12~ lgalnst $shool ta: 17 votsa. lla~ority to the i~az El votes. *0 herewith saoioee poll list and ta11y of said election. Hignad, this 8 day ei 4ag. 1914. HQ Smith, Yreaiding Oiiiosr. P. •. Oraashaw, duaga. A. L. Qolbath, Jndgs. S. Y. ysa,Olsrk. goy Littiailald, 01ark. .~~.~s In t{onmissionere` Ooart, ( Tarr Ooanty. ( ingnet 11th, 1914. The atarterly report of B.H.Tnrner, ~astioe of the peaoe in end for Prooinot 80.1, of Larr Ooanty, saamined and i0nn6 oorraot, was spprovod. ~4~ Ia Oommieeioners' 0onrt, ~ lagaet 11th, 1914. Lars Oonnty. I It 1a ordered by the vonrt that the following One 7honeand 01000.00) Dollars, naspportlonad coney in the Road and Bridge land ba apportioned to the Oomaleeioaer's laid Preoinot lands as iollowe, Lo wit;- 8o Oommieeloner of Preoinot 80. 1 =890,00 So Oommisaioner of Psaoinot Bo. S, 190.00 7o Oe®ipsimner of Preoinot 80. S, 180.00 'Do Oomateeioner of Preoinot 8q• 4, ~0•~ ~'.Z`('s Herr Ooanty. lransier from 8 m B. innd 80.1 to 8. • B.8o.4, Oommissioner of Preoinot 80.1, hersraby ardare.-tha transfer of X40.00 iron the B. b B. road apportioned to hie preainot to the Oommieeioners' Preoinot 8. de B. pnnd apportion of Preoinot 80.4, %srr Ooaaty. tt ~4(s -~------------'-~--~____~-__..._ Onsrtarly rap{rt of l.B.williameon, 0annty Srsasnrer, Serr Yonnty,2eisa. 6n Chic 11th day of lugnat,1414, Dame on to 6a ooasidarad the quarterly report of l.B.~illianeon, oonaty treasurer of lerr Oonnty, Tszas, for the quarter ending .fitly 31st, 1914, and the same having been aereinlly ssamiasd and lonnd oorreot, is approv0d cad ordered epredd on the minutes of this Oonx't; iU87 lOBD is Olass. falanos last Beport, iS31.47 Yo amount rsosived einoe lest report, 10.00 IBy amount paid out einoe last Report, 3[ •!• Hy amount to bsianoe, ~I1~7 Balanoe, 5,108.47 ~7ii.00 __~