~s~ I~ de~iasionere denrt Ezteasion of oontrnot wf~- Esrr County. ~ pebrasry lOtj~, 1916. -+f D3 It Se ordered by the Court that the ~ontraot heretofore entersd'lato Dy and between James Salleri and Commissioners Toast, antherieing said Sellers to proc- eed to oolleot the delingnint tease aaa this dotlaty sad State, b and the same Se gereby eatsndsd for s period of ens year, and that said Jeaea 8ellera shall ~bntinne to Colieot said Delingnant taxes ae per hie agreement hsrstotore made sad entered upon the minutes of this donrt. II''__ \tttttt#tttt#ttititRtttik#tttttt-i#tt##tttttt T In Cogmieeionere' Court, ) Re'1 sppolnteing Sheep Inapeotor. Herr County, Tsaea. )) yabraery Term, 1916. On this 11th d}y of psbraary A. D. 1816, Dees on to ba heard and oonaifle and the petition of Hmil Lainasber and others moving the aonrt to re-appoint Henry sohwe- thelm ae sheep inapeotor, for 8err County. bad the said Henry aohwethalm appeared in open court and matnally agreed to aoaept the appointment of Sheep inapeotor for Herr County, and Shat he world inapeot all sheep 1n this County flaring abnthse; of April sad Sept. oY esoh year, is Dees he ahoald be appointed by the Court, ios a salary of Two Hnndre Dollars per annma. and it ie further agreed that eneh inapeotor shall be regnirifl Daly to mete semi-annitaily reports unfler this appointment, instead of quarterly ammaelly reports ae heretofore. It ie therefore ordered sal saJndged by the Court that $enry Sehwsthl- lm,b9esad he is hereby appointed sheep inapeotor for Herr Oounty as }rayed for in said petition, and that hs be allowed a salary of Two Hnadrsd Dollars per annum, payable esmi- annnally, upon approval of eea)t rsportnei said inapeotor, after having given the required bond se snoh sheep Inapeotor and hse qualified aceording to law. It is f~nderataod thst the Court reserves the rigTyj,t~,p,$l~Q~tgh,~~~,~~,ggg~}$~~g~}q,~tlo~pf$i,ce`~4 ,Sheep Inspector,at expiration of any semi-annually report. +1 1 I Ia Commiaeionere~ Court, ) payment of interest oa Bonds. ,y Harr County, Tease. ) debrnary 11th, 191b. l?' ,3 O The County Treasurer Se hereby ordered to pay all interest due on all ontateading Bonds. on April 10th, 1915. 30 ~ •••*•t.ttttt*~.-ttttttttttttttttttt.t III Comoieeionsre4 aonrt, 1 Redemption oY Bonds. 8err County, Tsaae. ) pebrnary 11th, 191b. Ths County Treasurer Sa hereby order to pay oil taw Court House Repair Bonds and One Oonrt Souse and Jail Boaa. tt/lit^ttttitRttRf ttittMtttf tttitt# ~~ '~ In Co~leeionera°'-~eirt, ) Bond of Sheep inapeotor 8err County, Tease. ) ?sbreary 11th, 1916. Bond ei Henry SehwethaS*, ae Shssp Inspsotori toz Ysrr Conaty, Tezaa, ezaminsd and approved. ~'3 U~ tt:tttttttttttttttt.ttt«ttttttttt In aomiaeionere~ Court. ) 8err Comity. ~ Tebraary 10th, 1916. Oa this day appearefl James Sellers in open Qourt e~ made hie report of Delinquent Tease aolleotsd, Hader hie oontraot for the year 1914 whioh report was examined and }pprivsd, sad the Olerk ordered to draw vonoher of the Ad valorem pared to pay said James 8s11er's eommieeionsr for Nrvieaa rendered ender his oontraet.