The State of Texas, County of Kerr. BE IT H~SEi~r':.;liD, That on the 7th day of November A.D. 1414, there was begun and held en a Special Term of the Commieaionere' Court, in and Yor Kerr County,'1'exee, at the Court House thereof, in the town of"Kerrville, Tessa; The following officers were present; Hon. Lee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Real, Commiealonor Precinct No,l, d.ld.Wabb, Oommisaioner Precinct No.4, ~+6 ~ J.T,t~doora, Shari Yf and J.R.Leav ell,County Clerk., The Court having been regularly opened and the following ~rooeedinge were had to-wit: Acoounte approved and allowed, as shown in the Minutes oY Aocounte Allowed, Book %o, 3, on page 26, including claims numbered from 4054 to 4068 inclusive. 'The Ybregoing Minutes on page 134 hereof, were read Sn open Court thin the 7th day oY Iovember A,D. 1914, and Bound aorreot were approved, and there being no further b.uaineae to come before the Court, it is ordered that the eamo stands ad~ouxn ed until the next regular term in course. C~//n °L~c /v~CL~GL- Cqunty Judge, Kerr Connty, Tessa. Atte at, •~n y«~ 4-tr--e-~ ~ Y. eT- a8s. The State of Tesae, Connty oY %err. HE IT RF1¢E11Bd$Q,That oa the 9th day of November A.D. 1914, there was begun and holden a,Regular Term of the Commissioners' Rourt, in and far %err County,Teuas, at the Court House thereof, in the town of %errville, Tezae; The follbvring officers ware pre~ent:- Hon. Twee Wallace, County Judge, Arthur Real, , John Reae, Hugo Wiedanfeld, Commissioner Prsoinot No:~, Commlaeioner Precinot Ho.E, Commieeionar Preoinot No.3, J.l(.Webb, Commissioner Precinot No .4, J.T.Yoore, Sheriff and J.R. Leavell, Clerk, The Court having bean regularly opened and the following prooeedinga ware had to-wlt;- .Zfp7 The State of Tsaea, County of %err. On this the 9th day of November, A.D. 1914, came on to be 3ahulated the retnrne oY the general eleotion held on the fad day of November, 1914, and after same were aanvaeaed aad examined, the total vote of saoh and suety oandidate, wlth their pluralit~r or majority, was entered Sn the book of records for saoh purposes, made and provided, whioh 19 to ba found of record in fol. 1, 8eoord of Elsotion Returns, from pages lE9 to 134 both inaluaiva, which is hereby made a pint of this record and miantea. a6s ---------------------------- Aooounta approved and allowed, a~ shown in the Ylnntes oY Aooounte Allowed, 10016 IIp,3,-on pegs $7 to 30, inoluding alaima numbered from 4068 to 4168 inclusive. ~ 34