Approved in open Commisaionsre' Coast this 7'sbrsary 10th 1816. Le• wallaos County Judge. L. A. 8ohr~iner Principal Gne. y. 8ohseiner Y. !. Heaton Jnldna Real Arthur Real Sureties. «#~«asss««««•«««:ss«*«««w 3 O ( BOND OF COIIETY DEP08ITARY TO COVER SCHOOL 3iTBIDB. THE STATB OF TEYAB, ) COUNTY Oy ZBRR. ) YHOi ALL MEi BY THESE PRESENTS, That ws, Chas. Sohreiasr of 8errvilla, Tezea, ae Prinelpal, and ~. A. 9ohreiaer, 6ne. y. Sehreiner, Y. N. Seaton, Jnlias Beal, sad Anther Beal, ae anretias, are held and firmly boned onto Lee Wallsoe, County Judge of Yezr County, Taaae, and h1s enoosesore Sa ofiioe, in tho emi of yiity .Thousand Dol- lars, fos the payment pf whloh we hereby bind ourselves sad our heirs, eaeoh;owe sad adainistratore, jointly ana severally, by these presents. T$E CONDITION of the above obligation is snoh, •hat whereas, the above bou- nden Ohas. Sohreiaer offered the highest bdd of interest oa daily balances (fiw i E/b per neat) sad was, on ?ebraary 8, 1815.ohosea by the ootmiesionere oeart a• depository of the ibnde of Farr )4onnt; including the aaYopl toads, ios tha term of two years, begin. ning 7'ebwsary 10, 1916. Bow, thasefora, if the said Ches. 8ohrelner shall saisly keep and ~Sthinlly disburse the school Sands aoeording to law. aui pay sunk warrants w may ba drawn on saii tunas by eo®patant earlty, aaa shall nascent for them, together with intazest thsraon at the rate of b-E/b per cent per annwd, aalonlatad oa daily balances, to the Commiesionere' Court of pfd County sad to the 8tste Rdpesinteadant o! Pnblie haat~fotioa, as la required by law, than this pbligatioa shall be void; but otherwise, it shall resain Sn roll Soros amd effaot. Ia testimony 1~areoi, witness our hands this 7'abrnary 10th, 191b. Approved in open Ooamiesioaere Court Chia ]abroary 10th, 1916. Lss Nsl7.aos County Jndda, In Yommiseionere' Oonrt ) ~srr County )) Chas. 8ohreiaer principal. L. A. $ohralaer ) Gee. p. 8ehraiaer)) 1f. F. 1Veaton ) Jn11ns Real )) As~lhnr Anal ) «#«««««««««««##««*#««s~t««M##f~FtMt# Sur sties. ditioers 8aports pebraary 10-1916. 3 ~ °~ the Quarterly Reports of J. S. Yoorp Shariif,- J. R. Lean11 Clerk, sad Y. H. Tnraer, Jnatloe of the Pesos ~ and ter ?reoinot No. 0116 Yerr County, where ezeminsd and aPPrhed. «««««««««s««««s«««««««rt««*«««s«««