1~.Ei The 9heri`!~.',of this County shall give abbice of said election by posting three notioee at three publio planes in the said lli strict for three weeks before the election. Dated the 14th day of July 1914. Kam. n'fl~(,(.~+,•- County Judgo Kerr County, Tee. The State of Yezea, County oP Kerr. BE IT REE~I~ERED, That on the a6bh day of July A. D. 1914, there was begun and holden a Special germ of the Commlaeionere' Court, in and Por Kerr 0ounty, Tezea, at the lourt House thereof, in the towa'oi Kerrville, Wezas~ The Pollowiag ofPioera were present; Hoa. Lea Nallaoe, Arthur Real, 9ounty Judge, Bommieeioner oP Prea. Bo.l, Bohn Rees, Commleaioner of Pre. Bo.2, J.M.Webb, Commissioner of Prs. Bo. 4, J.T.Moore, Sheriff and J.R.Leavell, County Clerk, The 6ourt having been regularly opened and the following proceedings war had:- ~34 Karr County, ) 0ontrsat Por Bridge eoroea Guadalupe River at Turtle Creek Crossing, Brune Sahott ) July 18th, 1914. Contract let to Bruno 9ohott Por the building oP abridge on the Guadalupe River at the 9nYtle Creek Crossing about 1 mile below town, acid bridge to be 16 feet wide, 100 Peet long, to have heart pine foist and flooring ioiey to be 3 z 12 and flooring 3 z 8, more particularly deaoribed Sn epeoiPioationa on Pile. Contract price of avid bridge ie 9dz Rundred and Sizty Dollars. Said Bruno Schott agrees and binds himself to build said bridge Por the Contract prise hereinbefore mentioned, and guarantees that said bridge will nand any ovarflor in the Guadalupe river to the hight oP 20 Peet, and further agrees and binds himself to give „Bond in she eu~`.oP #260.00, said Bond to meet the approval oP the Qommiasionera' Court, and shall be binding on said Bruno Sahott for a period oP time, until said Bridge shall have atbod the test oP at least a 20 rise, or overflow in the Guadalupe River, after which time, should the said Bridge be Pound up to the Contrtet Guarantee, then said Bond to be Bull and Void and aha31 be in no further force and effeot, and said Bruno Sahott will be released Prom any further reliabilty as to eadd bridge. payable Said Bond shall be made„to the County Judge oP Kerr County, Teaas, or to hie eucoessore in oi'Pice. x Kerr County, Passing B111e. Court approved and allowed several Road Bills, list of whioh appera on the 4Sinutea oP Aocoute allowed by this Court, in L4lnute of Aooounts Allowed Book Bo. $ on page ]A, to whioh ra Perence 16 here made. Where being no Further business to dome before the Court, it was ordered