/7S ssdTa oa Tasds Qonnty of Sere p IT BHI[BI[BHRSD That oa this the 7th day of Juns L.D. 1916, these Mae begun end holden a Special Tesm of the Commissionese' Court is and for Bess Yonaty, Tez- aa, at the Conht House thereof in the town of lisrrville, Tezas. 0lBICHHS pB1s31S6T Hon. Ee• Aallaee t... d. Lrges James Crotty Lingo iiedenteld v. C. Bing J. H. Lea~si slerk Catmty Jadge. Commissioner Precinct No. One. Co®ieeionsr Pseeinet Bo. Two. Commissioner Psccinct Ho. Three. Co®iaeionar Precinct Ho. lour. end J. T. Poore, Sheritt. The oourt having been regularly opened, the following proceedings were had, to-wit: # 3 In Oommieeionere' Cum t,) Sitting se n tsoerd of 15gnalieatioa. Serr County, Tszse. ) Jane 7th, 191b. The aeeessmente of the following named persons were ordered raised by the Board of =gaaliaetion: The asseeemsnt of ~rthns Yossl was raised from Twenty 9cven Hunched Dollesa to TSirty Two BSwdred Dollarr. Tha assessment of P. J. Demiagnse was seised from Siz thousand Seven hnacsed fifteen dollere to Seven thonesnd Seven hnndre6 fifteen col leas. The aeeeeemsnt of J. D. Hichola was raised from Twsaty Live hundred dollars to Three thousand dollars. The assessment of 3. F. Biehols was rained from give hundred dollars to Bight huncrcd dollars. Ths assessment of W. L. Stone was raised from Twenty sight hundred thirty dollars to thousand dollars. The asNSSernt of caeca 7,neka> was raised from Two thoaeand dollars to Twenty rive dollaha. The eeseeement of ingaet 8altin was saieed try Dive thousand sight hnncrsc twsntp five dollars to Siz thousand two hundred twenty Live dollars. The saneerment of t. 8. 111111~e was decreased from Twenty five hundred dollars to thousand dollars. ~ r3~.o --------- ----- In Cpumiseionesa' Court ~ lAliBlSR Bert County, Te2aa. 1 Seven tle 7b/100 (#7.7b) Dollars was Q dared transferred troy oed District lcnd Ho. b to Hood District ~hnd Ho. One, in ostler to balane• account of Hoed ~Matriet loud Ho. S with Tax Oolleetor of zarr Oonnty. ~3~1 Commissioners' Court ) Bear County, Tesae. 3 Osdsr for Coffin Los Pauper Bill Coz. Voucher Los Tea (;10.00) Dollars ie ordere6 drawn as the Ad• 'mod-y}~sble to J. a. Scott for coffin to bury trill Coz,Panpsr, deceased. 3