Rf STETS OF TESA9 Qenaty of Sort U IT REI[BYBEHED That on thin the 7th day of June L.D. 191b, these was began end holden a Special Team of the Commiuionsas' Coact la and for Seas Qonnty, Tcz- as, nt the Coact Honsc thcasoi in the town of xswsville, Tezaa. OFFICERS P$!s'3ffiTT HOn. Lee Wb11ae• r:..,a. %a~gsa Jeme• Crotty Hugo Wiedenfeld J. C. Sing J. H. I.ea~s1 Blerk County Judge. Commissionsr Yaccinet tio. One. Co~iesioner Psccinet Bo. Two. Commissioner Yaeciaet %o. Three. Commissioner Yrseinot Ho. pony. cad J. T. Hoors, Shsriti. The ConrL having been regularly opened, the following proesedinge wer• had, to-wit; # 3 Lu Commissioners' Cosa t,) Sitting se a Hoard oS lsgnaliastion. 8err County, Tezes. ) Jens 7th, 1916. The neese~sate of the following aemed persona were ordered raiesd by the Board of lgneliaetion: The asseeemcnt of ~rthnr Yoscl was raised from Twenty Seven Hundred Dollars to Thirty Two Euadred Dollars. Ths assessment of P. J. Domingncs was seised from 31z thousand Seven hundscd iiftscn dollars to Seven thousand Seven hundred fifteen dollaes. The aeeeesment of J. L. HSchoU was seised from Twenty five hundred dollars to Three thousand dollere. The eseeeament of J. F. Biehole wne raised troy Five huadced dollars to Eight hundred The aeasssmcat of W. L. Stone was :aired from Twenty eight hundred thirty dollAws to e thoneend dollars. The asecsahent of 6rccn 7.M1[rf was seised from Two thousand dollars to Tnnty live red dollars. The asseeencnt of ~ngast 8a1t1n wan raiesd crow rivc thousand sight hundesd twenty dollars to Siz thousand two hundred twenty five dollars. The assessment of 1(. E. •illiems was dscseaecd from Twenty Pita hundred doilara to thousand dollars. ~f g3y.o --------- ----- Ia Cammi.sfioassa' Court ) i ) li6NSFEH %cs~s County, Tezas. 1 Seven a 7b/100 (#7.76) Dollars was a dcred transferred fsoa oad District Faad Eo. b to Hoad District 1an4 Bo. One, is ostler to baleac• account of Hood llstrlet Fund Eo. b with Tax Collector of %arr Bounty. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~3`~l Commiesioaers' Coact 1 Fear County, Tezes. 3 Order for Coffin foe Pauper 8111 Coz. Vonehor foe Ten (10.00) Dollrs ie ordered drawn oa the Ad- `Sh~d-p~ablc to J. W. Acatt for coffin to busy 8111 Coz,Panper, deceased,