/63 l,'firneat E. Palmer M. D. 8o solemnly swear (or sYYirm) that I will Yaithihlly and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me ae County Health officer eooording to the beet of my skill and ability, agreeably to the Constitution and Lawa of the IInited 3tatee and of thin State. And I do ftrrther solemnly swear (or affirm) that since the adoption of the Constitution of this State, I, being a citizen of this State, have not Ponght a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it nor have I sent or eocepte e challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I voted .ea a second, in carrying a ohallenga, or aided, advised or assisted any person thus offending. And I furthermore solem'. ly swear (or affirm) that I have not, directly nor indirectly, paid, offered, or promised to pay,oontribnted nor promised to contribute, any money oa valuable thing, or pr omiead any public office or employment sa a resard for the giving or withmolding a vote at the eleotion tb secure my appointment, eo help me God. (Signed) &rneat P. Pe.~er N1. D. Sworn to and subacrib?d before me, this March 8th, 191b J.fi.Leavell, (Heal) County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas. The foregoing Minutes from page 162 to 163 inclusive, were read and approved in open Court, this 8th day oY March A.D. 191b. G~d',P ~~,1'~. lf,F County Judge Attest p ,~ ~~LV-C.(.Q County Clerk. --------000000000000000000------- 3/~ EsrrrilU,TSSae. April 9th, 1918. I, Lse ~allnos is my otfiaie2 oapnoity ae County dodge of Kerr County, Tezae, do hereby order sn eleotion to bs held throughout Ksrr County, Tessa, on Saturday April 3rd, 191b, for the Purpose (in Ind e4d4at Diate) in the Common Sohaol lli.etriots and the indepenbent -is~s~9of electing three County 9ohool Traetsse and (in Common school list) of electing said three County School trustees a also for the feather pnrpose(in said Common School Diste) of electing each, its regniskte number of trustees. Le• wallsoe oo. Judge. 0000000000000-------- atat. or r•zaa County of Herr BE IT RBIBMBBRIID, That on the 87th day of March A. D. 1915, there es began and holden s Ypeoial Term of the Commieei onere' Court, in end for Kerr County, Tessa, at the aocat hones,thsrsof, in Eerr~ills• 08lICERa PRBSRdT: •slleoe . A. Esrger . C. sing County Judge Commissioner Preaiaot Ro. one Oommieaionsr Precinct Ho. Pour The Cenrt ha~ing been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had,t 3 7 Accounts epprowed end sllowed for the amounts ae shown In Irhe llinntee of eowits Book No. 3 page 48, allowed by Commiseionere' Court, inolndiag olalme numbered 398 to 4407 inolnei~e.