It is further ordered oy the Court that J.'f.8toora, Tax Collector, Por Kerr Lo. Tezaa, be oredited with the following itema:- Dietrict Schools #2 ~3 ~?}4 ~'b "10 X12 x'16 X17 X18 i~2i Delinquents 1914 a2.87~ ~r.69` $3.76 • x"8.45• X11.85• ~E.52. $4.36• ~48.3b• ~p2.37• jr- - Lelinquent g,46. 1.96. 5.18• 3.15 - - 1.E6~ 1.20r _ _ _ _ 2.90 former years ~ ~ Insolvents 4.69 ~ 1.87 ~ 1.06 . - - .48 i .25 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- Errors in 1.12 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eeaeasments voll~etgd by _ _ ,BOr - - - - 4.80 ~ .96. - - - - .64 comp roller - TOTdI ;11.14 X4.51 $10.80 X8.60. $12.33 88.83 $6.b2 $48.35 72-.37 X3.5 It ie Pmrther ordered by the oourt that J.T.I.;oora, tax collector for Kerr Co. Texas, be charged with the following items:- Adv. R.& B. C.H.& J. Spec. J.R.F. Jury F. C.H.R. R.D.#1 Polle• Redemptions X67.15.$51.06 ! X10.20` x".3.40' X3.40` $3.40• X3.40• w9:45. ~- - Ipe~i~4~y & 19.OBr 13.9b~ E.77. .93• .93( .93 • .93. 1.31 i - - Supplemental - - - - TOlAl ~"p86.23r~6b.01~ District Schools ~4 Supplemental - - Redeemed x.52, Interest & penalty .07. TOTAL x,.69 x`12.97 , X4.33 X4.33 $5 ~ a12 X2.62 • ~2. b8 ! {35 r .58 r X2.97 "3.16 ~- - - - - 27.00 X4.33 :4,33• x"10.76 ~pE7.J0 fi17 - - ~'u. 04 • ..67 $3.b1 #say _-------- AOODAnta approved and allowed Par the amounts ae eh own in liinut ee of Aooounte e~lowed by voaaniesioners' Court, in minutes oP 6ooounte Book No. 3 on page 4b, including claims numbered from 4427 to 4441 inclusive. ' The foregoing Liinutea on Pages 166 and 166, ware read and approved in open Court this 26th day of April A.D. 191b. dtteat ~~'~~~ ~~~ County Judge _County Clerk. - - - -0 0 0 - - - - THE 3TATE OF TEXAS County aP Kerr BE IT REL~irZ~IBr1iED, That on this the 10th day oP .jiay, A.L. 1916, there was begun and holden s 8egniax Term of the Commisei onere Court, in and for Kerr Coun- ty, Texas, at the Court Honse thereof in the town of Kerrville, Te$ae; OFFICERS PRESE[ST: Hon. bee Ssallace, F. 6. Karger James Crotty Hugo 17iedenfald J. C, Sing J. ^n. beavall clerk and J.T.Moare, Sheriff. County Judge, Co~aiasioner Yreoinat No. One. Commiseiom r Preoinet Ho. Two. Oommiseiom r Precinot No. Three. Uommieaionar Preoinet No. Four. L