92 6 Tea sxATE oB TEEAS, ) Oonnty of %err. ) BE IT REIOD~ERED, That on this the 18th day of April, 1914, there was began and holden a npgnisi tern of the Commlaeioner~' Court is and for 8err County, lezae, at She Court Honae thereof in Barrville, Tezgs. OBBIOERS PHESEHT: Hon. Lea I/slisoe, Ccnaty Judge. Arthur Hael, Oommisaioner Preoinat IIo. 1. John Haes, Oomoisaioner Prsoinot Ho. L. Hago Iliadenfeld, Comoissioner Prsoinot Bo. i. J..Y:.Rebb, Commissioner Preoinot do. 4. J. T. Poore, Sheriff, and d. H. Leavell, Clerk. The Court Laving been regularly opened the following prooeedinga were had: # )3 7 John Hunter. ) Pwpar. April 13, ~914r It ie ordered by the Court that dohs Hunter (oolored) be allowed ; 1.E6 per day for the neat two weeks,- in oaea, however, he 11vea two weeks. Voucher to be turned over to Geo. 8. Yesks. I~~ Brits Bartel et al. ) Petition for telephone line o~C Oypreas Creek Road. April 18, 1914. Petition having been read and considered, -same was greeted to parties ae prayed ~: for in said pe#ition. ?#' ~ $ 5 %err County. ) School Trustees' Election Returns. The Court on this 14th day of Ipril, 1814, opened and tabulated the returns for the County Sohool trustees and the District Sohool Trueteos,eleation held on April 4th, 1914, and recorded eaifl returns in the return book for such, on pages LE6 and 126, which is hereby made a part of these minutes. ~ X90 Taz Assessor. ) Allowance on salary. April 14, 194. The Clerk ie ordered to draw voucher on ad valorem land, in favor of 11, G. Peterson, Tax Assessor, for $ 200.00, same being an advanoamant or part payment of salary to Taz Assessor on aeeeeemente made, for current year. # 1 9 t --------------------------_--------- Jake Reinhardt and eon. ) Paupers. April 14, 1814. It ie ordered by the Cann that date Reinhardt and son, Jessie Reinhardt, be allowed $ 4.00 sash for the neat month, said vouchers to be tnrneQ over to E. bold. ~ l~~ Adolph Yntser et el. ) Petition Yor County L1ne Sohool Distriet. April 14, 1814. Postponed until next term of this Oourt. RIMs nnd: Mkb'. w~a..--a ice- ~~a..-.. .. ~, r. awmp~r float 93 Greek, Lime %Sln Greek, and Brnehy Creek, in %err Oonnty, was this day ratified and eon- ~!,;~ firmed by the Court. (~ ~ vdneent and Bell. ) Srteneion of vendor's Lien notes. April 14, 1914. Zt was ordered by the Canrt that an Brtenaion Lien Contraot be drawn for the erteneion of L. Y. vineent'sx~and.llr.A. Halle vendor's lien notes in favor of %err County, eeonred by Broen County Sohool land and mailed to Brownwood, Tezae, for vinoeat and Bell to sign. J. R. Orr. ) Claim for damage e. ~qs IS ie ordered by the Court that d. A. Orr be allowed the enm Of = 56.00 to be paid out of Hoad and Bridge load, apportionment of Commieeionere' Preoinet Do. 4, as damage for s strip of lead aoroea hie premises, naefl for pnblie road purposes, said sum of i 86.00 not to ba paid over, however, natal eatieisotory agreement os ooatraot with %err Oonnty has been signed by J. R. Orr, assigning said strip of land for road purposes, to %err Connty~ 6sid eontraet to moat the approved of the Court, and to be reoorded in the minutes thareoi, and the Clerk ie ordered to drew vonoher for said amount in favor of J. A. Orr, when the orders of this Court have been oomplied with. 1 q ~ Martin and Hrioh 3penrath. ) Claim for 6amagee. April 14, 1914. it is ordered by the Court that Partin Spenrath and 8rioh Spenrath.be allowed the sum oY ~ E8.60, ae damages for a strip of land 10 fast wide by bb9~ verse long, off of their real estate,- upon thelr exsonting sad delivering a proper eonveyanoe of said strip of land to %err County for road purposes. Martin Spenrath Sr. ) Clslm for damage e. ~ )a `J It le ordered Dy the Court that Martin Spsnrath Sr. be allowed the sum oP ~ 1.00 `; as damages for a strip oP land 10 teat wide by E00 fast long oft of his real estate, npon~ She szeonting and delivering of n proper oonveyanee of said strip of land to %err County for road purposes. In Commiasionere' Court, %err County, Tezas. ) April 14, 1914. It Ss ordered by the Comb that the County Jadga, County Attorney, sad the Commissioners be allowed the minimum fee in the lnnaoy ones of 2lpresao Blaeencie, sad that the County Clerk be allowed ¢ 8.60. ~' (q ~ THB 8TATH OF TEEAB, ) County of %err. ) Rhereas, on the 15th day oP April, 1914, s petition was presented to the Oommiseionere' Court of %err County, Tezaq, for 4n eleotioa in Common soho~l Diatriot Bo. 10 of 8err County on the gaeetioa of authorising an inorsase of s ta= of and at the rate of 40 seats oa the 3 100 valuation of tazable property in wad Diatriot for the purpow of snpplementlae tite.Btate Sehool land apportioned to said Diatriot. C