'~ Ia Oo~iasibxers' Cenrt, ) 8skool yspository Reports. ) terr Connty~gszsa. ) Yey 11th, 1816. '~ 3 3 ~ Oa tole the 11th day Of flay acme oa t0 be ooneidersd the 8nplioatea of the /annal xeports oY tho Treasurer or !»poaito7ry of the tiohool bnade of Kerr County, sad oY the School ynnds oY Ceator Poiat Iadgpeadeat District, ehowing reasipte and diems buraemente for the year begiaadag ieptsmber le'I1, 1918 sad ending /signet blot, 1914, and cites comparing said reports ae rsQuired by law, by obeoklag the items of each report wlth the Original Vouchers praesated to the Court by the Treasurer or Yepoeitory of the iohoei panda of Kerr County, sad o2 the school Yw4da of the seater Polat Iadepeadeat Dietriot,a;d finding same correct ie hereby Sa all things approved, aid adopted and the Clerk of this Court ordered to file the same. The Clerk ie further iaetrootsd to promptly oertlYy the action oY this Court oa said xaporte to the state uspartmeat oY udnostioa. There being ae Ynrther Dneineee to come be YOre the court at this time, she Court took nooses natill Ue*4ap the 1'!th day of Yay,191b. is Commleaioners' Canrt, 1 Kerr Connty,~azss. 1 Yoaday asy 17th, 1916. Court He-convened an tnia dais with fall board present, pnrensat to recess taKen on Yap 11th, sad the Yoll owing wafiniehed busies ae was transacted. ~i~33b In Commtasionest'. Oonrt Board of 3qualisation. Kerr County, Tezae. ~ 11ay 17th. 18ib. Ooart met se a Board of &gnaliwtlon and the seaeeeor prseented ttu Iavantoriee of property ;endsred to him for the year 1814, a~ upon earefal examination of said Invsatorise It is ordered by the Court that the tol,lowing property owners be notified that the Court deelrea to raise Chair aeeeaamente for the year 1916, and to appear on the 7th day •i Jane, 191b st Zq O'elook Y.M. and show canes why same ehonid not be raised, via: 8.1.& A.P.Ry.Co. &rnest Ingenhnett lrthnr Yoeel s. L. Stone J. Y. itarkeyr8stets C. du 1, tort, ~ 339 In commiasionese' court ) tern Oonaty, Tezae. ) $. P.J.DOmingnss J. L. Biohol• J. B. Biohola 6reea Lackey luguet Faltia 1. &. iilliame. lasaeeor's Salary b/17/18 It ie ordered ey the Oonrt that s vonelur for '160.00 bs dram oa ldvslorem fund, oa part Salary toe tp. G. Peterson, Tat /eesasor, for year 191b. ~ 33~ Cislme inolusivs from 4488 to 4491 were approved as appsare in Oome.Yiantee of looounta, po. b, on pages 47 and 68. The toragoing Yinntsa from pages 166 to 174 inolneive revs road and approval is open court his 17th day woof 16ay, l.D. 181b. -tteet Q Q . 1`.R.aM4YY - J County Clerk ConaAy Judge. 'i v