The 8tata of Texas, County of Kerr. BE IT Ri;,ASEi~r'.i;ED, That on the 7th day of Nowamb er A,-. 1414, there wsa begun and hIDldan a Spooial Term of the Commissionora' Court, in and for Kerr County,'1'ezes, at the Court House thereof, in the town of~~Kerrville, Texas; 'The following officers ware present; Hon. Lee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Real, Commissioner Precinct No.l, J.M,l9ebb, Oommisaioner Preoinet No. 4, a 6 ~ J,T,~doore, 8herlff and J.R.Leavell,County Clerk., The Court having been regularly opened and the Pollowing prooeadinga were had to-wit: Aaoounte approved and allowed, as shown in the Minutes of Aoaounte Allowed, Book %o. 3, on page 26, includin:> claims numbered from 4054 to 4068 inclusive. 'The fbregoing Minutes on page 134 hereof, were reed in open Gourt this the 7th day of 1ovember A,D. 1914, and Bound aorreot were approved, and there being no further business to come before the Oourt, it is ordered that the same etande adjourned until the ne::t regular term in course. ~~ /!' ~i~G6