lu7 Commlasioaera'Preninot Ho. 1, $ 780.00. Commissioners' Preolnot Ho. 8, SB0.00 Oommiasionere' Preoinat Ho. b, E60.00 Comml aelonere' Preoiaot Ho. 4, b80.00 # a'~ 5 8err County. ) Transfer. June 11, 1916. Highty dollars is hereby transferred from Oommieeionere' Preoinot Bo. 1 to Coffieeioners' Preoinat Bfa. 4 anfl farther thirty dollars !e ordered transferred from Ooffieeionere' Preoinot Bo. 8 to Commissioners' Preoiaot Ho. 4. In Coffiasionere' Court, ) ~ ~~ ~ 8err County. ) Change Sn gate. June 11, 1911. The Court authorises J. H. Ja§keoa to move gate on the 8errville and _ Rookspringe road from its present loaatioa an Rorth Fosk of the Oaadalupe 81ver near the mail Damp in 8err Oonnty, Tezae, to a point below where the gate ieaow sltaatei, said point being near the old Vining hogs plsos. It is uaderetood that the Court does not ~- authorise said Jaekeoa to iaorease the anmber pf gates on said road. in ooasideration of the above order said Jaokeon grants the permission to make ohangsa in the road bed aoroas hie land. ~ ~e7 I 8err County. ) Transfer. June il, 1914. 81zty-two and 08/100 dollars is oM,ered transferred from Ad Valorem H'aad to the Court Hones and Jail ]hmd. ~~~ a ~ ~ ~ Barr Oounty. ) Transfer. Jane 11, 1914. Hiaety-aevem sad 19/100 dollars ie ordered treneferrad from 1d.Vale~~?pid tO.Head Distriot HO. 1 paIId• T88 RTATH OF T$Z6s, ) In Coffiesionere' Court. County of 8err. ) Oa this the 10 day of Jane, 1814, this oonrt, being in eeseioa, the following members thereof, to wit; Iw• Rallaoe, Coanty Jadge. Arthur Heal, Commissioner Preainot Ho. 1. john Hees, Commissioner Preoinot Ho. $. Hugo Fiedentaid, Commiseipgsr Preoinot Bo, i. J. Y, tebb, a ~ ~ Oenmissioner Preoinot Mo.,4. being present, it $~ ordered that Cmmon 8eheol Dl~strigt Ia. $ of r bs re-estsb~ .... Y: ~ ~...,._ .