lU7 Commiaei oaera'Preoinot Ho. 1, ~ 780.00. Commissioners' Preainot Ho. E, E80.00 Commissioners' Preoinot Ho. 3, E60.00 Commiselonera' ~reoinot Bo. 4, b80.00 -iF a~,5 Zen County. ) Transfer. Tuns 11, 1914. &ighty dollars ie hexeby treaefexred Yrom Commiseioaere' Preoinot Ho. 1 to Oommiesioners' Prsoinot Ho. { sad further thirty dollars is ordered transferred from Qommiesionere' Preoiaot Ho. E to Commissioners' Preoinot Ho. 4. In Commissioners' Court, ) 8err Oounty. ) Change in gate. June 11, 1914. The Court authorises J. H. isbkeoa to move gate on the 8errville and Rookepringe road from its present looati on on North Fork of the 6uadalnpe River near the mail oamp Sa Zerr Coanty, Tssae, to a point below where the gat• ie now eltnatel, said point being near the old Vining hie plans. It Se understood thnt the Oonrt does not authorise said Jaokeon to ianreaes the number of gates on asid road. In aoneideration of the above order said Jaokeon grants the permission to make ohangse in the road bed aoroee hie land. #f ~ ~ ~ ~ Zerr County. ) Transfer. June 11, 1814. Eizty-two sad 0E/100 dol7are is ordered transferred from Ad Valorem H'o.nd to the Court Howse an3 Jail Feud. a ~ ~ ~ Zerr County. ) Transfer. Jane 11, 1914. Ninety-seven and 19/100 dollars ie ordered transferred from Ad.Valorem~?Ryd p~ to.Road Distriot Ho. 1 ?und. T88 ETATB OF TSLiE, I in Commieei ousts' Conr4. Conaty of Zerr. ) On this the 10 day of Jane, 1914, this oonrt, being Sn session, the following members thersoY, to wit; ~ a~9 ' be1nB present, 7we Ifallaae, County dodge. Arthur Real, Commissioner Preoinot Ho. 1. John 8ese, Commissioner Prsolnot Ho, S. Sago Fiedenfold, Commissioner Praoiuot Ho. s. d. Y, Rqbb, Cammiesioner Prsoinot 90.,4. )t 1s grdarad that poseson :$ghaol Dietri0t Ho. $ oi' sfid r be rereetab- . ., i;~~;.:. 1U~1 lashed and redefined, in aooordanoe with drtiale 2817, Revised Statutes oY Tesae, 1911, and said dietriot 7~aby this order re-established within the Yollowing metes and bounds, to wit Beginning at the upper oorner oP Sur. Ho. lE4 on the H. bank of the river, being also the lower oorner oY Ho, 1E8. Both pi these 3nrvoye is name oP P. Martinea. Thenne N. 46 N. with line oP these Surveys to 'est oorner of Ho. lEb. Thenoe H. 46 W. to 8. oor. Ho. 1888, d. Ward. Thenoe H. 4b 8. to S. W. oor Sur. $o. E, L. A. Patillo. Thenoe North with W, line No. E to H. W. oor. No, 1, L. A. Patillo, to oor. in 9. line of No. E, B. 8. do P. Thenoej,~et to 8. y/. oor. No. E. Thenoe H. with ita ~. iiae to line oY Barr and Oillaepie Coantiea. Thenoe West with said Co. line to oor. In W, line o4 Sur. 1689, D. b P. 2henoe 9onth to the S. 8. oor. of Sur. 1566. Thenoe ^. to the N. S. oor. oP Sur. 1638. Thenoe 3. to 8. 8. oor. of save Bur. , Thenoe B. to the N. B. oar. Sar. lb6b, 0. 