99 __ _ . __.. In Commissioners' Court, ) May 12, 1914. Kerr County. ) i ' $~ e~ G'~i It is ordered by the Court that B. F. Dentoa's proposition to sell one-third of as .-- sore oY land, more or leas, out of Survey Ro. 184b, T. F. Bird, described as Yollowa: Beginning at a point where~,ahe 'Medina Road leaves the Turtle Creek Roadabout B 1/2 miles S. w, from Kerrville, Thence douth with the West side of ~4iadl na Road 600 vra.,more or lase, T}}enae Weat 9 1/2 Yeet, Thenoe Itorth 600 vra.,more or leas, Thenoe Eaet T 1/2 feet to ' the place of beginning; bo Ease ~Conptg:~Yor road pnrpoeea,be and the same is hereby eoaeptad, and that he be paid for same at the rate oY thirty dollars per ao re out of the Road Distriot Fund Ro. 1 oY Karr County, Taws. , ~tao ~ Kerr County. ) paupers. May 12, 1914. It is ordered by the Court that the following named persona be allowed ~ 4.00 eaoh for the neat three months: Mre. p. Rains, Mre. J. M. Dowda, Mre. John Story, Mra. Gilman,~Miea Gilman, Mre. Ada Joy, and sire. $. M. Rorton. It is Yu rther ordered that Janob and Je sae Reinhard be allowed ~ 4.00 eaoh for the neat month only, to be paid to them in groaerlea, etc., in oars of E. Oold. It is further ordered that John Coulter be allowed $ 4.00 per month Yor the ne_ct three months to be expended by the merohante oY Center Point, Texas, in grooeries, ate. Yor said Ooulter'e benefit. 'CF ~O ~' The aapnai~. reports oY the Treasurer or Deposltory oY the Sohool Fund oY Kerr- ville, Kerr County, Independent Distriot ahowinR receipts and disbursements Yor the year beginning September 1, 1912, and ending August 31, 1913, and the Treasurer or Depository oY the Sohool Fund oY Center Point Independent Distriot showing reoeipts and disbursements bagi nning September 1, 191E, and ending August 31, 1913, was this day examined by the Court and the Kerrville Independent Di at riot found correct, the came was approved. The Center Point Independent District having been found inaorreat same wsa re ~eoted. 2 I ~ Kerr County. ) OYfiaers' Reports. May 13, 1914. The 4)ugaterly Reports oY the following Offiaera, to wit: J. T. Moore, Sheriff and Taz Collector, J. R. Deavell, Couaty and Distriot Clerk, and E. R. Turner, Juetioo oY the Peace Preoinet Po. 1, were examined and found oorreot,and were approved by the Court. '~ ~~I ~ J. T. Moore, Collector. ) In Commissioners' Court. May 18th, 1914. Kerr County. ) Sheep Inspector. May 12, 1914. The report of Henry Sohwethe lm, Sheep Inspector for Kerr County, Tease, wsa this day eaami ned and found correct, and the same was approved by the Court. d~ Zdt1 I Kerr County. ) Sohool Reports. May 18, 1914. It is ordered by the Court that the sum oY ~ 29.lg be transferred Yrom Sohool District No. 2 as follows; ~ 2.37 transferred to Sohool Distriot T7o. 4, ~ 19.80 to Sohool Distriot Do, 3, and $ 6.96 transferred to Sohool Distriot No. 12, and riirther that 4 oenta 1(3(1 be transferred from Sohool Distriot 130. 21 to Sohool Distriot I7o. 10, and that 60 cents be transferred Prom School Dietrint No. 6 to School District Sio. 14; the same being excess placed to the credit of J. T. L~toore, Tax Collector, of the total amount assessed in said School Districts herein mentioned, in order to balonee all acoounte of said Colleotor. ~'2f~ In Commissioners' Court, ) 9day 13, 1914. Kerr County. ) It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue a warrant for ~ 200.00 out oŁ the ad valorem fund, payable to Cf. G. Peterson, as part salary for assesamants for 1914. ~z' ~ ~ 3 Beport of A. B. Rilliamson, ) L6ay 13, 1914. County Treasurer. ) On this 13th day of naay, 1914, Dame on to be heard the quarterly report of A. B. Williamson, County Treasurer of Kerr County, for the quarter ending April 30, 1914, and the same having bean compared, ezamined and approved with this qualiPiaetion: ~ 883.b3 ocm- miasions charged on reoeipts and disbursements for Road Distriot No. 1, Kerr County, Teae.s, is refused and disallowed by the Court, and the vouohera were oanoelled in open Court, and Bald report ordered spread on the minutes. JURY FUND. 1st Class Balanoe To Amount reoeived during @uarter By Amount paid out during Quarter, Exhibit "A" By E 1/2 per Dent Commission on Amount received By E 1/2 per cent Commission on Amount paid out Amount to Balance Balanoe ROAD A1TA BRIDGE i'UMJ. 2d Class. Balanoe To Amount reoeived during Quarter To Amount transferred from other Funds By Amount paid out during Quarter, Bzhibit "B" By Amount transferred to other Fonda By 2 1/2 per Dent Commission on Amount reoeived By 2 1/2 per cent Commission on Amount paid out Amount to Balace Balance GENERAD COUNTY FUND. 3d C18es. Balance To Amount reoeived during Quarter By Amount paid out during Quarter, Bzhibit "C" $y Amount transferred to otber panda ~y R 1/2 Ds3 gent. Oommiseioa on,,6mount reoeived 961.43 32b.06 436.00 6.12 10.90 631.47 1286.49 1286.49 83:):.47 3515.53 6489.E7 2000.00 3226.b0 762.79 135.98 77.82 6.984.81 _ 309b4.80 109b4.80 6294.81 3947.82 6011.41 1870.b2 E000.00 1b0.28 p4