols be appolnted to serve 'until the first regular meeting of the Court o3 the year 1915, or until the appointment of his auooeasor, ae overseer, of Goat Creek and Kerrville road and Goat Creek and Ingram road in Road Preoinat No. 4. ~Ib 7 --------------------------------------° Kerr County. ) Appointing Road Overseer. February 17, 1914. It is ordered by the Court that A. M. Terry he appointed to serve until the brat regular meeting of the Court of the year 1916, or antil the appointment of hie euooeeeor, ae overseer, of Reservation road in Road Pre0lnot lYa. 4,'whioh ie bounded as follows: Beginning at F. 9. Ragland's plane on Kerrville and Junotion road up Dry Brsaoh to Reservation. #ib8 Kerr County. ) Appointing Road Overseer. February 17, 1914. It ie ordered by the Court that Hobt. Lange be appointed to serve until the first xagular meeting of the Court of the year 1916, or until the appointment of hie auooeasor, ea overseer, of all roads in Pceolnot No. E. ;. ~_ Irk .ComgFie glonprs' Oonrt, ) ;; 'r Kerr County. ) February 17, 1914. ' The Glssk le ordered to draw vonOhese on 8ohool DSgogtto;y fa-'#svor r ,: ` ,• of w. p. Petaseon, as aamm1es1 0n SOT aaeeaeing.tazea Yos year 191$, qt}t o#'`tollowstg 4- :. Diwtriat 9ohoole, to wit; D1atslat .Sehool 84. S- ~ S.i9. ~ w w ~rI rt $- $..~.~ ~. ; ~`° ~~ ,, " ~ b- '1.,95 ;' + " ~ r1A- 1..69 =i a r a ~ ;. rt .^ rt 1Z 5.66 ., ~ n rt ~ 14 X45 y e rt K ~~'1 # ~ ' ' ~ .. , ~j w 4 ^" ;. , - ~~.<