0. & S. P. R. $. Thenoe 8. to the S. W. oor. oP Sur. Ho. 1684. Thenoe W. to H. W. oor, of Sqr. Na, 408, Joseph Br1t13U. Thenoe B. to the H. B. nor. of 3nr. Ho. 188, 8. 6araway. Thenoe W. to H. W. oor.oP same 9nr. Thenoe South Waet to S. oor, oP Ho. 410, B. B. S. b 0. Thenoe H. W. to the N. W. oor. of same Sur. Thenoe Sa a N. W. direoti on to the E. oor. of Snr. Ho. 1416. .Thenoe S. W. to the H. oor. of Sur. 1678. Thenoe 3. B. to oor. of same 9nr. Thenoe S. W. to N. W. oor. oP 9nr. leP6, 6. 0. & S. 8. Ry. Thenoe 8. to H. B. oor. oP same Sur. Thenoe S. to 3. 8. oor. oP samo Sur. Thenoe &. to H. 8. oor. oP 678, H. 8. 8seeandsn. Theme 8. H. to the oor. of 679, Jamae Watson. Thenoe np the river and aorose same to the upper oor. of 8nr. 1681, 8. 0. 4 8. 8. Thenoe 8. to S. W. oor. 0P same. Theno• S. to H. W. oor. •f Sur. 1917, T. 0. Ry. Thenoe e. to oor. of same Sur. Thenoe W. to oor. oP same Sur. Thenoe 3. to 3. W. oor. of same 9nr. Thenoe E ~ to oor. of aamo Sur. Theinoe 3. to S. W. oor. oY Sur. No, 1614, W. T. 4roher. t'lhesOw&.-~to_ S. ~. ~aar.- DY 9ama..8ar,; Thenoe S. to H. W. oor. oP 1198, W. T. Argher. Thenoe S. to oor. in H. line oP Ho. 1, 8enda1l Oo. Sohool 7iand. Thenoe H. to H. 8. oor. of same. Thenoe 8. to H. W. oor. oY 8nr. Ho. 4, E. W. Panl]rnor. Thenoe direotlp 8. to nor. oP Sur. Ho. 1609, D. 0. Y. 8aroia. Thenoe H. H. to oor. in W. line of Sur. Ho. 1478, H. E. 3 t. ~. 8y. Thenoe H. W. to W. oor. of same Sur, 4 ~• Shenos A, A. to H. oor. of Ho. 1474. ry ~µ 4 .. ,i ".. ~ .. ~o:~ Thenoe 8. w. to H. nor. of So. 147E, Y. Yiieoa. Thenos 3. -. to the 3. ~. oor. oP Ho. 140, Y. Primrose. Thenoe 8. w. to w. oor. same Bur. ' ~ Theaoe 8. 8. with lino oP Ho. 140 to its upper ooraer oa 8. bank of Guadalupe 81ver. Thenoe np the bank oY the river to H. and upper oor. of Sur. Ho. 189, H. B. r Partin. Thenoe aoroea the river to the pleoe oP beginning. Said dietriot oontaining tha Following earveye and parts oP sarveye, with the number of sores herein shows: 3nr. Grantee 8orip Aorsa. lE6 !. Partisan ESE SEO lE6 R. Hiahola lE6 490 187 L. Ora~aoa lE6 640 i28 T. Harrison 1E7 880 lE9 t. Trevino EE8 640 lE0 " ^ EE8 640 181 Joe. 8eitol 101 640 18E D. Caraway 60 640 188 A. Ramirea 896 640 ' 184 g, Hrewer E77 640 166 Jae. Hutohins 964 640 187 9. 8rharflt E6E 640 i88 L. w. Sang 7EE 640 lag H. B. Partin lE4 6ao 740 John Sykendall 160 1861 w. M. 1latson 360 679 Jamie I/ateon 160 1588 Joffi Young 160 666 $, Oaid1n11 i60 787 w. H. Woodward E00 1668 ~. P. Watson 160 1941 T. B. Zumwalt 160 786 0. Oxenehaw 160 1964 J. $. ,Lively 68 9/10 1878 P. Orsnehaw 160 1894 P. P. Burleson 160 147E P. Wileon 94 481 9/10 1609 D. 0. Y. Garoia 84 640 161E w. 8. Haglaafl• 407 640 1618 9. 0, i 3. Z. 8y. E940 640 1614 ~ " ^ ". ^. ^ $940 640 1196 8. $. 8 w. T. $y. Oo. 490 SEO 1196 " " ^ ^ " ^ • " SEO 1197 ^ " • ^ " " " " 8E0 1199 • " " " " w . ^ 'SEO 1911 T. 0. ~.. Oo. 1419 E66 3N1 s. o. a 6. r. Ry. EiES sEo 11U Sur. Grantee 3orip Aoree. 