13 3 I J. M. Hebb Commiealoner of Preoinnt Ro.4 J. T. Moore, Sheriff and d, R. Leaven , bounty blerk. The court having been regularly opened and the following proceedings were had to wit:- ~a~ 3 In Commleeionera' Qourt ) ) 8srr bounty ~ October 10th, 1914. It is ordered by the Oourt Shat the Clerk of this Court issue a wouoher to H. ghulae for $38.60 out of the Advalorum fund for land gold by 9hulze to wehmeyer for 8srr County. 3'~ eZ ~ `t Accounts approved sad allowed, ae shown Sn the Minntea of Aooonnta allowed Book Ho. 3 of Bald Oonrt, on pages 22 end E3, inclusive, including claims numbered from 3998 to 4025 inolnaive. The foregoing Minutes on pages 132 and 133 inolnaive, hereof, were read in open court this the 10th Bay of October A.D. 1914, and found oorreot were approved, and there being no further business to Dome before the Court, it is ordered that the same atanda ad~onrned until the neat regular term hereof in course. !'/~~G-' Attest: County Judge, %srr County, Tease. C ty Clerk, 8srr County, Teaaa. THE STATE OF TE%A3 County of 8srr BE IT Ri4tEHHERED, That on the ~th day of October A. D. 1914, there wen begun end holden a Speoiel Term of the Commissioners' Court, in and for 8srr Oonnty, Tease, at the Oourt Honae thereof, in the town of %errvi lle, Teass. The following officers were present; ~ Hon. Lee 1-ellaoe, County Judge Arthur Real Commissioner of Preoinot Ro. 1 Bohn Rees Commissioner of Preoinot Ro. 2 g, giedenfeld Commissioner of Preoinot Bo. 3 J. M. Webb Commissioner of Precinct Bo. 4 J. T. Moore, Sheriff and J. R, Leaven, County Clerk. The Oonrt having beael regularly opened and the Pollovring proceedings were had to wit: ~~6~ Aaoonnts approved and allowed, ae eh own in the Mlnutea of Aaoounta elloed Book Ao. 3, of said Court, on pages 24 and 25, inolueive, including olaima numbered from 4026 to 405$ inolueive. The foregoing Minutes on page 133 hereof, were read in open Court this the 24th day of October A.D. 1914, sad found oorreot were approved, and there being no further business to Dome before the Court, it Se ordered that the same stands adjourned until the next regu- lar term hereof in course. Attest: County Judge, 8srr County, Tease.