is~ I~ bemmissionere •ourt Bsteaeion of oantraot ,./, Barr County. ~ )ebreary lOtg, 191b. -+T ~3 It Se ordered by the Court that the ~ontraot heretofore entered~lnto by sad between dames Sellers dud Commieaionere foatt, authorising said Sellars to proc- eefl to oolleot the delingnint taxes due this goilaty sad State, l~ and the ease ie gsreby eatsnded for a period of one year, and that said fames Sellers shall f~batinne to Co11eoL said Delinquent taxes ae per hie agreement heretofore made sad entered upon the manatee of this donrt. ~ ssrsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss• In Oo~ymieeioaere' Court, )) Rst appolnteing Sheep Iaepsotor. Kerr County, Tsaea. ) lebrnary Term, 1916. Oa this 11th d~q of lebraary A.D. 1916, alms oa to be heard and lred the petition of Hmil Ieinweber and others mewing the donrt to re-appoint Henry Sahws- thelm sa sheep inepeotor, for Yerr County. End the said Henry dohwethelm appeared is open court and mutually agreed to aooept the appointment of Sheep indpeotor for Bsrr County, and that he would inspeot all sheep 1n this County daring ahathee of Aprih and Sept. of eaoh year, in ease he should be appointed by the Court, Yor a salary of Two Hnndrs Dollars per annum. And it Se farther agreed that eaoh lnspsator shall be required only to mete semi-annually reports Hader thle appointment, instead of quarterly emmaelly reports ae heretofore. It Se therefore ordered ant adfadged by the Court that Henry 9ohwdtht- lm,b9~aad he is hereby appointed sheep inepeotor for Herr County ab }rayed for in said petition. and that hs be ellewed a salary of Two Hundred Dollars per annum, payable eemi- annually, upon approval of eao)t reportmei said inepsotor, after having given the required bond Y eaoh fhsep Inepsotor and hat qualified aaoording to law. It i~nderet6od that the Court reserves the rigty~R'~4,$~p;i~h~.}~S},~),e~q$f~~.q~}~~#~1~e,Ofji,ce`~1~ deep Inspector,at expiration of an:~ semi-annually report. ~ */ In Conanisaionere~ Court, ) Payment of interest oa Bonds. Barr County, Tessa. ) lebrnary 11th, 191b. -H- ~ 30:5 The County Treasurer Se hereby ordered to pay all interest due en all outstanding Bonder oa April 10th, 1915. 30 ` sss*stsssrsss.***ssssssssssssssssssss In Commiaeionsrell lonrt, ) Redemption of Boade. Barr County, Tease. lebruary 11th, 1916. Ths County Treasurer Se hereby order to pay off ttw Court Hones Hepsir Bonds and One Oonrt $ones sad Jsil Boad. 4+I~sssttis*if#4~ksRiiM^#is^sVitsii~M Rs '~ ~ In CommieeloasreF~9eA~Mrt, ) Bond of Sheep indpeetor Herr County, Tease. ) fsbraary 11th, 1916. Hond ei Henry Hohwsthed~, ae Sheep Inspsotor'i far Barr County, Tszse, ezeminsd and approved. ~' .j U~ sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss In 0omieeionere~ Court. ) Herr County. ~ lebroary 10th, 191b. On Chia day appeared James Hsllere Sa open Qonrt and made hie report of Delinquent Texas oolleotsd, Hader hie oontraot for the year 1914 whioh report was saaained and approved, end the Cleat ordered to draw vonoher of the Ad Yslorsm land to pay tail James ®e11er'e eommieeionsr for prviess rendered under hie oontraet.