~ ~9 the State of Tessa, County of Kerr. DN IT ~3TdEPJBS3D, That on the E9th day of Augnet A.D. 1914, there wsa begun and holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County,Texas, at the COUrt House ther eo P, in the town of Kerrville, Texas, The following officers ware present: Hon. Lee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Seal, Commissioner of lrecinet No.l John Zees, 6ommisaianer of Precinct No.2, Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commissioner of Precinct No.3, J.M.Webb, Commissioner of Precinct No.4, J.T,Moo~~o, Sheriff and J.R.Leavell, County Clerk. The Court having been regularly open, the following proceedings were had;- J~ eZ'S~ N Kerr County: Accounts. Presented and Allowed. The Court passed and allowed several claims against Herr County, as well ae the accounts ag~inat Road District No.l and 3, which claims allowed do appear in tdinutea of Accounts allowed by Commissioners' Court in Book 3 at pages 16 & 17, which is referred to and made a part of these minutes. a 5 Z Order Levying Tax of EOoents ~G Co.Idna School Diat.fto.$+ B3 IT 03DP!ED by the Commissioner a' Court of Karr County, Texas, that there is hereby levied Łor the year 1914 on ell taxable property in what is known as the Blanket i~ County Line Common School District No.B', of Chia County on the fir et day of January of the Current year, the following tax; An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of EO cents on the $100.00 of taxable property in slid district, estimated in lawful currencey of the IInitad Staten, to pay enpple~ent the State school fund apportidnad to said district for the support and maintenance of public free schools therein. rk S3 In Co~rmiseionere' Court,) Special August Term, 1914. Kerr County. ) August E9th, 1914. It ie hereby ordered by the Court that the sum of $551.00 be and the esiae is taenaferred from the amount apportion out of the General Road Fund of Kerr County to Commissioners' Precinct No.4, of es id County, to the Hoad District Fund fto.l, of Kerr County. Said amount being payment in Yull of the amount agreed to be paid in on the construction and building of the Goat Creek Bridge, which has been completed. ~ ~S~ -------------------- { In Commissioners' Court, 1 q@ Special August Term, Kerr County. 1 Saturday Angnat E9th, 1914. The Tax Holle, of Tea Assessor, W.G.Peteraon were carefully examined and found in good form and correct, were approved, and the clerk of this Court ie inetrn - eted to pay enid Tsa Assessor, W.G.Peterenn, the balance of hie salary or commissions attar deducting the emonnt all ready allowed him by this Court, for the current year. •s~sswsUS SSSYS!lssYSSs