r~ ~~" In Oo~lesiDaere' Cenrt, ~ BsYoo1 Depository Rsporta. Kerr County.~szas. 1 Ysy 11th, 1916. "'~ ~j3'S Os this the 11th day oY Yey Dame on to Da ooneidered the dnplioate• oY the ~nanal xeporte oY the xreasnrar ar loepoeitory oY tna ESOhool >lnade oY Kerr County, sad oY the 8ahool rYtnda~oY Ceatar Point Iadfpendeat District, showing receipts sad die- bureemante Yor the year beginning September la#, 1915 sad sading ~ngnet 31st, 1914, and after oampariag said reports ae required Dy lea, by aheoking the items oY sash report with tno Original oonohere prosented to the Court by the Treasurer or Yepoeitory of the 8ohoel ponds of Herr County, sad oY the School Yunda oP the Center Po11t Indepeadeat Dietriot,a}d Yiaditag same aorroot ie hereby in all things approved, sad adopted and the Clerk oY this Court ordered to Yils the same. The Clerk le Ynrtner iastruated to promptly oertlYy the action aY tnie Court oa said xaporte to the State Department oY ~,dnoation. There being ae Ynrtner Dneiaess to some be YO re the court at this time, she Court took xeoeas untill 1~~Y the 17th day oY Yey,1916. in Commieaionere' Court, 1 Kerr Connty,rszsa. 1 Yoaday 1[ay 17th, 1916. Court its-convened on this date with Yell board pre seat, pursuant to Seoeea tnKen on Ysy 11th, sad fns roll owin3 ulYiniehed bnsiaeee was transacted. #f~33b In Commiealoneti! Court ) Board oY )ignalisation. Karr County, Tezas. )) Yay 17th, 18ib. Oenrt met ae s Hoard of &gnaliaatlon and the seaeeeor preeeated the Iavantoriee o! property sendered to him Yor the year lsi4, a~ upon earePal ezaminatdaa of said Invsntorise Tt is ordered by the Oonrt that the following property owners be notiYied that t1u Court desires to raise their aeeeaemente for the year 1916, and to appear on the 7th day eY June, 1916 at 14 O'aloo$ ~'.M. and show Danes why same should not be raised, vie: 8.6.& 6.P.Ey.Co. &raeat Ingenhnett Arthur Yoeel Y. L. Stone J. Y. 8tarkeyr8atats 0. to A. Kott, ~ 337 In Commieeionere' Court ~ Lrr Oonnty, Tszas. ) Dr. P.d.Domingnee J. L. Hiohol• J. !. Eiobol• Green Lackey August paltin ^. H. Yilliame. Assessor's Salary 6/17/16 It is ordered oy the Oenrt that a voucher Yor X160.00 bs dsswn on eavalaren Yuna, ae part Salary Yor W. G. Peterson, Ta: Assessor, Yor year 1916. Claims iaolnelvs Prom 4488 to 4491 were approved ae appears Sa Come.Yinntss oY Accounts, lto. 3, an page, a7 ana 49. The foregoing Yinntu Prom p se hie 17th day oY Yay, A. D. 1916. l66 to l74 inolnsive were read and approved in open court s ry. } Attest 0 n • Oonaty plerk ConnAy Jndgi.