In Commiasionera' Court ) Trana £era; Kerr County, Texas. ) 3 a ~ It is ordered by the Oourt that :9.43 be tranaferred from 9peeisl Fund to Court Rouse Repair Fund; and that 683:54 be transferred from said special Fund to Jury Fund. ~ 3a~ -------- In Uommisaione re' Court) School and County Trustees Election Returns. " Kerr vounty, Texas) The Court on this 10th day of April, 191b, opened and tabulat the returns for the County School trueteea snd the District School Trustees election held on Saturday April let, 1016, and recorded said returns in the return book for such, on page 1:`6, which is hereby made a part of these minutes. ~ 3 a-~i Quarterly report of a.B.Y+illiameon, County Treasurer, Kerr County, aexea. On this 10th day of LLay, n.i. 1916, came on to be heard the quarterly report of A. B. tiJilliamaon, County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texas, for the quarter ending April 30th A.D. 1916, and the sane having been carefully examined is approved and ordered of recox•d. REPORT of n. B.17111ismaon County Treasurer of Kerr County, Texas, o£ Reoei pte sad Ex- penditures from Feby. 1, to ::pril 30 1916 inelueive: JURY FUND. let Clesa Balance last Report ~ 344.87 To Amount reoeived since last Report, 360.17 By Amount paid out since lest Report, Ex "A", 411.00 By 2} per cent. Commission on amount received '~ 7.90 By 2} " " " " " paid out, 9.24 Amount to Balance 276.90 706.04 706.04 Balance $ 276.90 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND. 2nd Class Balanoe last Report, F11ed 713.67 To amount reoeived einoe last Report 6491.42 By Amount paid out since last Report, Ex."H", 2443.23 By 2} per cent.Commieeion on amount received, By 2} " " " paid out, b4.97 Amount to Balanoe 3b83.34 6205.09 6205.09 Balance $ 3583.34 * # + i fi + GENERAL EOUDITY FUND, 3rd Clsae. Balance last Report, Filed 688.26 To Amount reoeived since la et Report, 6482.8b To amount paid ont sinoe la et Report, Ha "C ,^ 2660.68 By Pr} per coat. Commission on amount reoeived, 123.36 By 2} " ^ " ^ ^ pald out. 43.37 Amount to Balance 33b3.80 6171.11 6171.11 Balanoe $33b3.80 X90 7/ C, H. & Jail FUND ---- Class balance last Report, filed--- 193.6b To amount received eiace last Report 998.00 By amount paid out since last Report, Ex "D", 975.00 By 24 per cent. Commission oa amount received 22.45 By E~~ " paid out 21.95 A1,40UNT TO BA7 '"MICE Balance ,t } k K # # C.H.REP. FU27D Balance last Report, Filed--- To amount received aince le at Report, By paid out aince ].eat Report, Ex "E," By 2; per cent. Commission on amount received ^ 2? " " " ^ ^ paid out Amount to Balance, Dr. Balance Overdraft * • s + + x SPECIi.L FUI7D Balsa ce last Report, filed---- To Amount received since last Report By 2; Par cast Commission on amount ieoelved Amount to Balance 172.27 1191.65 1191.66 $ 17E.27 227.76 332 67 5b0.00 7,48 12.37 9.43 569,85 b69.8b 9.43 367.78 332.67 700.4b Balance ~ 692.97 • ~ * ~ . TAIL REPF,IR F[T2ID Balance last Report F11ed--- To Amnunt received aince last Report By paid out since last Report, H~.^G", By 2t per oant, Gommiseion on amount received " 24 ^ ^ ^ ^ " paid cut Amount to Balance Balance • + • • + r 589.22 332.67 7;48 _.__692.97 700.4b 90.00 7,48 2.02 822.39 921.R9 921.89 822.39 ROAD DIST. FUDTD No. 1 Class Balance 15at report, Filed--- 4112.Ob Tn amount reoeived el ace last Report, 257,4.5] By Amt, paid out since last report,Lx."H," " gF. per oe nt .C nmmi scion on amount received " 21 0' 0 " " paid out Amount to Balance Halanoa 6646 b6 ~ 2.311.22 4233.32 57.02 45.00 2311.22 6646.56 s ;.'; ROAD DIET. Fund No. 3 Claee. Baleaoe lest R®port, Filed--- 1280.92 To Amount received asses lest Report, 86.E3 By ^ pnid not mace last Report, gx.^I", 427.E7 By E} per ceat.COmmiseion on amount received 1.94 " 2; " " " " paid out 1.68 Amount to Balanoe 936.E6. 