2b15 M. 9. Young lE 1b03 Obas. Summers 160 Nr A. Zumaelt 160 1788 G. 0. & 9. P. Oo. 5680 640 184$ J. Y. Saunders 640 1486 C. & Y. Ry. Co. 306 40 1468 J. 0. YoNealy 160 408 Jae. Brendle 160 B95 des. Calahan 160 1688 D. & P. Ry. 66b 6E6 1680 ° R " ° ^ E60 1b84 C. i Y. Ry. 284 SEO 1b08 B. Z. Gray 160 676 L. Tanrgnant 160 7b8 H. Henderson 10 lb7B G. 0. 8o S. F. Hy. 8847 SEO 1b76 R R R n n n R SEO 18E6 R w R w n n $876 880 1955 T. T. Glark E1 3/i0 1867 A. B. Reeves E8 .8/10 1898 8. Jones 107 1/E 2640 I/m. Ward 61 E/5 lEb F. Yartinea ESE 380 1890 A. J. New 80 188E ~. Hard lb7 1956 P. F. lrmistesd 41 6/10 lA9E D. R. Herber 160 bi4 Y. 8. Boneano 788 118 b6b Henry Fisher E00 J. Y. Tedford 160 187E Tae. Lookhart 160 1767 G. C. i S. F. Ry. $680 640 148b 0. i Y. Ry. 306 640 1436 n n n n n - 600 86E6 G. R. Holliman lE4 86Eb d. B'. Sandifer $40 1969 1I. Ooleman 60 Eb89 d. B. Coleman li0 3966 A. Y. •slleoe BE 84/100 ''710 G. w. Hiohole 160 1401 D. Y. I,owranoe 100 1401 J. 1-. Harries 1E0 1884 D. i P. Ry. Oo. bbi 600 ˘ '~ C a, F# 8. 6f i N~ i YY Rr6~~ ~f ~11H ~' ~ h 3^^ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ M1M4 ~I Ea % i ~', 4 i ~ ~ }}(ry Y ~ ~ •~ ' ~fi. M ~ Gi -.. ~~ k qr t+ , ~ ~ Y mN~ `+`h, ~" Li .111 Bnr. erentee 8orip lore e. 160b D. Y. Loaranee 160 1841 J. H. Bandar[ 408'8/10 ' 138 J. B. Overland 480 Oontaiaing 1n all E6QQ5 sores Or 44.47 egnsre mils e. The olerk of this oonrt ie orflered to reoord a oopg of thle order, together with the msp hereto attaohed, is the minntee o~ this aoart,~and is the deed reoorde oP this Bounty. ` - ~ ~ .. . ;;~: ~ ' - - aag'~r O~u;?t s R `!1 Y.' 1 _ ~ ~ Hama s~s't~l~t,. ...~,Y r D~ f•• ./ ~ y ~ ..~ ... yr~. ~ . "r,g, #~ r&v~'.. :i7/irt' ,ft{EV ~sr,4 A.01F *l of .. /J1}Z/fl R i ,. ~ a.u I YI/: W^U`~t~' #M -S. w9 LV ~ 3 'L i / ~ P~O`S#Y'~ ~c. Q N eA~`~:, $:) 75 *,, .4 J@ . p~ "e o Sw+~e r1l, .. J,` iW < K #` ~V 'i I.M } .'..... 1~` HaA 6, ITU ~ l ,s•cr ` ...n i ' ~ lid y P' Irs !i3 /a/ ifo Iii ,. it (r u~i.._ s./.7LF ._ tY -~. '" D. ~ F M M µ'riI f Q . / .r ~ ~. uN r M.M IOIIe. / ~ 4 _. ~V hr v ~"i' ..oxi:' / /77 /f4 Afs /s/ io• ,n{f l ~ < R C fk ' ~ .. - .leewr /.MJ1 p/rN:. ,sir ~ lerL „ ~'„ O ~ /~1 m r r ~' t. yv l r. ~ r JPI~ Cg. • / ~ ~' ` 4 '~ ° IJi ' ~ N1` NL `. NT Wt N ` {~ 9 ~JI e~ + ˘. Q r 7. I. -#• L W Al A. M. _. ~ ac ' R ` IIN. ~. l14M`•r #+ 4. ~r' Mart' ....+s A.%rc_ Ir r, . ,c$ T r IriPr~'K t ~. x1 v a:. ~fi,~ d 6u ~t>1" I ,d? k 1vs ~' ~,: p~ • T. re ,- ! ~ ~ i ~e3 ~ .a a} a.x 'to <.R:~ vu,ma.' !.f~A. ~ o' :^!~' ~ :or .er .;~.i, Y. . S t HXa 1 ':RCA e , tLw. H'. '. ^. 7(l1lrl '' Lr~ '^~ - e '.. ,~ ~;: ~~ y'r"'~IlJ~ ! ti a,}''"a /l~r' "e ~r I'Ia~* ... 1 A I), ~T1 SER~ n r' 'ly! r,Al 'lR:Kr 4:~IK *{I-;'L S ~` _ ~ t ~ + x* 0 rR 'r i " '~>YM tn.y~ .,I .~'..w/ia a/ ~.J~~ , .. #s ~. p/ii `Y 4~ ..ra ~ i#A",: sngF .:,: ` U ~fWa 41 +)MYi ~'. .h- ern , G'o ~' JAL iYYT AC