120 x.~o Ia Oommieaionsra Oonrt,l Lngnst, 11, 1914. Earr Oonaty. 1. On this day some on to be heard the applioation of J. Y. thompson, ana RSghtoea others, the petition requesting this Coast to rsQnirc a rednotion of the water is the Dam on Johnson Creek created by Llbert Smith and J. Y. Rabb. Lad it appearing to the Court, (L11 members present), that these Sa, end has been at times an czsces of wator in said Dam, at said Ynblie oreeaing. It is thsreforc rooommendcd by the Court, J. Y. Robb, oonanrring, that said water is saia dam at said osoeaiag be redneod to a depth ae per agreement with the oommlaeloaere Court made and entered at the llay Tcsm, 1918, in Yol.l, page 806, Hinntsa of this Court. ~a ~- Ingrm, Tazae, llsy 1, 1914. to the oommiasionsre Oonrt, 8crr County:- the i/aderelgned rsepsotfallt Hake that the Johnson Crack and Heesrvation Road be ohangsa sa followe:- H86IBHI9p wherc said road oroeeee the Reet lino Seotion IIo38, C.C.B.D. a B.G.H.G. Ry. 00. near the residenoc of John Ralkcr. thW 8onth with said line about thrcc-fourths of a mllo to the South Rset enb-division corner of George R. Dadcrstadt. 8ala,.Gcorgc R. Daderstadt hereby flonatss a width of thirty ~bct for said road. George R. Dldcretadt. Ingram, Tcma, slay 8, 1914. to the Commieaionsre Court, Kerr Oonnty;- !he Dhdsrsiga~d hereby mates known to tgs Commissioners oonrt that he donatc8 a road way thirty feet ride through hie land for the Johnson Creek and Hcaervst Road. Said roadway to oovsr the lane as now need by said road. hie •. E H. Smith mark. Sarrville, texas, Lng.4, to the Oommiesioners Oonrt, Kerr oonnty:- the Unde:signed respeatfnily ants that s ohangc be ease is the 8cesrvation Hoed as follows: BRGIH1lIBG at the 8onthweat ooraer of a enbaivisloa Survey a part of Seotion Ro.l, C.C.S.D. b H.G. Ry. Oo. end owned by George 7r/deretadt. thence South with the aiviaion line between L.D. Kaiser and John Balker to the Southwest oorasr of Seo. Ho.l, C.C. S.D i H.G. Ry. Oo., then oontinning South about 800 yards through the land of R. C. Eaiser to intersect*ths present traveled road. Baid S00 yards of roadway to Laos the same standing ns the present road as now traveled Lae. Said ohangc is road is to be opened by A. D. Kaiser in a reasonable time end he is to reoeivs #f.N for the wort. L. D. Eniaer. ~ A 9"z ORD3R pBLCLHIB6 BRSULT O! RLSC?I O!. Cu.~.Q . / U • / 91 ~ f Oa tMs nay came en to be.~a7liildcrca the rotnrns ci as clceticn hold sn the 8 nay K Lng., 19i4, in Oommoa 8ohool -istrict Ie.B, sf this Oonaty upon the 4neetio8, of tasaiag ~8900.G0 of aoAoollrmsc.hatds for wi8 distria«, tanning, 86 tsars, and bsariag~__ par oant intsrwst, and icwjing s tsz on ail tazsbla peepcrty of sail district snffioicnt