1367.15 1367.1b B dance $ 936.E6 - * + r a s RECAPITULATION JURY FUND HALA&CE 276.90 ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND " 3b83.34 GENERIC COUtdTY FUND " 3363.80 C. H. & Jail FUND ^ 172.27 C. H. REP FUND ^ 9.43 SPECIAL FULID " 69E.97 Jail. Rep. FUND 8EE.39 ROAD DIST.N0.1 FUND E311.22 ROAD DIET. S FUND " 936.E6 12149.1b LZST OF BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES ON HAND One City of Kerrville Bomd 600.00 THE STATE OF TE%A! County of Karr Before me, the vadereigaed, authority, oa this day personally appeared A.B.R'i111ameoa, County Treasurer of Kerr County, who being by me duly sworn, npoa oath, Bays that the within and foregoing report ie true and oorrect. A.B.Williameon County Treasurer. Sworn to sad auhearibed before me, this 10, day of Ltay 191b. - J.R.Leavell Clerk, Cauaty Court Kerr County, Teass. fSeal) Is Commieaionera' Court State of Tease Oonaty of Kerr Before ma the nmderai geed authority, personally appeared the mem- bers of the Commissioners' Court of said County, whose xamee are below subaoribed, who npoa their oath, do esy: That the requirements of Art. 867 Chapter 1, Title %XV, of the Revised Statutes of Texas, amended oy the regular eeeaioa of the twenty fifth Legielatnre have in all thiage been complied with, and that the oath and other aeaete mentioned ix the gnartarly report made and 8 led in the oourt by A.B Williamson, County Treasurer of said County, have been sully iaspsoted and oovated by us at this term of Court; and that the amoant of money and other aeaete is the heads oY said treasurer are ae follows: Gash tR the hands of Co. Depository---- $12149.16 Other $seete City of Kerrville Bond b00.00 Total ,12649.16 /7~ i93 ' Lea fiellace, C^nnty Judge F. A. %arger, Cormni aeioner Pre. No. 1 James Crotty, Commissioner Pre. No. E Hnga Wiedenfeld, Commissioner Pre. Ldo. 3 J. C, Sing Commissioner Pre. No. 4 Sworn to and sabscribad to before me this 10^ day of Lfay 191b. (Seal) J. R. Leavell County Clerk %err County, Texse. ~ 330 ~.,+».:++~.. Ia Commissioners' Court ) Officers Reports. %err County, Texse. ) The Quarterly Reports of J. R. Leaven, County & District Clerk sad E. H. Turner Jnatice of the Peace, Precinct No. 1, examined and approved Chia May 11th, 1916 „/ 331 . srt.••:~ H' it In Commissioners' Court ) PauPera. %err County, Texse ) It Se ordered Dy the Court that each of the following 1 named persona be allowed X4.00 each for next three months payable monthly direot to V the olaimant or order, beginning may let, 1915- viz: 2Ara. J, M. Dowda, Mre. John Story, a q, Lire. D. Rains, Mra. Ad¢ Joy, Mre. E. hi. Norton, LSre.I Gilman, ASisa Gilman, Bill Cox, o Julius Compton sad wife Mre. Juline Compton. 4~' It is further ordered. that the following named pereoas be allowed X4.00 each for next three months payable se heretofore ordered by this Court: Jesse Reinhardt, Jaoob Reinhardt sad John Coulter. # # ~[ ~F # +k 4 # In Commissioners' Court) Alexander Petition. %err County, Texse.) 3 .,~ Petition for change in road up Honey Creek filed by R. C. Alexander and others is pa es ad until nett term of this court. :: fi a s * ^ In Commissioners' Court ) Lnnaot~ Bea. N %err County, Texse. ) It ie ordere8 by the Court that the following fees be allowed 3p3 he officers of the County Court and Commissioners appointed by County Judge in the ores „qY of Ex-Parts No. 373 Dovia Diekay, to-wit: Commiaeionere ~2.b0 each County Attorney b.00 V County Clerk 3.00 P * r • * * . * s #V33~ N Im Oo®lselomere' Court; ii %err Oonaty. I lpportioltldmt of y1000.00 . k One Thousand Hollare oY the Road and Bridge Pared ie~hereoy ordered apportioned to the Uommieeiomare Preoinete as follower-- To uoa~ieaiomere Preoimet Ho.l X390.00 To Oommieeiomere Preoinct Ho.E, 190.00 To Oommieeiomera Preoinot Ho.3, 130.00 To 4ommiaeiomere Preoimat He.4, 890.00 ~~~