The State oP Texas, County of Kerr. HE IT REMEMBEit, That on this the 9th day oP December A.D. 1914, there was begun add holden a Special Term oP the Commissioners' Court ~n and Por Karr County, Texas, at the. Court House 8hereoP in the town oP Kerrville, Texas; OFFICERS PRESENT. Hon. Lee Wallsae, F.A. Karger, H. 'AledenYeld, The Court having been regularly opened #a~5 In Commissioners Court, ) County Judge, CommisaloneT.Ps'ecinet No.l Commiseloner,Preoinct No.3, the Following proceedings were had:- P.6. Brunner, Sptleptio. Kerr County. ) re The Clerk oP this Court is ordered to draw Voucher on Ad Valorem Fund Por the sum oP Forty 040.00) Dollars, same being Por Railway Pare Por Epileptic, P.A. Brunner, and Eeoort, to tho Epileptic Colony at Abpltne, Tease. Said Voucher to be drawn in Favor oY 8lehop Johnston, and by him paid to Mrs. Brunne;,wife of Epileptic, P.A.Brunner, who has bean appointed Escort to accompany him to Ab)1lne to the Colony Por suoh h'pkleptic s. The Foregoing minutea on page 150 hereof were read and approved in open Court this 9th day oP December A.D. 1914. ~ O Attest. //~~! oun y uu g-T3-e: ~ ler~- ---------------000o0000eeoo---------------- The State oP Tease, County oP Kerr. BE IT RE[dEP,Il3ERED; That on this the 19th day oP Deae~ber A.D.1914, was begun.,.and holden a Speaisl Perm of the Commisalonere' Court in end Por Karr County, Texas, at the Court Souse thereoJ'in the tom oP Kerrville, Texas; OFFICERS PRESENT. Hon. Lee Waliaoe. F. A, Karger Jae. Crotty H. Wiedenfeld, J. C. Sing, County Judge, Commissioner, Preoinat No, 1 Commissioner, preoinot l;p. 2 CommiseDOner, Preoi~iot No. 3 Commissioner, preolndt No, 4 Tha Oourt having been regularly opened, the Following proceedings were ka~:- In Commisalonere Court, ) Spaniel Term Karr County. ) Deoember 19th 1914. ~Q O It ie hereby ordered that the ord8r_oP thi® Court~mabe and enter ed at the Special Term of this Oourt on April 20th 1914 entered on page 96 on the minutee of this Court, relative to the oommission allowed the County Treasurer oP Kerr County be and the same is her®hy revoked and that the County Treasurer of IIerr County be anfl he ie hereby allowed 2~ aente on the dollar Por reoeiyte and 27~ oenta on the dollar Por d~sbursem ante by said County Treasurer Prom thd• daps on all money ezsept Road Bond money. Done in open Court this Deoember 19th 1914.