120 .moo In Commieeionera Conrt,l Lngaet, 11, 1914. Err County. ~i On this day some oa to be heard the applioation of J. Y. lhompson, and >Dightesa others, the petition regnoating thin Court to rsQnise s radnotion of the water in the Dam on Johnson Creek ereoted by Llbsrt Smith end J. Y. /sbD. Ind it appearing to the Court, (L11 members present), that theav is, and hoe Deen at times sn ezeess of water in said Dam, at seii Pablie eroseiag. Ib is therefore reoommended by the Court, J. Y. webb, ooaonrring, that said water in saia dam at said ezoeaing De rsdneed to a depth ae per sgrsemsnt with the Commissioners Court mde and entered at the Yay lets, 1818, in Yol•p, page 606, Yinntes of this Court. ~a~- Ingram, lazes, Yay 1, 1814. !o the oommiseionere Oonrt, Serr Connty:- !hs Cadersigned respeotPnllt asks that the Johnson Creek and Hessrvatioa Bond De ohangsd as tollowe:- BEGIHHIHO where said road Drosses the Meet line Seotion Ho38, C.C.B.D. 8 B.G.H.G. >;y. Oo. near the rseidenoe of John balker. Then Santh with said line about three-fourths ~~ st s mile to the South sat sub-di-ieion corner of George !. Daderatadt. Sail. 0eorga ^. Dnderatadtr hsseby donates a width of trhirty #bet for saia road. 9eorge w. Dlderetadt. ~ Ingram, Tema, Yay 8, 1914• to the oommieeionera Court, xerr Connty:- !ha 1$dsrsiga~d hereby makes known to tl-s Commissioners oonrt that he donatM a road way thirty feet wide through his land for the Johnson Creek and Haservat Goad. Said roadway to Dover the land ae now need Dy said road. hle •. 2 8. Smith mask. Sarrvills, lazes, Ang.4, !o the Oommieaioaers Court, Secs Connty:- !he IIadersigaed reapeotYnlly sake that a ohange be made in the Heasrvatioa BosA as follows: BBGIHHIHO at the Southwest oornsr of a enbaivision Survey a part o! Seotioa Yo.l, C.C.S.D. b B.G. $~. Co. and owned by George lf/dsretadtr. lheaos South with the division lino between L.D. Heiser and John I/elker to trha Southwest oorner of 8so. Ho.l, C.C. S.D L B.G. 1jy. Co., then oontinning 8onth about 800 yards through flu land of w. C. Haissr to interesetr"the present traveled road. Said S00 yards of roadway to have She same standing as the present road as now traveled has. Said ohange in road ie to be opened by A. D. 8siser in a reasonable time and he is to reoeivs 1)1.N for the work. L. D. Eaiser. I OIID11i DSLCLBIHG 8E8IIL! OF iLSClIOD. CLun. / G- l91~ ~ ~ 1"L Oa this imy same ea to be.4rad flu returns si sa eleetien held sn the B day ai Lug., 1914, is Oommon Sohool Dietrsiet Is.i, si this County upon the `naetiolp e! 4aaaing >ji90o.90 of aehgol.h/aN .hands ier said 8latr;q~{. raaain 81 _,yeus, end bsarin~,~, per Dent intersai. and lew~.ng s fez oa all tazabU pseperty of sail district snttioient