96 have been borrowed by Serr County for Serr County Road Diatrint No. 1, or that have been ' derived from the sale or pledge oP bonds Por said District. The Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to furnish the Serr Oounty Depository a certified Dopy of this order for guidance and direction in this matter. a07.. In Commissioners' Court, ) 5Peai91 Term. Sorr County. ) April E0, 1814. It is hereby ordered that the order of this Court entered at the February Term, 1918, relativo to the oommiaelon allowed the County Treasurer of Serr County, Tezae, be and the same ie hereby revoked and that the County Treasurer of Serr County be and he is hereby allowed one mill on the dollar for receipts, and one mill on the dollar for disbnr- semente by Bald County Treasurer from and after this order. Done in open Court, all members thereof being present and acting, this April 20th, A. D. 1914. The 4oregoing minutes Prom middle oP page 96 to middle oP page 96, inclusive, were read and approved in open Court this the 20th day oY April, 1916. o~ ~~% Gf .... .,,, ....o.., _~_ __ ..,. Attee~t •~ ~-2-~c i--f D V Dun y er .